Brother Eagle also has a group of loyal subordinates, and it is precisely because these subordinates are willing to follow him that he has achieved such results today.

But now that he is injured, there is no guarantee that people from other gangs will kill him. At that time, he can only watch his own territory being taken away by others.

Brother Eagle had no choice but to nod, he had no choice but to submit to Ji Feng now.

Ji Feng said with a smile: "It is said that those who regard food are heroes. Since you recognize me as the boss, then I will definitely bring you delicious and spicy drinks."

Brother Eagle leaned on his face, looked at Ji Feng with difficulty, and said, "Boss, since this is the case, can you help me connect my hands and feet?"

In fact, Brother Eagle also has some doubts about whether Ji Feng has this ability, but in the next second Ji Feng healed Brother Eagle's hands and legs with lightning speed. Although there is still some pain, Ji Feng said He said: "I will go to Ye Rose in the next two days. When I come, I will help you loosen your muscles and bones, and your force value is too low. I think you are not very good here, and you are not strong, it is because of you. too weak."

Brother Eagle actually wanted to improve his abilities, but he couldn't. After all, he was getting old, and he didn't have the energy of a young man. Now he is indeed a little weak guarding Jiangbin, but The money provided by these night shows is enough for Brother Eagle to squander.

Ji Feng used his points to exchange several basic martial arts tutorials in the system.

After the exchange was made, Ji Feng directly handed it to Brother Eagle, and said to Brother Eagle, "Of course, as my subordinate, you can't be too weak. These martial arts tutorials are for you, and you follow the martial arts tutorials I gave you. Study, then I will test you."

When Brother Eagle heard Ji Feng's words, he immediately became happy. Just now, none of the group of them were Ji Feng's opponents, but one can imagine how powerful Ji Feng is!

Brother Eagle immediately looked at this martial arts tutorial after he got it, and found that this martial arts tutorial is simple and easy to understand, but it is very lethal and very skillful. Brother Eagle is grateful to Ji Feng.

Seeing that the situation was not good with Zhang Jie on the other side, he had to wipe the soles of his feet and run away. She doesn't even want her own child. Originally, that child belonged to Brother Eagle. Zhang Jie is still young and beautiful. Of course, she can find someone else, but she will definitely be **** with the child.

Of course, Brother Eagle was very angry after learning about this, but he couldn't do anything about it.

This **** doesn't know where to go.

But no matter where this guy goes, Brother Eagle has to find him out. She hurt himself so badly, Brother Eagle has no intention of letting her go.

Su Yu woke up early the next morning and saw that no one was around. Su Yu was taken aback and wondered if Ji Feng had gone to negotiate with someone when she was not paying attention.

Su Yu hurriedly walked out. At this time, he saw Ji Feng sitting outside in the living room drinking tea. When Ji Feng saw Su Yu woke up, he smiled and said to Su Yu, "I ordered one for you. breakfast, you can listen to me while you eat breakfast."

Only then did Su Yu let out a sigh of relief, and she sat down to eat breakfast after she finished washing up.

"Actually, I went to Night Rose to negotiate with Eagle last night."

Su Yu's eyes widened immediately, and she said to Ji Feng angrily: "How could you go to someone to negotiate without discussing it with me? We are unfamiliar here, what should you do if you annoy them? manage?"

Ji Feng waved his hand and said: "I have already subdued them, they now recognize me as the boss, and I will control Jiangbin, besides I have resources on hand, they won't last long by fighting and killing them alone. , other gangs all know to do business, they only guard those few night shows, and it is really not enough to not develop."

When Su Yu heard Ji Feng say this, she couldn't help laughing. She said, "I didn't expect you to become their leader. It's really funny to hear that."

Ji Feng said with a smile: "It's really a bit funny, but sooner or later their business method will fail. I took over a few of their nightclubs and their group of people, which is also good for our development in Jiangbin, otherwise the next time You're not happy to see yourself at a disadvantage when you meet someone like Zhang Jie who is rambunctious again, right?"

Su Yu nodded and said, "I thought we were just doing business well, but I didn't expect that doing business well in the eyes of some people is simply a fantasy."

Ji Feng added: "I also learned that some of Jiangcheng's resources have been divided up by the five sects, and the one near Jiangbin is the eagle who was in charge of the eagle and those sects not long ago. The conflict was almost wiped out, if he hadn't had some foundations, he might have been gone."

Su Yu said solemnly: "It does sound a bit scary, but if you are in charge of this place, you will definitely be controlled by others. After all, those sects must have been here for a long time. And there will be a lot of people who support them.”

Ji Feng smiled and said, "It's okay, I'm sure."

When Su Yu heard what Ji Feng said, she had no choice but to nod, "Since that's the case, then I won't stop you."

Ji Feng took out his mobile phone again, and he said, "I don't think it's the same thing when we live in a hotel every day. Besides, I don't want you to run up and down without anyone to take care of you, so I looked for a few here. The house will be checked in directly, and I will arrange for the contents inside. Which of these villas do you like?"

Su Yu was a bit dumbfounded. She said, "Why do you want to come here all of a sudden to buy a villa? We are here to do real estate business. At that time, we have too many houses. Do we still need to buy a villa here?"

Ji Feng said: "I have to let you and my children live here and there, otherwise you will have to live in the hotel when you run up and down, which is definitely not convenient. It will be better if you have something from you. A little. Besides, it will always appreciate in value. When you don’t want to live, we won’t lose money if we sell it.”

Having said that, Su Yu of course had no choice but to nod.

"Well, come to see the house with me? If you don't have time, then I will buy all these properties. Where you like to live, we will live there."

Su Yu didn't know whether to laugh or cry. She knew that they were indeed rich, but money was not so squandered. It might be better to leave some money for the company's turnover, so Su Yu decided to go to the house with Ji Feng.

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