The Strongest Son-in-law: God-level Choice

Chapter 1177: qi and blood depletion

Tang Meixia frowned. She watched Ji Feng walk in, but Ji Feng politely said to Tang Meixia, "Hello, Ms. Tang."

Tang Meixia looked up and down, Ji Feng's face was a little unsightly, but she didn't shy away from it. His granddaughter said, "The doctor you brought me is too young. Is he really experienced at such a young age?"

Sun Jie heard the worry in Tang Meixia's words, so she immediately replied: "Grandma, don't worry, this is Ji Feng, he is very powerful, his medical skills are quite superb, don't look at him young, he There are many recovered cases!"

Although Tang Meixia is now in the hospital, his news is still very well-informed. She has a team of secretaries. Before, she wanted Sun Jie to know more dignitaries on the cruise ship, but she didn't expect the cruise ship to come back so soon.

Moreover, Tang Meixia's secretary also told her that her granddaughter was in a relationship with a man, and this person was none other than Ji Feng.

Tang Meixia was very angry in her heart, she thought about so many rich people on the boat, her granddaughter didn't even look at it, and she stayed with this man. She didn't know what was good about this man, so Tang Meixia let her own The secretary went to investigate.

Ji Feng's person is very low-key, and his ability is very strong. It is because of this that he is not afraid to hand over his property to others. Many properties under his name are now in Su Yu. on hand.

Therefore, Tang Meixia couldn't find out why, so Tang Meixia thought that Ji Feng was probably deliberately deceiving her granddaughter's sympathy. Her granddaughter was fine in everything, but she was too soft-hearted.

So when Sun Jie brought Ji Feng to a private hospital to visit Tang Meixia, Tang Meixia's face showed a hint of displeasure.

Tang Meixia also has her own property. She has only one daughter, and this daughter is married to Sun Jie's father.

It's a pity that the person in power in the Sun family is not Sun Jie's father, and it is precisely because of this that Sun Jie and his younger brother Sun Tao were hunted down before, and life was in dire straits. Since Ji Feng helped After Sun Jie, Sun Jie's family status went up all of a sudden. Now the Sun family asks Sun Jie for many opinions, and Grandpa Sun also likes Ji Feng very much.

But liking gui liking Mr. Sun also has his own set, and what Tang Meixia is most worried about is that her granddaughter will make mistakes.

Tang Meixia has suffered from men's losses, and he doesn't like these little white faces with their mouths running on trains. In Tang Meixia's eyes, Ji Feng is such a little white face.

Sun Jie didn't know that Tang Meixia was already dissatisfied with Ji Feng in her heart. She wanted Ji Feng to visit Tang Meixia and help Tang Meixia diagnose her physical condition, and Ji Feng also saw it. Tang Meixia was disdainful of herself, and Ji Feng showed a smile on his face, but he didn't. He didn't care, but walked over and said that he wanted to diagnose Tang Meixia's pulse.

Tang Meixia's dissatisfaction with Ji Feng was beyond words. Even though Sun Jie was relatively slow, she still noticed that Tang Meixia didn't like Ji Feng, and Sun Jie couldn't help frowning. With such rejection, I don't know where Ji Feng provoked his grandmother.

But Ji Feng didn't care. Ji Feng sat down and said that he wanted to take Tang Meixia's pulse. Tang Meixia didn't shirk. She stretched out her hand. After Ji Feng took Tang Meixia's pulse, his face showed A worried look came.

"Ms. Tang, you have deposited toxins on your body, and it has been a long time. If the toxins are not excreted from the body in the near future, it will definitely further damage your internal organs, and you will be out of luck. "

Ms. Tang was really unwell recently. She went to the hospital for a check-up, but the doctors told her that her body was fine. Ms. Tang thought that maybe it was because she was too tired recently, so she was always dizzy. .

But when Ji Feng opened his mouth, he actually said that there were toxins deposited in his body, and there were still a lot of them. Tang Meixia felt that this person must be talking nonsense. In fact, Ms. Tang also wanted her granddaughter to go to the cruise ship to meet more people, so She just made up the situation that she was not feeling well and asked her to do it for her, and she also said that her condition was more serious, so that Sun Jie could help herself.

Tang Meixia sneered and said, "Xiaojie, the doctor you brought here doesn't seem to be reliable. In fact, your grandmother and my body are all right. I deliberately exaggerated my condition so that you can Go to this party for me, but I didn't expect that the so-called doctor you brought here would say that I am sick as soon as he opened his mouth. You better have some snacks, young girls, don't be deceived by these little white faces. "

When Sun Jie heard Tang Meixia say this, her pretty face flushed, and she thought to herself that her grandmother was not sick, why did she say she was sick, but Ji Feng just said that her grandmother has toxins deposited in her body, which is why Is it real or fake? Sun Jie could not help frowning.

Ji Feng should not have lied, because Sun Jie knew that Ji Feng's medical skills were very good. Sun Jie looked at Ji Feng, and a smile appeared on Ji Feng's face. He told Sun Jie: "Use professional skills. I shouldn't be able to find out anything, because Ms. Tang's main illness is the depletion of qi and blood, and her spirit is consumed very much. She should have frequent dizziness, headache, insomnia and dreams. The doctor will tell you that you are nervous, but your main problem is The disease lies in the diet. Most of the things you eat are mutually reinforcing and inhibiting. Over time, the toxins are deposited in the internal organs of your body. These toxins are accumulated over time, so I think the person who harms you is likely to take care of your diet and daily life. people."

As soon as Ji Feng's words came out, both Sun Jie and Tang Meixia frowned, "Don't talk nonsense, sow discord, take care of my diet and daily life, but my goddaughter, how could my goddaughter do it? What happened to this?"

It turned out that Tang Meixia had only one daughter, and she was worried that her daughter was alone, so when Sun Jie was very young, Tang Meixia found her good friend and regarded her daughter as a goddaughter.

After Sun Jie's mother passed away, Tang Meixia was at a loss, and Sun Jie's situation was very embarrassing, and she couldn't return to Tang Meixia's side often, so Tang Meixia's goddaughter helped to take care of Sun Jie's diet and daily life.

Tang Meixia doesn't think her goddaughter will do anything to harm her, all this is just a season

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