The Strongest Son-in-law: God-level Choice

Chapter 295: listen to me first

Ji Feng's words evoked Sun Chengfeng's memory.

He didn't remember much about the events of the year, but only an outline.

After all, it is the junior of the Li family, not the junior of his grandson family.

But Li Ziming and Song Xiaofeng are indeed a good high school.

That high school is the best high school in your city, and it can be said that it is a gathering place for the powerful and powerful.

At that time, Li Ziming and Song Xiaofeng were both good at that school, and they seemed to be in the same class.

It's just that at that time, the Li family and the Song family were not very close, and the relationship between the two families was very general, there was no cooperation or hatred.

Just because of one woman, Song Xiaofeng killed Li Ziming.

What is the motivation?

"Since you said that Song Xiaofeng killed Li Ziming for a woman, what is his real motive? Don't be with me. He is just for a woman?" Sun Chengfeng said.

"Yes, his motive is for that woman, Lu Zhimin." Ji Feng said.

"Just kidding, what kind of woman can't get Song Xiaofeng's identity? As for taking such a big risk?" Sun Chengfeng didn't believe it.

The young master of a big family, he did not believe that he would do such a thing for a woman.

"Uncle, you may believe me if I say something." Ji Feng said slowly, "Song Xiaofeng used Sun Hao as a threat for Sun Jie to go back with him obediently this time. Sun Hao should have said it. Besides, Song Xiaofeng and these Don't you feel something about the style of doing things in the past year?"

Ji Feng's words changed Sun Chengfeng's face.


Sun Hao told him about it.

He was very angry that Song Xiaofeng dared to achieve his goal and used his son to blackmail him.

Moreover, in recent years, Song Xiaofeng has begun to take over the Song family's business, and there have been many rumors.

Many people are saying that the future heir of the Song family is too dark and will do anything to achieve his goals.

However, because the Song family has never offended the interests of the Sun family, Sun Chengfeng has not had an in-depth understanding.

But now listening to Ji Feng, he seems to understand a bit.

"Where's the evidence?" Sun Chengfeng said again: "You said so much, there is no evidence, it's just your own words."

"Don't worry, Uncle, I still have a rumor about Song Xiaofeng, and it has something to do with you, Uncle. Would you like to hear it?" Ji Feng asked with a smile.

"you say."

"Uncle, do you still remember the cooperation between the Song family and the Li family in Yuncheng?" Ji Feng said with a smile.

After hearing this sentence, Sun Chengfeng's face changed again.

How could he forget that cooperation?

For the first time, the two cooperated together, and it was a large-scale cooperation, and it ended with a loss of more than 300 million for each of them.

At that time, he was the person in charge of this incident, and he almost didn't lose the heir status of the Sun family because of this incident.

If it weren't for his father's death, the Sun family would have had great opinions on him.

"What do you know about that?" Sun Chengfeng asked quickly.

Ji Feng saw Sun Chengfeng's reaction and was very satisfied.

What he wants is Sun Chengfeng's performance and appearance.

Sure enough, what happened back then was an indelible pain in Sun Chengfeng's heart.

It is normal, Sun Chengfeng is a very strong person, and he is also a very capable person.

For the cooperation between the two at that time, Sun Chengfeng was sharpening his knife, and he wanted to show his skills through that cooperation.

But in the end, it was a huge loss.

Ji Feng said slowly: "The main reason behind that incident is that the Song family is playing tricks. The top leader of Yuncheng has always been on the Song family's side."

"Because Yuncheng is far away from your city, your Sun family can't reach there, so some things cannot be investigated."

"And the Hong Kong Island real estate construction group that was later taken over was actually a real estate construction group invested by the Song family on Hong Kong Island."

"These are just your personal guesses?" Sun Chengfeng said gloomily.

In fact, his anger has risen in his heart now.

If this matter is true, the Song family is absolutely unforgivable.

As a partner, using a knife in the back is simply shameful.

Besides, the Song family and the Sun family had no conflict, so why did they want to make such a bad move?

"Don't worry, listen to me and finish first." Ji Feng said: "Actually, you are thinking in your heart now, even if what I said is true, why did the Song family want to attack your Sun family back then, and the two families had no grievances or enmity. ."

Sun Chengfeng did not speak.

Indeed, he was thinking about this.

Everything must have a motive.

Everything has a reason.

"That said, it's because Song Xiaofeng killed Li Ziming." Ji Feng said slowly: "Back then, in order to keep Song Xiaofeng and completely conceal that incident, the Song family spent a lot of money, and the family paid a lot of money. It can be said that most of the working capital on the Internet has been spent, after all, the Li family was also doing their best to investigate the truth of the incident."

Speaking of this, Ji Feng had to admire Song Jiabao's determination of Song Xiaofeng in that matter.

It really cost a terrifying price, bought up and down, and the money thrown out is an astronomical amount.

"In the end, although the matter was suppressed, the Song family spent too much, and they had to find a way to make money back, otherwise there would be problems with the operation of the company. It just so happened that at that time, your Sun family and Song family cooperated to develop the land in Yuncheng. ." Ji Feng said.

"Under normal circumstances, the two of you will cooperate normally and win-win in the end, but at that time, the Song family had some economic problems. Under the suggestion of Song Xiaofeng at that time, the Song family took a risk and gambled, and the result was a win. already."

"So, what happened next is what you saw."

"Evidence, what I want is evidence." Sun Chengfeng said coldly.

"Evidence, of course there is." Ji Feng said: "Lu Zhimin, she is the evidence. Song Xiaofeng killed Li Ziming right in front of her eyes. For this reason, the Song family put her family under house arrest. In the end, she had to become Song Xiaofeng's woman. She gave birth to a daughter, including the money earned from that project, which was put into an account opened in her name, and now there are almost two billion in it, which has become a backup fund for the Song family."

After Ji Feng finished speaking, Sun Chengfeng took out his mobile phone and was about to find his own people in your city to investigate Lu Zhimin.

"Uncle, Lu Zhimin is not in your city, the Song family is not so stupid." Ji Feng smiled: "I know what you want to do, don't worry, I can give you the address, including some things I found on her account. you."

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