The Strongest Son-in-law: God-level Choice

Chapter 1185: Young Master Sima's Viciousness

Seeing Ji Feng raise his hand, Sima Shang smiled even more.

He thought that Ji Feng was going to be fooled.

Going to a cultivator of the Foundation Establishment stage, to dare to beat a great cultivator of Jindan stage like him, is purely seeking death.

What's more, he is not only much higher than Ji Feng, but his family background is much stronger than Ji Feng, so as long as Ji Feng dares to slap him, he will definitely kill Ji Feng.

Although it might be a bit embarrassing to be slapped by Ji Feng, he didn't really care.

Anyway, based on his cultivation, Ji Feng slapped him, not only would he not hurt him in the slightest, but he might even hurt his palm.

That's why Sima Shang had no fear, and made such a strange request to Ji Feng.

Looking at Sima Shang who was ready to be slapped by himself, Ji Feng said, "You have to pay attention, I'm about to start when I count to three."

"Okay, hurry up and do it, my time is very precious." Sima Shang said.

"Okay!" Ji Feng said, "Three!"


As soon as the words fell, Ji Feng slapped Sima Shang's face fiercely.

Sima Shang's mentality exploded on the spot, because Ji Feng is too shameless, didn't he say that he did not act until he counted three? Why did you just start counting?

He was so unprepared for this!

Moreover, what made him miscalculated was that the strength of Ji Feng's slap was completely beyond his expectations.

He is a cultivator of the Jindan stage. Even if he was attacked by Ji Feng without any precaution, it is impossible for him to be hurt by Ji Feng's cultivation.

But now, when Ji Feng slapped him in the face, he was stunned, because he felt like a car hit his cheek like that.

Then Sima Shang could clearly hear that his face was broken!

It's just...


"Ah ah ah ah ah……"

Sima Shang let out a scream like killing a pig, and his body was like a kite with a broken string. He was slapped by Ji Feng and flew freely, flew out a few meters, smashed a table, roared, and fell. on the ground.

Sima Shang was very embarrassed and curled up on the ground, crying happily.

He was a great cultivator of the Golden Core Stage, but at the moment he was even more miserable than the beggars on the roadside.

Originally, with Ji Feng's current cultivation level, he could not possibly be Sima Shang's opponent, nor could he have hurt Sima Shang in the slightest.

But the slap just now was not only because he distracted Sima Shang, causing Sima Shang to be attacked without any precautions, but more importantly, although his cultivation base was not high, his physical body was strong enough.

That's why his slap was able to hit Sima Shang severely.

Ji Feng is very calm and is not afraid of Sima Shang. This is because he may not be Sima Shang's opponent when he starts, but he has a talisman given by Lian senior.

If he really had a real relationship with Sima Shang, he only needed to sacrifice the talisman that Senior Pity gave him, and he could easily kill Sima Shang.

You must know that Senior Lian is a more powerful existence than the cultivators of the Yuanying stage. Once the talisman he painted is activated, even the cultivators of the Jindan stage cannot resist.

This is Ji Feng's biggest trump card and confidence for daring to slap Sima Shang!

"Ding, congratulations to the host for completing option two and getting the reward of breaking the boundary."

Breakthrough Pill: As the name suggests, it is a kind of medicinal pill that can be used to break through the border. To refine this medicinal pill, it is not only very difficult, but also needs to incorporate the power of robbery into it.

How terrifying is the power of the catastrophe?

An elixir needs to be integrated into the power of the catastrophe, and it is conceivable how precious this elixir is.

Ji Feng was overjoyed in his heart. According to the introduction of Breaking Realm Pill, as long as his cultivation base can be raised to the point of breaking through the realm, then he can successfully complete the breaking through with the help of Pill.

Just when Ji Feng was overjoyed because he got the Breaking Realm Pill, Sima Shang also got up from the ground very embarrassed. Several young men in black suits with him immediately surrounded Ji Feng and Sun Jie.

Seeing such a battle, Sun Jie was stunned on the spot.

She is a very smart woman, so she can tell at a glance that Sima Shang is not simple, because Sima Shang's clothes are all expensive high-end goods.

Even the bodyguards in black suits following Sima Shang, the suits, watches and other items on their bodies are all high-end items.

How can ordinary people have the money to work with such high-end goods as the bodyguards around them?

At this moment, surrounded by several bodyguards around Sima Shang, Sun Jie panicked, and even more scared in her heart.

Sima Shang had also climbed up from the ground at this time. He endured the severe pain of being slapped in the face, and walked over angrily. With bloodshot eyes, he glared at Ji Feng in front of him, almost spitting fire. .

Although the strength of Ji Feng's slap just now exceeded his expectations.

But his purpose was barely achieved. As long as Ji Feng dared to attack him, he would have an excuse to kill Ji Feng.

The slap that Ji Feng slapped him just now, the ruthless his revenge against Ji Feng will be. Although it is not easy for him to kill Ji Feng directly in the hall, it should be no problem to beat him half to death.

"Boy, you are so talented, you actually dare to hit me!"

Sima Shang said coldly to Ji Feng.

"No way, for a sick person like you, the request is absurd, but I am also a doctor, and a doctor's parental heart naturally wants to meet the patient's request as much as possible. You don't have to thank me too much, of course, you must If you want to thank me, just kneel and kowtow to me, I don't mind!"

Ji Feng shrugged and said playfully.

"You are courting death!" Sima Shang said through gritted teeth.

Then, he released the coercion of his Jindan period cultivator, and wanted to directly use coercion to make Ji Feng kneel on the ground.

But Ji Feng has the means left by the pity seniors, not to mention a monk of Jindan stage like Sima Shang, even a monk of the Nascent Soul stage, he can't use his own coercion to cause any impact on Ji Feng.

Although Ji Feng was not affected by the coercion emanating from Sima Shang, the people around him couldn't bear it. Some ordinary people felt dizzy and had difficulty breathing.

In particular, Pan Chengfeng, who was relatively close to Sima Shang, stumbled and fell directly to the ground, his eyes rolled and foaming at the mouth.

But the bodyguards around Sima Shang were fine, because they had long been used to the pressure of Sima Shang's Jindan cultivators.

Sima Shang ignored Pan Chengfeng, who fell to the ground because of the influence of the Jindan period cultivator's coercion, and continued to exert coercion on Ji Feng, but Ji Feng's face was calm, and he didn't care about anything. no.

This made Sima Shang's face turn red.

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