The Strongest Son-in-law: God-level Choice

Chapter 386: put on a good show

Ji Feng's return this time can be said to be a secret return, or it can be said that he is not a secret return.

Before coming, at the request of the old man, Ji Feng did not tell his parents about this.

Even after returning now, his parents still don't know.

Ji Feng was able to guess a thing or two about the medicine sold in his cheap grandfather's gourd.


The ceremony of recognizing the ancestors and returning to the ancestors started on time.

The Ji family went up and down, and all the Ji family members who could come back rushed back to participate in Ji Feng's ancestor recognition ceremony.

This is a big event, presided over by Ji Baishan, the grandfather of the Ji family.

The ancestral hall was opened, and a Zhang'an platform was filled with tributes.

Under the witness of the Ji family members, Ji Baishan took out the Ji family tree in front of everyone.

"I, Ji Baishan, the twenty-third generation descendant of the Ji family, will record the name of my grandson Ji Feng on the genealogy today. From now on, Ji Feng will officially become the twenty-fifth generation of my Ji family." Ji Baishan said out loud.

With Ji Baishan's pen and writing Ji Feng's name on the Ji family tree, Ji Feng will officially become the twenty-fifth generation of the Ji family.

In the past, the ceremony of recognizing the ancestors and returning to the ancestors was extremely cumbersome, but due to time constraints, all the procedures were as simple as possible.

Ji Feng's name is written on the genealogy, and Ji Feng holds a long incense stick in front of the spirit cards of Ji's ancestors, respectfully offering the incense.

After Ji Feng finished the incense, Ji Baishan said in front of everyone: "According to the rules, Ji Feng, as my eldest grandson, should join the family company from now on to help with company affairs, do you have any comments? "

After Ji Baishan said these words, many people from the Ji family started to fight with each other.

If Ji Feng simply recognizes his ancestors and returns to his ancestry, it means little to them.

But Ji Feng's identity is too special. As the eldest grandson of Ji's grandfather, this identity means that Ji Feng is qualified to enter the family company and intervene in company affairs.

If there was no such thing as that year, the person in charge of the family now should also be Ji Feng's father, the third runner-up.

Looking at the silent crowd, Ji Baishan said directly: "Everyone who is currently in charge of Ji's family's industry, does any company currently hold a suitable position for Feng'er?"

Ji's family has a big business, in addition to a main company, there are many subsidiaries.

The main company is currently being taken care of by Ji Hai, while those subsidiaries are taken care of by other members of the Ji family.

It can be said that with the identity of Ji Feng, whoever Ji Feng enters into the company will encroach on the interests of the other party.

"Could it be that my family business, Ji Jianuo, doesn't even have a position that can accommodate my grandson?" Ji Baishan said in a deep voice.

"Dad, Ji Feng's nephew is coming to the company to exercise, I'm very welcome, but the main company I have control is very complicated, you know, Ji Feng has never taken over, I think it's better to go first. It is more appropriate for the company to exercise." Ji Hai said first.

This point Ji Hai said is well-founded. The main company is indeed responsible for a lot of things. It is a very good excuse to not let Ji Feng join the main company for the time being.

"It's true, but the company I'm in charge of is facing layoffs, and there really isn't a suitable position for a while."

"No, my company is also in a recession recently and is preparing to lay off a lot of people."

"It's all the same. Now the market is sluggish, and the company's demand for talents is not so tight."

"If there is really no suitable position, you can't let Young Master Sun do groceries, it's not suitable."

Following Ji Hai's statement, the others were not fuel-efficient lamps, and immediately began to talk about their own difficulties.

"I can see it clearly. The Ji family's property, which is so emotional, doesn't even have a competent position for my grandson, right?" Ji Baishan lowered his tone.

Seeing Ji Baishan getting angry, none of these people dared to speak, and they all bowed their heads to express their silence, but no one was willing to give up their own interests.

"Grandpa, since Ji's company doesn't have a suitable position for me, then forget it, it's all my own family. If there is, my uncles and uncles wouldn't say such things." Ji Feng said at this time.

"Young Master Sun said yes."

"You are really considerate, Young Master Sun."

"Young Master Sun's words really moved me."

"It's really not suitable, otherwise, it would definitely be my honor for Young Master Sun to come to our company."

Seeing Ji Feng say such words, a group of people began to climb up the pole again.

"Grandpa, I'm not the one who manages the company, so don't be too **** yourself, I give up the right to enter the family company." Ji Feng said with a "righteousness" look.

After Ji Feng said these words, many people were secretly happy.

"Feng'er, you have to think clearly, it would be a pity if you give up this right." Ji Baishang said in a "sorry" tone.

"Grandpa, I haven't been home for so many years. You let me join the family company, aren't you embarrassing me, I choose to give up." Ji Feng said "sensible".

"Have you really thought about it?"

"Think about it."

"Well, indeed, you haven't come back for so many years, and it is really cruel for you to arrange work for you as soon as you come back." Ji Baishan pretended to agree: "Well, since you gave up this right, The family should compensate you."

After finishing speaking, Ji Baishan said to everyone: "Since Feng'er has chosen to give up this right, I respect his opinion, but out of compensation, 100 million yuan is given out of the family business account as compensation for Feng'er. Do you have any opinions? "

"No comment."

"Compensation is deserved, we have no opinion at all."

"This compensation is reasonable and we support it."

"Absolutely support, Master Sun has not been easy these years."

Compared with Ji Feng's involvement in the company, who has always shared part of their interests, 100 million sounds like a lot, but they can definitely accept it.

"Haizi, how about you?" Ji Baishan asked.

"Dad, I have no opinion." Ji Hai said.

"Okay, then it's settled." Ji Baishan decided.

"Thank you grandpa, thank you elders." Ji Feng thanked him with a grateful look.

I really admire my grandfather for being an old fox.

Originally, Ji Feng thought that the 100 million yuan was given to him personally by Ji Baishan, but he didn't expect that he would cooperate to stage this play in front of the crowd, and to extract 100 million yuan from these incorruptible guys.

This is really a good show!

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