The Strongest Son-in-law: God-level Choice

Chapter 447: Ji Feng's paintings

There are sixteen types of paintings.

They are ink painting, oil painting, printmaking, gouache painting, murals, comics, meticulous painting, freehand painting, abstract painting, blue and green landscape painting, ink painting landscape painting, line drawing, finger painting, boundary painting, interior painting, and sketch.

And ink painting. It is a painting created by mixing water and ink with the concentration of water and ink. It is a form of painting. More often, ink painting is regarded as traditional Chinese painting, that is, the representative of Chinese painting.

Due to contemporary cultural exchange.

In fact, not many people can appreciate ink painting.

Western oil painting has become a sought after object of the contemporary public.

For the words on display in my own solo exhibition tomorrow.

Ji Feng figured it out.

Two, eight ink paintings and eight ink paintings~

As for the object of each painting, it depends on Ji Feng's current mood.

What do you want to draw.

A master of painting, when painting, what is most needed.

is inspiration.

Inspiration is something that anyone who pursues art needs, so to speak.

Ji Feng also needs it.

It's just that Ji Feng, who has god-level painting skills, is much simpler to paint than those painting masters.

Inspiration is just icing on the cake, not a must.

A painting should not only have images, but also have gods.

The highest and highest state of a painting is the painter, who can completely integrate his own state of mind when painting.

In one go, without the slightest delay.

It is possible for a master painter to make a painting, which can take at least a few hours to as long as a month.

However, Ji Feng is different.

Whether it is physical fitness or painting ability, the so-called masters are incomparable in front of Ji Feng.

Of course, sixteen words will also take Ji Feng some time~

Time passes by a little bit~

The night is getting deeper~

It's one o'clock in the morning~

Ji Feng stretched his bones.

All sixteen words were finally completed.

Among them, it took him a little longer to belong to ink painting.

Oil painting is very simple.

of these sixteen paintings.

The most shocking is the dragon ink painting that Ji Feng intends to use as the finale.


Chinese Totem.

The legend of the dragon has been passed down for thousands of years.

The children of Huaxia all claim to be descendants of the dragon.

Of course, it is impossible to know whether anyone has actually seen a dragon.

However, the appearance of the dragon totem has been passed down.

The image of the dragon is like a deer, head like a cow, eyes like a shrimp, mouth like a donkey, belly like a snake, scales like a fish, feet like a phoenix, beard like a man, ears like an elephant.

I don't know if anyone has actually seen it~

But the dragon has been handed down in this image.

Originally, Ji Feng did not intend to draw dragons.

Because, if you want to draw a special species, the premise is that you have seen it with your own eyes.

Only when you have seen it with your own eyes and know every detail of it, its charm, can you draw it.

In order to paint a certain thing, it is necessary to spend a lot of energy in the early stage to understand and study it.

The more famous ones are Xu Beihong's horse and Qi Baishi's shrimp.

Xu Beihong's galloping horse, 3.26 meters high and 1.12 meters wide, is listed as a national first-class cultural relic.

The whole painting adopts bold splashing ink and strong line description methods, focusing on depicting the charm and temperament of the horse.

In the painting, Ma Xiongjun, vigorous and lightly ill, has the aesthetic feeling of "thin bone and bronze sound". The galloping horse is strong and vigorous.

And Qi Baishi's shrimp is not inferior.

Before the age of 60, Master Qi Baishi painted shrimps mainly by Mogu, and learned the shrimp painting techniques of Li Futang and Zheng Banqiao.

At the age of sixty-two, Qi Baishi thought that his experience with shrimp was not deep enough. At this time, his shrimp paintings surpassed those of the ancients, but he lacked energy and could not express the transparent texture of shrimp.

At the age of sixty-six, Qi Baishi made a leap in painting shrimps and achieved both form and spirit, which can be regarded as a success, but he was still not satisfied, and continued to pursue the simplicity of brush and ink. The authenticity of the legs, this is the hind legs of the shrimp he painted only five.

It can be said that whether it is Xu Beihong or Qi Baishi, whether it is a horse or a shrimp.

The various characteristics and details of this species itself.

The two master painters were able to express it on paper through ink and wash.

It can express its spirit and spirit perfectly.

What is the master?

This is the master.


Ji Feng has never seen it.

But when he planned to draw a dragon, an image of a dragon involuntarily appeared in his mind.

In front of him, there seems to be a lifelike dragon, soaring in the clouds and mist in front of him.

Just like the supreme beast, looking down on everything~

Control the wind, rain, thunder and lightning, and the momentum is like a rainbow.

When drawing the dragon, Ji Feng's mood was surging.

Therefore, after drawing, this dragon also has a god.

Although it was drawn on paper, it was like a living thing in the manner.

Ji Feng is very satisfied~

Very satisfied.

dong dong dong~

At this time, there was a knock on the door.

"Come in." Ji Feng said.

He was a little curious.

Who will knock on the door now?

It's so late, I haven't gone back yet, I'm still in the company.

Moreover, there should not be many people who know that he paints here.

The door opens.

Yu Bingxin walked in, holding a bowl of boiled lotus seed soup.

"It's so late, you haven't gone back yet?" Ji Feng asked.

Yu Bingxin smiled and said, "Sister Haiqing told me that you were in the company tonight, and I didn't go back. I made lotus seed soup for you, and you drink it while it's hot. This is what I learned recently."

In fact, after knowing that Ji Feng will not go back tonight.

Yu Bingxin stayed in the company and never went back.

She wanted to accompany Ji Feng.

"Thank you, it's getting late, rest early." Ji Feng said with a smile after taking the soup from Yu Bingxin.

Yu Bingxin's kindness, he naturally knew.

"I'm not sleepy. I often stay up late, I'm used to it. Besides, I'm not afraid of dark circles and acne because of the wind and rain." Yu Bingxin said.

After seeing the paintings on the surrounding artboards.

Yu Bingxin said in surprise, "Brother Feng, you drew all of this?"

Ji Feng smiled and nodded: "Well, how is the painting?"

Yu Bingxin looked at it and said embarrassedly, "Brother Feng, I don't know how to appreciate paintings, but it makes me feel good."

In front of Ji Feng, Yu Bingxin always told the truth.

She really doesn't know how to paint, and she doesn't know how to appreciate it.

Hearing this, Ji Feng smiled and said, "It doesn't matter. Appreciating paintings is a matter of personal preference."

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