The Strongest Son-in-law: God-level Choice

Chapter 1145: attitude change

Su Yu quietly told Ji Feng that this person was called Lin Dandan.

Lin Dandan robbed her for business in Donghai City, but Lin Dandan's business methods are not as good as his own. I used Lin Dandan's business in Donghai City to be taken by Su Yu, so Lin Dandan held a grudge, but I didn't expect Su Yu to be here. can see her.

Su Yu didn't want to deal with Lin Dandan in someone else's company, so Su Yu turned around and was about to leave, but Lin Dandan stopped him and said mockingly: "You have today too? It's incredible! Seeing that your business has not been done. Cheng is still shriveled, and I am very happy in my heart!"

Su Yu frowned. At this time, Ji Zhong also realized that something was wrong. Ji Feng asked, "The call that Manager Zhang answered, shouldn't you be calling?"

Lin Dandan nodded and said, "So what if I called? It's time for you to taste the business. I negotiated with Manager Zhang at a higher price. I negotiated with Manager Zhang at a higher price. No matter how hard you fight for this deal, you won't be able to own this piece of land."

Although Su Yu was very unhappy, there was nothing he could do about it. After all, the land was not theirs, but was developed by Huaan. Since Huai'an Development has decided to give this land to Lin Dandan, it is impossible for Su Yu to take it forcibly.

Just looking at Lin Dandan's dazed appearance, Su Yu was really unhappy.

However, at this time, Ji Feng said with a smile: "Miss Lin, I think you might as well go to the hospital to check your physical condition if you have time. I think your physical condition is very bad."

When Lin Dandan heard Ji Feng say this, she only felt that Ji Feng was alarmist, and what she said should not be taken seriously.

Lin Dandan smiled coldly and said to Ji Feng and Su Yu, "Although I stole your business, you don't have to curse me for being sick, right?"

Ji Feng shook his head and said: "I see that your face is blue, your eyes are dark, and you walk in the air, and your walking posture is a bit strange. I can see at a glance that you are weak recently. Your health is not good because You have liver problems, I think it's early stage of cancer, you'd better go check it out."

When Lin Dandan heard Ji Feng's words, he and she could not help frowning. She didn't believe that she really had cancer, so he waved to Ji Feng and the others and said, "Don't tell me this! Don't think you are talking nonsense. Ba Dao, I will give you this piece of land!"

Ji Feng added: "Since you don't believe it, then I can't help it. Go back and have a look. Anyway, I won't lie."

After Ji Feng finished speaking, she wore Su Yu and left and went downstairs. Su Yu asked with some doubts: "Is this true? She really has early stage cancer."

Ji Feng nodded and said: "I'm not lying or alarmist, what I said is indeed true. I think Lin Dandan's physical condition is indeed very poor, and it should become a mid-term cancer soon, if not sooner If it is discovered early and treated, it is very likely that it will become an advanced cancer.”

Su Yu was taken aback. He looked at Lin Dandan, who was very vigorous. He didn't expect that he had gotten sick a long time ago. It seems that a person should not only work hard, but also have a good rest, and pay attention to his body.

Lin Dandan didn't want to pay attention to what Ji Feng said. He was only angry when Ji Feng was angry, but she did feel uncomfortable.

After Lin Dandan finished talking about the business, she planned to go to the hospital to take a look. Anyway, she was not out of money.

But what I didn't expect was that Lin Dandan's inspection went wrong. The doctor who examined her told him that her cancer was showing signs of spreading, which was really bad, so she needed early treatment.

If Ji Feng hadn't told him in advance to let her check, maybe she wouldn't have gone to the hospital for an examination, and she wouldn't have found the root cause of her illness.

"Miss Lin, it's better to treat your situation as soon as possible."

I just didn't expect Ji Feng to see at a glance that she has cancer. If so, can he also treat his infertility?

In this case, she doesn't want that piece of land. When Lin Dandan thought of this, she immediately called Su Yu. Su Yujifeng was preparing for lunch at a nearby restaurant. When she received a call from Lin Dandan, she couldn't help but be surprised. Why did Lin Dandan call herself?

Even so, Su Yu still answered the phone. Lin Dandan's tone became particularly good, and she said to Su Yu: "Su Yu, this is really unkind to me, I'll give you the piece of land you want in Jiangbin, but can I give it to you? Meet your husband again?"

Su Yu's expression became very subtle, he glanced at Ji Feng, Ji Feng was drinking ice water, saw Su Yu looking at him, a smile appeared on Ji Feng's face, he asked Su Yu and said, "So What are you looking at me for?"

Su Yu said: "Lin Dandan called and asked if I could let you see her again?"

Ji Feng smiled and said: "It seems that he should have gone to the hospital for examination, her condition is still in the early stage, and it can be controlled and cured, but if she wants to be cured, it does take a little time, then Let her come to see us."

When Lin Dandan heard that Ji Feng was willing to see him, she was very happy, she hung up the phone immediately, and the speeder came.

At this time, Ji Feng and the others had already finished their meal. Lin Dandan had already settled the account first, and after the account was settled, Lin Dandan looked at Ji Feng and said, "Su Yu, I'm so sorry, I offended the two of you just now, there are a lot of you two adults today, don't Take it to heart!"

Su Yu didn't understand how Lin Dandan's attitude changed so quickly, but when things go wrong, there must be demons. This person is just a very strong man, and he likes to argue with himself in everything. Su Yu doesn't think Lin Dandan will be inexplicable. Changed, so Su Yu said very happily: "Let's stop beating around the bush, just say anything if you have anything."

Lin Dandan said embarrassedly, "I didn't expect your husband's medical skills to be so good. You can tell at a glance that I have cancer. Since that's the case, I wonder if your husband knows about another condition of my body..."

Ji Feng said: "I know what you mean, you want me to cure the infertility on you, but your body is really healthy, except for cancer. The person who is truly infertile is yours husband."

Lin Dandan was taken aback. She said, "My husband and his ex-wife still have a child, and his ex-wife has been demanding high alimony. How could my husband be infertile? Where did the child come from?"

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