The Strongest Son-in-law: God-level Choice

Chapter 237: Black and poison

Su Yu really didn't believe in this evil this time.

Why did she lose every time she made a bet with Ji Feng!

From the first bet she lost, she lost to Ji Feng three times, and when she bet with Ji Feng for the fourth time, she learned to be smart and didn't agree.

It turned out that Ji Feng would win.

So far, she has a little psychological shadow about betting.

I haven't made a bet with Ji Feng for a while, but now Ji Feng suddenly bet with her again, or bet that the parents who just came today will go back soon. She doesn't believe in this evil.

You know, her parents didn't come to see her this time, the business in their hands was confiscated, they had a lot of free time, and even brought their luggage with them, as if they wanted to stay with her for a long time.

As a result, I just told Ji Feng about something to remind me, but Ji Feng made a bet that her parents would take the initiative to go back in a while.

She really didn't believe it.

"I've made this bet, what do you want to bet?" Su Yu replied stubbornly.

She still doesn't believe it. Is it possible that Ji Feng is a **** and has the ability to predict the future?

"Bet promise me one thing, you win, I promise you one thing, anything is fine, if you lose, promise me one thing." Ji Feng replied.

"Then say it first, this matter can't cross my bottom line." Su Yu kept his mind.

"Don't worry." Ji Feng replied.

"Okay, then bet, you are sure to lose." Su Yu said to himself.


"Dad? You let the four of us out? What about the others?"

Knowing from Ma Yuanzhong's mouth that he only used the relationship, and after releasing the four of them, Ma Rulong immediately asked.

"Gathering people to take drugs, how much trouble have you gotten into, and you still have the mind to take care of others? It's better to let your friends and dogs be locked up. Let's see who will dare to accompany you to take drugs with you in the future." Ma Yuanzhong said coldly.

He was naturally concerned about his own son, and of course, Ding Zhixiang's three boys. After all, the relationship between the father of the three boys and him is here, and the relationship with the Ma family is here.

As for the others, they are all insignificant little people, just go in.

Besides, dozens of people were arrested and they were all released. Who was blamed for this matter?

"Dad, if this is spread out, who will mess with me in the future." Ma Rulong said dissatisfied.

"Hmph, what do you think they are around you? It's not because you are rich and powerful, because you are my son. As long as you are still around, will there be fewer people around you in the future?" Ma Yuanzhong said disdainfully.

"What about Su Chao and Su Qian from the Su family?" Ma Rulong asked again.

"Su Chao? Su Qian? The second daughter and youngest son of the second child of the Su family?" Ma Yuanzhong asked in surprise.

Ma Rulong nodded: "Yes, I also invited the Su family to play today, but it was the two of them who came."

"You idiot, you are playing for yourself, what are you inviting the people of the Su family to do?" Ma Yuanzhong said angrily.

"When the eldest brother comes back, I will marry Su Yu. Isn't the Su family counted as our own?" Ma Rulong said.

"Idiot, your eldest brother only cares about Su Yu, what does the Su family have to do with our Ma family, and this marriage, we and the Su family have interests and cooperation, only interests, nothing else, your brain is all day long What are you thinking about?" Ma Yuanzhong said with a hatred of iron.

Compared with Ma Qiming, his second son is really too far.

He originally refused the marriage between his outstanding eldest son and the Su family.

Because in his opinion, the Su family is not worthy of the Ma family, not at all.

But whoever asked Ma Qiming to like Su Yu with all his heart, and Su Yu's personal ability was quite good, and his business was also decent, he reluctantly agreed.

He didn't care at all about the lives of the rest of the Su family.

"Dad, this kid Su Chao knows how to be a man. This time he brought his second sister to get close to me." Ma Rulong said.

In the villa before, Su Qian's coquettish energy made him very satisfied.

"I tell you, you can play, but if you want to be like your eldest brother and marry her, it's absolutely impossible." Ma Rulong didn't know the meaning of his son's words.

"Dad, don't worry, I'm just having fun." Ma Rulong said, "What about Su Chao and the others?"

"Don't worry about it, you'd better think about who you've offended, and then let's talk about Su Chao's affairs. There's still the Su family. Let the old lady of the Su family handle it herself." Ma Rulong said.

At this time, the Su family!

Su's living room.

Only Su Ankang's family was there, and the old lady sat on the main seat with a gloomy face, but she was very angry.

Zhang Yue and Su Ankang knelt in front of the old lady.

"Mom, I beg you to save Chao'er this time. I understand Chao'er. He doesn't do things like drug addiction at all." Zhang Yue pleaded bitterly.

The couple were resting in the house, but the public security bureau called and said that Su Chao and Su Qian had been arrested for gathering drugs and were temporarily detained in the Gimhae City Public Security Bureau.

Some formalities need to be handled by them.

After receiving the call, Su Ankang and Zhang Yue were almost scared to death.


This is definitely a taboo word for the Su family.

Everyone in the Su family knows that the old lady is extremely strict in this regard, very strict.

If anyone in the Su family is involved in drug addiction, they will be thrown out of the Su family directly.

Unexpectedly, this incident happened to their family, and both their daughter and son were infected with drugs.

"Okay, it's amazing. You couple have a good daughter and a good son. You even dare to take drugs. What else are they afraid to do? Ah?" the old lady said angrily.

She was furious. Although the Su family was in decline over the years, she attached great importance to the management of the clan.

Drugs and underworld, these two things, the people of the Su family are absolutely not allowed to touch.

Because, the Su family is no longer the Su family of the past, and it does not have such a deep background. If something goes wrong, it is difficult to keep it, and even the family will be implicated.

But it turned out that Su Chao, this kid, not only had a relationship with people in the underworld before, but now he was arrested for taking drugs.

"Mom, there must be some misunderstanding in this matter. Chao'er and Qianqian are just going to Master Ma's party, how could they possibly take drugs?" Zhang Yue defended.

"Stop arguing, the public security bureau has already called, how can I lie to you? What's the use of you looking for me? It doesn't matter if our Su family is in the public security bureau. Who can handle this matter, the two of you can talk to me. "The old lady of the Su family said coldly.

It was precisely because Su Chao and Su Qian went to the party held by Ma Rulong that the old lady was convinced that they were arrested for taking drugs, without the slightest suspicion.

Full of anger and disappointment!

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