The Strongest Son-in-law: God-level Choice

Chapter 310: I pay, you contribute

Gome Cosmetics Company!

Inside the office.

"What? You want to invest?" Su Yu looked surprised.

After Ji Feng came to the company, the cooperation plan she told her was to invest, which surprised Su Yu.

"How? Do you agree?" Ji Feng asked with a smile.

"Give me a reason." Su Yu asked.

"The reason is very simple. I plan to attack the clothing industry of the Ma family in an all-round way." Ji Feng expressed his thoughts.

"Sniping at the clothing industry of the Ma family? Are you crazy?" Su Yu said incredulously.

Although the Ma family has been involved in this industry over the years, it started in the past and its main industry now is the clothing industry.

Senlan Clothing is the clothing brand established by the Ma family for so many years.

If nothing else, the value of Guangma's clothing industry is conservatively estimated to be more than 5 billion.

More than 500 million, not 500 million, how can a new brand compare with an established brand?

"I'm not crazy, I pay, you contribute, we two newly registered a clothing company, and this clothing brand is not only linked to your cosmetics, but also to Sun Jie's beauty industry." Ji Feng said himself idea.

It's very simple. Su Yu's current cosmetics company is developing very well. With the cooperation with Sun Jie, a new product jointly launched by the cosmetics company and the beauty salon is very popular.

Both companies have solid customer bases.

This is why Su Yu suddenly thought of entering the clothing market. Of course, for Su Yu, it was just a try.

But Ji Feng is very optimistic. In addition, he now plans to go to war with the Ma family in an all-round way and attack the clothing industry, the main industry of the Ma family. This is an opportunity.

Cosmetics, beauty salons, fashion clothing, these are the needs of modern young people.

"Wait, I won't talk about it here, how do you know that Sun Jie would be willing to get involved in this muddy water?" Su Yu asked.

After all, Sun Jie is an outsider, not a native of Gimhae City. She finally took root in Gimhae City and developed her own industry.

Now let her be involved in the matter of the Ma family, once she cooperates with Ji Feng, it is equivalent to standing on the opposite side of the Ma family.

Will Sun Jie be willing?

"You don't have to worry about this, she will agree." Ji Feng said with a smile: "If you have no opinion, find a time, ask her to come together, the three of us have a meeting, and I will invest 500 million in it first."

After Ji Feng finished speaking, he looked at Su Yu with a smile.

She is giving her a cheap wife a chance.

To be honest, he can do this alone, but Su Yu is his wife, and her industry and ideas just fit his own, so Ji Feng brought it up.

"If you really plan to do this, I don't mind, it's your money anyway," Su Yu said.

Su Yu said this, in fact, it was just a hard mouth.

She is not afraid of risks, but just hopes that Ji Feng can be cautious, she doesn't want Ji Feng to suffer.

"That's fine." Ji Feng smiled: "If you lose it, it's mine."

Just after Su Yu and Ji Feng reached a preliminary agreement, Su Yu's cell phone rang.

Seeing the call, Su Yu said, "My mother's phone" and answered the phone.

Usually, his mother calls him, and Su Yu knows the specific content. It must be inseparable from her and her family's affairs. There is nothing to avoid Ji Feng from these things.

It was in front of Ji Feng's face.

Ji Feng, who was on the side, looked at Su Yu, who answered the phone, with a more and more solemn expression, and couldn't help but feel curious.

What can make Su Yu have such a serious face?

After half a ring, the phone hangs up.

"What's wrong?" Ji Feng asked with a smile.

"My mother said that Ma Yuanzhong came to the Su family today and asked the Su family to resolve the matter between the two of us. Now both the Ma family and the Su family know of your existence. The old lady has already planned to touch you and me. This time It's serious." Su Yu said solemnly.

In the past, Su Yu had conflicts with the family, although every time he had trouble with the old lady.

But in fact, Su Yu felt like a mirror in his heart.

Although the old lady kept threatening her, she only threatened her by taking away the business from her parents.

After all, her company was founded by her, and for a while, the old lady really wouldn't touch her company.

The reason for this is not only the unexpected idea of ​​her company, but also because they are all from the Su family, her junior.

The matter between the Su family can be resolved internally.

Even the old lady hopes that as long as Su Yu can honestly marry Ma Qiming, it doesn't matter whether she is looking for someone outside.

After the marriage, the benefits that the Su family should take, Su Yu became the Ma family, and the rest of the matter has nothing to do with the Su family.

But things are different now. The Ma family has intervened. The nature of the matter has changed and it has become completely serious.

It has come to a point where it has to be resolved.

Moreover, the Ma family also forced the Su family to solve the matter in person.

In this regard, the old lady can only start to use tough measures now, and it will be annoying to force Su Yu, solve the matter of Su Yu and Ji Feng, and give the Ma family an explanation.

Not only is she in trouble now, but Ji Feng is also in trouble.

After hearing what Su Yu said, Ji Feng smiled: "That's all?"

"Isn't this serious? Both the Ma family and the Su family are eyeing you? How capable are you to deal with two families at the same time?" Su Yu couldn't help saying.

She is not very clear about Ji Feng's strength.

But what she can be sure of now is that Ji Feng is not short of money now, not at all, even richer than her.

It's just that some things can't be solved with money.

Even if Ji Feng is richer, can he still compare with the Ma family?

If you have friends, can you compare with the Ma family's connections?

As for Su Yu's words, Ji Feng said: "Don't worry about it. In the next time, you only need to deal with what I just said with peace of mind. I will handle things other than business."

"I tell you, don't hold on, and don't be impulsive," Su Yu said.

"Don't worry, I don't want the child in your stomach to be called someone else's father after the birth." Ji Feng joked.

Su Yu's face immediately turned red.

"Okay, don't talk nonsense, I'll go first, there are other things to deal with, you pay attention to yourself, don't get tired of yourself." Ji Feng urged.

"I understand." Su Yu nodded, and involuntarily touched his lower abdomen with his right hand.

As time passed, she could clearly feel that in her stomach, a little life was growing day by day.

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