The Strongest Son-in-law: God-level Choice

Chapter 265: Both women are jealous

Su Chao went back.

Although this time I went to Ma's house and did not win a definite cooperation, but it did not mean that there was no gain at all.

At least it is now on the same boat as the Ma family and on the same boat as Ma Yuanzhong, at least Su Chao thinks so.

On the way back, Su Chao was thinking about how to deal with his grandma after returning to Su's house.

Since he agreed to Ma Yuanzhong, those Ma Yuanzhong who secretly investigated Su Yu's affairs must not tell the old lady.

Including, he had already told Ma Yuanzhong that Su Yu had found a man outside.


"Where are you now?"

"Sun Jie has something to do with me. I'm on my way to the villa."

"Where did you spend the night last night? Sun Jie called me and I said you didn't come back."

"After the concert yesterday, I accompanied Yu Bingxin to Bingxin Garden. She drank too much in the evening, so I watched her in the hotel all night."

"Haha, the night with the big star is unforgettable."

"What are you talking about, I just watched her for one night."

"You don't need to explain to me. You are a celebrity now. We rarely see each other during this time. I don't want to make headlines."


Hang up the phone after speaking.

"Is this a woman's jealous runaway?"

Hearing the hang up on the phone, Ji Feng couldn't help thinking.

The call was from Su Yu.

As soon as it was connected, Su Yu was very angry on the phone, and the taste of jealousy was very strong.

Almost all opening and closing is related to Bing Xin.

Ji Feng was helpless, looked at the news on his mobile phone, and was stunned to find that he actually made a headline, and it was only the headline made by Yu Bingxin.

Of course, the headlines are not scandalous or anything.

Just because of the first national tour concert held by Bingxin yesterday, he invited himself to sing songs on stage.

Because Yu Bingxin is very hot now, very hot, that led to the headline that Yu Bingxin took the initiative to invite Ji Feng to sing on stage yesterday.

In addition, last night, Ji Feng did not go back to Su Yu's place, nor to Sun Jie's place.

The woman's jealousy exploded, so she took the initiative to call Ji Feng, and the phone was full of vinegar.

Especially knowing that Ji Feng was with Yu Bingxin last night, Yu Bingxin drank too much, and spent the night guarding Yu Bingxin.

Although this is the case, only Ji Feng knows.

As a woman, Su Yu is more sensitive to this kind of thing.

Even if she believed in Ji Feng in her heart, she still couldn't help complaining. Ji Feng really couldn't say anything about this.

What Ji Feng didn't expect was that Sun Jie would even make a special call to ask Su Yu, where was he last night, and did he go back?

At this point, Ji Feng was very surprised.

After returning to the villa!

Sun Jie didn't go to the company today, and she specifically called Ji Feng to come back.

As soon as Ji Feng entered the room, Sun Jie's voice came.

"I said, Mr. Ji Da, you are my boyfriend now, can you not have a relationship with other men during this time, and the other party is a big star."

Sun Jie couldn't help complaining, and at the same time, there was a bit of sourness in her tone.

"She is my friend and invited me to her concert yesterday." Ji Feng said.

"I know it's a friend, not a friend. How could a big star suddenly invite a man to sing on stage, and Mr. Ji, why would you stay with an ordinary woman overnight?" Sun Jie said.

"Su Yu told you?" Ji Feng asked when he heard it.

"I'm fine on my side. After all, we are just a temporary fake boyfriend-girlfriend relationship, but on Mr. Su's side, it's hard to say." Sun Jie said deliberately.

"She's not a careful woman. She still understands my character. Tell me, what's the matter with calling me back?" Ji Feng said.

Sun Jie's words were somewhat deliberately stimulating him.

But who is Ji Feng? In terms of treating women, Ji Feng has always believed that it will not end well for men to be licking dogs.

If there is, there is no.

So he doesn't need to explain too much or worry about anything.

Of course, Sun Jie also knew Ji Feng's character.

If Ji Feng was really the kind of man who couldn't control his lower body, when she deliberately seduced Ji Feng that night, Ji Feng would have taken the bait long ago.

But the result is not.

That night, Ji Feng was completely indifferent to her seduction.

In terms of appearance and identity, Sun Jie is very confident, she doesn't think she will be inferior to Bing Xin.

Even if the other party is a big star who is currently popular.

"That's right, there is an art exhibition, and I want you to accompany me to see it." Sun Jie said.

"Art exhibition? When?" Ji Feng asked.

"Noon." Sun Jie said.

"When did you like to appreciate paintings?" Ji Feng asked with a smile.

"If you're curious, you might as well spend more time getting to know me." Sun Jie said.

Hearing this, Ji Feng shrugged and didn't answer.

The location where the art exhibition is held is relatively to the center of Gimhae City.

This exhibition was held by the internationally renowned painter Leng Fang, including the reason why Leng Fang is from Jinhai City. This time, he returned to his hometown to hold an art exhibition, which can be regarded as a contribution to his hometown.

Now internationally, a painting of Leng Fang can be auctioned for tens of millions of yuan, which makes him a famous painting master.

And those who participated in this exhibition are also some famous people.

After checking the tickets, Ji Feng and Sun Jie walked into the exhibition hall.

There are many people coming and going in the exhibition hall, but not many.

The people who come are all powerful and powerful with a certain status.

Of course, if the average person does not have some knowledge about the art exhibition, it is very difficult for ordinary people to come to visit, let alone, it takes so much effort to get a ticket for the art exhibition from Master Leng Fang.

Most of the people who came were middle-aged men, and some of their partners were young and some were about the same age as him. Of course, Ji Feng didn't care what the relationship between the two was.

What made Ji Feng a little curious was that he actually saw a young girl other than him and Sun Jie in the exhibition hall. The young girl was not accompanied by anyone. At this time, he was admiring a painting in the exhibition hall by himself.

This painting is Leng Fang's famous painting, a painting called "Dawning".

The girl's appearance and temperament are outstanding, and appreciating a painting by herself also attracted the attention of some people around, and some people took the initiative to chat up, but in the end, they were all rejected by the girl, and finally returned in anger.

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