Facing the strange big hand slap, Ji Feng's face changed greatly.

He could feel how terrifying the power of the strange big hand slap.

If he was shot, he would immediately turn into a pool of blood.

Moreover, the big weird hand is really big, even if Ji Feng is very strong, it is very difficult to avoid the slap of the big weird hand.

The area covered by the strange big hand is at least a hundred square meters.

At the critical moment, Ji Feng had to sacrifice the talisman that Senior Lian gave him.

I saw Ji Feng sacrifice a talisman, and suddenly, the terrifying power of ice broke out, and the void showed signs of being frozen at this moment.

You know, this is a talisman drawn by Senior Lian himself.

And Senior Lian is a cultivator who is much stronger than Nascent Soul, and he is a big guy in the cultivator circle.

One can imagine how powerful the talisman he painted is. Even a cultivator in the Yuan Ying stage must deal with it carefully, and dare not underestimate the power of the talisman drawn by Senior Lian.

The weird big hand that patted Ji Feng was also frozen in an instant, and then it exploded with a "bang" and turned into countless small ice cubes.

The sudden change shocked Sima Shang. He couldn't believe that Ji Feng, a cultivator at the foundation-building stage, could actually defeat his unique skills. But he also quickly figured out that it was Ji Feng who used a very powerful talisman.

"Hey, I really didn't expect that such a powerful talisman could be found on your mere foundation-building cultivator. I've lost sight of it again!"

Sima Shang looked at Ji Feng in surprise.

"Humph!" Ji Feng didn't talk nonsense with Sima Shang, and while rushing to Sima Shang, he shouted loudly, "Give me death!"

While speaking, Ji Feng once again sacrificed the talisman, and another terrifying force of ice burst out, sweeping towards Sima Shang like a terrifying storm.

Sima Shang's face changed greatly, because he felt that the talisman that Ji Feng sacrificed was very powerful. If he was hit by the power of ice that erupted from the talisman, he was afraid that he would capsize in the gutter this time and be planted in Ji Feng's hands.

He reacted very quickly, his hands shook, and he directly threw the two young women he was holding out.


The two young women screamed immediately, but their voices stopped abruptly, because, under the impact of the force of ice, they were frozen into ice sculptures almost instantly and fell from the air. On the ground, it turned into ice cubes and shattered.

The two young women were sacrificed by Sima Shang like this.

From beginning to end, Sima Shang did not hesitate at all.

It seems that in his eyes, the life and death of the two young women are nothing at all.

At the same time that he sacrificed the two young women, Sima Shang also had his feet on the ground, and his body retreated back at the fastest speed, finally avoiding the impact of this wave of ice power.

Then, he distanced himself from Ji Feng and stood dozens of meters away from Ji Feng with a look of vigilance.

Ji Feng frowned and failed to hit Sima Shang twice, which made him sure of his thoughts. If it was a head-to-head fight, the talisman he sacrificed would not be able to hit Sima Shang at all.

But he distanced himself from Sima Shang, and with a vigilant look on his face, it was also certain that the talismans that Senior Lian gave him were able to threaten Sima Shang.

Otherwise, with Sima Shang's temper, it is impossible to distance himself from him so vigilantly.

Ji Feng also stood in place, confronting Sima Shang coldly, and did not continue to attack rashly.

"Do you think you can kill me with a few talismans? It's naive!" Sima Shang confronted Ji Feng for a while, and said, "If the Golden Core Stage is so weak, then it wouldn't be called it. Great monk."

"Then don't talk nonsense, just kill it!" Ji Feng said in a deep voice.

"Do you think I dare not?"

Sima Shang narrowed his eyes and said angrily.

However, although Sima Shang was very angry and felt very shameless, he did not dare to kill Ji Feng rashly.

He was afraid that if he failed to avoid the attack of the talisman sacrificed by Ji Feng, the consequences would be unpredictable.

"You're a coward!" Ji Feng continued provocatively to Sima Shang. He wanted to provoke Sima Shang to attack him. In this way, he would have a chance to activate the talisman when the talisman could hit Sima Shang. .

"Your aggressive tactics are too obvious? Do you think I'm a brainless person?" Sima Shang said with a sneer.

Then, he took out a large black bow from the space utensil.

This black bow looks very ancient, and it is engraved with dense ancient text symbols.

Sima Shang held a **** bow with a cruel sneer at the corner of his mouth. Immediately, he pulled the **** bow and condensed a blue arrow with his true energy and aimed it at Ji Feng.

Ji Feng was shocked, he didn't expect Sima Shang to have this skill.

Locked by Sima Shang's arrows, his soul throbbed for a while. He knew that even if his body was strong, he couldn't resist the blue arrows that Sima Shang shot.


After Ji Feng thought about it quickly, he made a decision in his heart. He snorted coldly and rushed towards Sima Shang on his own initiative.

"Looking for death!" Sima Shang sneered. He originally thought that after his arrow was aimed at Ji Feng, Ji Feng was going to run away. As a result, Ji Feng actually rushed towards him, which surprised him, but also felt It's ridiculous to think that Ji Feng didn't die fast enough.

"Whoosh", Sima Shang fired a blue arrow.

The speed of the blue arrow is very fast, like a blue lightning piercing the sky and shooting towards Ji Feng.

Moreover, Sima Shang is not a weak chicken. His arrow is also very accurate, almost completely locking Ji Feng's dodging route, making Ji Feng unable to choose to dodge Sima Shang's shot during the sprint. Blue arrows.

At this moment, Ji Feng activated the talisman just now, and the ice finger force exploded instantly, freezing the blue arrow directly.

After freezing the blue arrow, Ji Feng jumped up and rushed in front of Sima Shang.

Sima Shang was slightly startled, and immediately squeezed a mysterious handprint with his left hand, and a blue infuriating qi formed a very cumbersome imprint on the top of his head. A zhenqi poisonous snake came out of the imprint and slaughtered it towards Ji Feng. .

"I want to see, how many talismans do you have to use!" Sima Shang sneered as he opened his bow and arrows again, and shot a few more infuriating arrows at Ji Feng.

In the face of Sima Shang's attack, Ji Feng frowned and his face became more solemn. He only had three talismans given to him by senior Lian, and each talisman could only be used three times a day. That is to say, he still has Six chances, if he can't kill Sima Shang, then he will die.

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