At this time, Sun Jie was like an obedient and sensible little daughter-in-law, picking up the dishes with chopsticks and delivering them to Ji Feng's mouth.

He also said with a kind smile: "Open your mouth, ah~"

This look is exactly the same as a couple in love.

Ji Feng was not at all surprised by Sun Jie's actions, he opened his mouth in cooperation, and ate a piece of fat cow that Sun Jie had brought in.

"How is it?" Sun Jie asked happily.

"It tastes good." Ji Feng nodded with satisfaction.

"Dear, you are so kind." Sun Jie once again said a title that made Sun Hao goosebumps. Then, under Sun Hao's gaze, Sun Jie slowly moved to Ji Feng's side. .

The **** red lips kissed Ji Feng's handsome face slowly.


Sun Jie has lipstick on her mouth. Even if she is eating now, Sun Jie is very careful. The lipstick on her mouth is still there.

As a result, an obvious lipstick mark appeared on Ji Feng's right cheek.

This scene stunned Sun Hao.

what's the situation?

What is the situation?

His old sister actually took the initiative to kiss a man, although the man was Ji Feng, Sun Hao did not reject it.

But in public, it was definitely the first time he had seen such a naked show of affection for a man.

Because Sun Hao didn't understand at all, how did he suddenly change his style of painting when he was eating hot pot well.

After being kissed by Sun Jie, Ji Feng didn't change his face, and said slowly with a smile: "Almost there, do you know that you have oil on your mouth?"

After all, she was eating hot pot. No matter how careful Sun Jie was, her lips would still have some oil on her lips.

"It's important to do the right thing in the show. I kissed you, but you must not kiss me again." Sun Jie said with a smile, picking up another piece of vegetable and bringing it to Ji Feng's mouth.

Ji Feng shrugged and ate the vegetables.

Immediately afterwards, Sun Jie was also unceremonious and brought her face close.

This look is completely asking Ji Feng to kiss again.

He took the initiative to come to the door, and Ji Feng was not welcome. The key point is that they are indeed acting, but Ji Feng is still very careful.

After picking up a tissue and wiping his mouth a little, he kissed Sun Jie's smooth face.

"Dear, you are so kind." Sun Jie looked extremely happy.

Sun Hao was on the opposite side and witnessed the whole process from start to finish.

The whole person was heartbroken and covered his face.

"Sister, brother-in-law, wouldn't you two show your affection in front of me on purpose?"

"You idiot, didn't you see someone watching us outside?" Sun Jie said.

When Sun Hao heard this, he immediately pretended not to care and looked outside. As expected, he saw a man with a camera on his neck on the side of the road. After seeing his gaze, he quickly turned his head to the side.

At the same time, aim the camera elsewhere and pretend to be taking pictures of the roadside scenery.

Sun Hao understood now.

It turned out that his sister and Ji Feng had already found out that someone was watching outside, so they deliberately showed their affection.

If nothing else, this surveillance person must have been sent by Song Xiaofeng.

No man would dare to be interested in his fiancee's boyfriend, whether he knew it or not.

But as long as you find someone to monitor your fiancée's every move, it's still acceptable not to do anything too outrageous.

Sun Hao pretended not to notice, continued to eat, and asked at the same time, "Brother-in-law, have you discovered it too?"

Ji Feng said lightly: "I don't find it is not important. Your sister took the initiative to send kisses and ask for kisses. You said that I am a man, and I won't suffer."

Hearing this, Sun Hao gave Ji Feng a thumbs up with a look of admiration.

Sun Jie gave Ji Feng a blank look.

The three of them ate the hot pot, and after paying the bill, they drove away.

After seeing Sun Jie and the three of them leaving, the person in charge of tracking them quickly followed.

In the end, after seeing Ji Feng and Sun Jie enter the villa together, Sun Hao left alone and ended today's follow-up shooting.

He was the person Song Xiaofeng looked for, and he was not in charge of monitoring Ji Feng's every move, but Sun Jie's usual every move.

Whether Ji Feng is Sun Jie's real boyfriend or not is not that important to Song Xiaofeng.

Song Xiaofeng's purpose is very clear, his target is Sun Jie, not others.

As long as you master Sun Jie's usual every move, that's it!

Inside the villa!

"There shouldn't be anyone monitoring around here, I shouldn't need me to accompany you to stage an **** drama." Ji Feng teased.

Ji Feng's words made Sun Jie roll his eyes and said directly: "Whoever said that we must act together, I don't mind accompany you for a real show."

"Forget it, I still want to live a few more years. Who knows if there are people from Song Xiaofeng here. If you know what happened to me and you, you must not come to the door with a knife and hack me to death." Ji Feng played with a taste.

"Don't I have any charm in your heart?" Sun Jie made a coquettish look and threw a wink at Ji Feng.

"Although the hero is sad about the Beauty Pass, it's a pity that I'm not a hero." Ji Feng said with a smile.

Then get up and leave.

"What are you doing?" Sun Jie asked.

"Take a bath and sleep." Ji Feng replied.

Seeing the back of Ji Feng leaving, Sun Jie's eyes became more and more frantic.

This villa was bought by Sun Hao, and now she lives in it, not to mention so many surveillance cameras around the villa, the key point is that the twenty or so bodyguards who have been patrolling around the villa are not for nothing.

It is impossible for someone to squat around the villa to monitor.

Getting along with Ji Feng, Sun Jie increasingly felt Ji Feng's mystery and attractiveness to her.

Even Sun Jie could feel that she was falling step by step, falling into Ji Feng's every move.

This is a bad sign for a woman, especially a strong woman!

Because, no matter male or female, whoever falls to the initiative first is destined to be passive all the time.

Sun Jie is a rational woman, but this rationality is being disintegrated little by little under the huge attraction that Ji Feng exudes.

The key is that Sun Jie still enjoys it very much, and does not reject it at all!

"Su Yu, Su Yu, what kind of charm do you have to make such a man give up on you." Sun Jie couldn't help but said.

She was suddenly envious of Su Yu!

If only she could have known Ji Feng before Su Yu and Ji Feng met.

In that case, she would be able to sacrifice everything, go all out to conquer Ji Feng, and let him fall under her pomegranate skirt.

But now, because of some things, Sun Jie still has scruples in her heart and can't let go.

Perhaps, Sun Jie is waiting for an opportunity!

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