Sun Jie's face darkened instantly. He glanced at him displeasedly. The man who came was dressed to be extravagant, and the watch in his hand was already worth millions. The man handed it over with champagne in his hand. Sun Jie, Sun Jie didn't answer, and warned the man, "Pan Chengfeng, I advise you to pay more attention to what you say. That's my grandmother, not our grandmother. I have nothing to do with you."

Pan Chengfeng said with a smile: "Not now, it doesn't mean it won't happen in the future! I visited your grandmother, and I think your grandmother likes me quite a bit. Besides, your Sun family's requirements are so harsh, you can really be a doorman. How many sons-in-law can you have? If you marry me, then the power of the Pan family will belong to your grandson family! Does your grandson family need to be afraid of those people?"

While talking, Pan Chengfeng looked at Ji Feng who was standing next to Sun Jie. His eyes were very smart and looked at Ji Feng up and down, as if he wanted to kill Ji Feng with his eyes. This Pan Chengfeng is really tight. , he is not like anything else. Gong is very calm, and Zi-ge is impetuous, but very calm.

When Pan Chengfeng went to get the champagne just now, he found that Sun Jie was gone. He knew that Sun Jie didn't like him much, but Pan Chengfeng liked to challenge an arrogant woman like Sun Jie.

Pan Chengfeng is the second son of the Pan family. If he wants to gain the power of the Sun family, the eldest brother will have to be jealous of him, and if he gets married with Sun Jie, then his father's estate will be considered to be handed over to him. Not only that, if Sun Jie can conceive his son, he will be on the rise.

Therefore, no matter what, Pan Chengfeng wanted to get the case from Sun Jie's side, so he specially went to please Sun Jie's grandmother Sun Jie's grandmother was quite happy when she found out that Pan Chengfeng was born, and felt that Pan Chengfeng was indeed a good person. Can be entrusted for life.

It's just that Pan Chengfeng saw Sun Jie and Ji Feng just now, talking and laughing. There seemed to be love in those eyes, and Pan Chengfeng felt jealous. He had already told Sun Jie that he wanted to make peace with him. He got married, but Sun Jie refused Pan Chengfeng's desire to pursue Sun Jie, but Sun Jie turned a deaf ear. Sun Jie didn't like Pan Chengfeng at all, because Sun Jie had someone she liked more, and the person she liked was Ji Feng.

Sun Jie was very worried that Ji Feng would misunderstand, so she quickly explained, and Pan Chengfeng heard Sun Jie's anxious explanation and knew that Ji Feng was the person Sun Jie liked, but Pan Chengfeng looked at Ji Feng's clothes , I don't see how rich they are, maybe these stupid women like men who can talk things out.

In addition to being a little more handsome, Ji Feng can't compare to himself, even if he looks good, he can go for plastic surgery, but Pan Chengfeng doesn't admit that being handsome can be eaten.

Seeing that Sun Jie and Ji Feng were so close, Pan Chengfeng wanted to dispose of Ji Feng. He smiled and said to Ji Feng, "I don't know who this is..."

Ji Feng saw the smile on Pan Chengfeng's face. He felt that this person was not simple. Although he was young, he had a deep mind, so he stretched out his hand and said to Pan Chengfeng, "Hello, my name is Ji. maple."

Pan Chengfeng also smiled and stretched out his hand and shook hands with Ji Feng, but he deliberately used force when shaking hands, and he gritted his teeth and said to Ji Feng: "My name is Pan Chengfeng, the Pan Group of Jiangcheng City, It was my father who drove it."

Ji Feng raised his brows. He could see that the man in front of him was a young man. His family must have power and power. Otherwise, this set of clothes on his body is almost ten million. How can an ordinary family afford such a thing? people?

Sun Jie felt a little unhappy in her heart, so she said to Ji Feng, "Mr. Ji has a lot of interesting places on this luxury cruise ship. Why don't I go shopping with you?"

When Pan Chengfeng heard that Sun Jie respectfully called Mr. Ji Fengji, and had a very good attitude towards Ji Feng, Pan Chengfeng couldn't help frowning.

I don't know what ecstasy soup Ji Feng poured into Sun Jie to make Sun Jie so determined, but no matter what Sun Jie is determined to win, he must get the help of the Sun family. initiative.

Therefore, no matter who wants to stop him, Pan Chengfeng will never just sit still. This Ji Feng is a variable. Originally, Pan Chengfeng wanted to use some tough methods. Sun Jie's marriage is worth it no matter what means.

Pan Chengfeng also followed, and Sun Jie felt more and more unhappy looking at the little tail, and his face became very ugly.

Pan Chengfeng thought about this place, and he didn't know if there was anything special about it. The clothes on his body must not exceed a thousand dollars. Isn't everyone here worth tens of billions?

And the clothes on these people who were brought in by the big businessmen must have gone to millions, and what he was wearing was too sloppy.

Therefore, Pan Chengfeng decided that Ji Feng was a person without power, and he certainly didn't have the money to curry favor with Sun Jie, of course, for Sun Jie's money. Shame, Sun Jie will definitely change his mind at that time.

Once Sun Jie hates Ji Feng, then Ji Feng has no right to speak with Sun Jie. Pan Chengfeng will do a few more rounds and let Sun Jie follow him willingly.

After strolling around, Pan Chengfeng smiled and said to Ji Feng: "It seems that Mr. Ji is the first time to come back to a luxury cruise ship. He should have never been here before. I am also the host here, because this chamber of commerce It was planned by my father and two other heroes. I know there is a particularly interesting place, and I will take you there."

Hearing this, Sun Jie immediately took Ji Feng's hand. He frowned and gave Ji Feng a deep look. Sun Jie was a little afraid of Pan Chengfeng's identity. But Sun Jie didn't think Pan Chengfeng could threaten her. But she was not sure about Pan Chengfeng.

Therefore, Sun Jie was a little worried that Pan Chengfeng would attack Ji Feng's idea. It was because of such concerns that Sun Jie held Ji Feng and wanted Ji Feng not to follow him, and this action happened to be seen by Pan Chengfeng. When he arrived, Pan Chengfeng thought about how he couldn't compare to the poor man in front of him. Sun Jie actually wanted to do such a thing in front of him.

Ji Feng said with a smile: "It turns out to be the host, no wonder I am so familiar with this cruise ship. I haven't been on the cruise for a long time, and I really don't know the rules here. Since this is the case, please show us! "

After seeing that the fish was hooked, Pan Chengfeng smiled and nodded. Pan Chengfeng took Ji Feng and the others to the casino of the cruise ship, and at this time, the cruise ship had already left for the high seas.

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