The Strongest Son-in-law: God-level Choice

Chapter 339: because of a sense of crisis

In fact, Su Yu himself felt that Ji Feng's attitude was changing now.

In the past, where did Ji Feng go at night, when she came back, and who she was with, she would never think too much or ask too much.

But it's different now.

Su Yu found that in her life, Ji Feng had begun to play a role in it.

And this role is still a very important one.

Especially after going through that last time.

Ji Feng faked Sun Jie's boyfriend.

After that incident, Su Yu found some changes in himself.

At the same time, Su Yu found that it was not only herself that had changed, but also Sun Jie.

Just like now, for the business cooperation plan proposed by Ji Feng, she contacted Sun Jie.

This is a big deal!

Su Yu has never been a woman who gets angry because of some trivial matters.

She takes care of the overall situation.

So, she contacted Sun Jie.

Originally, she thought that Sun Jie would put forward some conditions for this business cooperation, but she didn't.

Sun Jie expressed her cooperation and willingness to give her maximum support.

At the same time, he also said something to her at the end.

Su Yu, I envy you so much now.

envy her?

What is she envious of?

There is only one thing that can make Sun Jie envy, and that is Ji Feng.

She is Ji Feng's girlfriend.

She and Sun Jie had actually experienced the same thing, the forced marriage of the family.

It's just that Sun Jie was not as lucky as her to find a man like Ji Feng.

The relationship between himself and Ji Feng is real, and he is a certified husband and wife legally recognized by national law.

Moreover, he also has Ji Feng's child in his belly.

And Sun Jie and Ji Feng are just fakes.

Help ended and the relationship returned to normal.

This is the key point that Sun Jie envies Ji Feng.

Indeed, after the cooperation ended, Sun Jie did not want to return Ji Feng to Su Yu, and even clearly expressed her attitude and used some methods to seduce Ji Feng.

It's just Ji Feng, not an ordinary man.

In the face of Sun Jie's seduction, Ji Feng always smiled and solved it easily.

Sun Jie doesn't know what Ji Feng thinks, but it is certain that Sun Jie is more and more inseparable from Ji Feng now.

From Sun Jie's words, Su Yu also noticed something.

Maybe facing some of Sun Jie's "methods", Ji Feng strengthened his bottom line because of her.

Women are more sensitive about this.

Especially when the other party is still a woman.

Therefore, Su Yu felt a sense of crisis.

This sense of crisis is beyond Su Yu's control.

Su Yu doesn't care what she wants to do, but it's not the beginning anymore, she can't do it.

The little life in her stomach grows up day by day, and in a subtle way, Ji Feng begins to occupy an increasingly important position in her life.

Su Yu is a very natural person.

Some things, since they come, can only be accepted.

It can be said that Su Yu may still be tough on his own changes, but he agrees by default in his heart.

In the bedroom!

Ji Feng leaned on the bed, thinking about something.

It's not a bad thing for Su Yu to have such a change.

This shows that some of the things he's done so far are working.

At the same time, some unknown stones, which were sold for 10 million yuan from the Genting Villa auction, were placed on the table.

Out of curiosity, Ji Feng used the Eye of Appraisal skill on this dark stone.

In fact, Ji Feng has already tried the Eye of Appraisal skill.

Using this skill can analyze the true type of an item, and any fake can't be hidden in front of the eye of appraisal.

As a result, after identifying the stone with the Eye of Appraisal, Ji Feng still did not obtain the specific information of the stone.

Even the material has not been identified, but the general purpose of this stone has been obtained.

The feedback given to him by the Eye of Appraisal is that this stone is a power stone, and it contains a huge amount of energy.

"Power stone? Could it be used as an energy device?" Ji Feng was a little puzzled.

However, if it is not clear, it is simply okay.

I don't know for now, so don't think about it.

There will always be a day when it will be clear.


The next day!

But at half past six in the morning, Ji Feng's door was opened.

"Brother, get up." Xiao Ling shouted, Xiao Pao rushed in, startling Ji Feng.

Because he slept in a small trousers, basically sleeping naked.

Science shows that sleeping naked is the healthiest and most comfortable sleeping habit.

Although Xiao Ling is a sister in his eyes, it is not good to be seen.

"Xiao Ling, why did you get up so early? Don't sleep much?" Ji Feng cried and laughed.

"Brother, my father told me to go to bed early and get up early, not to sleep late." Xiao Ling said seriously.

Outside, Su Yu also got up and started making breakfast.

"Then you go out first, and I'll get up immediately." Ji Feng said.

"Brother, hurry up." Xiao Ling said.


Xiao Ling obediently walked out of the room, but the door was not closed for Ji Feng.

On Ji Feng's side, he turned over and got up, just about to get dressed, but found that Su Yu's eyes were on his side.

Because of the relationship between the door, it just faces the living room, so people outside can easily see the inside.

As soon as Su Yu baked the bread, he turned around and put it on the table, but when he looked up, he saw Ji Feng wearing shorts, standing there naked.

Immediately his face turned red.

"Why don't you wear clothes?" Su Yu couldn't help but groaned.

"I'm sorry, I'm used to sleeping naked, which is good for my body." Ji Feng was not ashamed of Su Yu, what was his wife afraid of.

"Hurry up and put on your clothes, Xiao Ling is still here." But Xiao Ling was already sitting at the dining table very honestly, waiting for the breakfast to start.

Ji Feng shrugged his shoulders, and began to put on clothes in front of Su Yu without shyness.

"What about you~" Su Yu muttered and turned around shyly.

Although she is changing now, some things still need a process of adaptation.

Soon, Su Yu made breakfast, Ji Feng also got dressed and walked out of the bedroom. After washing up, he picked up a piece of bread, put a poached egg in it, smeared some tomato and salad dressing, put it on In Su Yu's plate.

Then he did the same thing and got another one for Xiao Ling.

Ji Feng is like the head of the family, taking care of his wife and sister.

Although Su Yu didn't speak, his heart was still warm.

"Have breakfast in a while. I'm going to take Xiao Ling out. I might be back later today," Ji Feng said.

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