The Strongest Son-in-law: God-level Choice

Chapter 475: Gimhae University flower

"It's me, who are you?" The other party hesitated, she didn't know the strange number and the voice of the strange man.

"I heard that classmate Li is collecting songs recently? I have a few songs here..." Ji Feng explained with a smile: "I am also from Gimhae University, and I just graduated this year from my classmates.. "

"It's the senior." The other party called the senior directly. A very cheerful feeling that was very easy to contact, she asked again, "Is the senior from the music department?."

"No, it's from the computer department." Ji Feng said.

"Department of Computer... The seniors of the Department of Computer Science can also write songs? You didn't buy a few songs on purpose to get close to me, did you? Seniors, you have bad intentions~" Classmate Li exposed Ji Feng's tone, but he still Relaxed, half-truth and a bit of a joke.

"Oh, you are so smart, you have seen through this." Ji Feng also said half-jokingly.

"Okay, let's not make trouble, does the senior really have a song?" Li took the initiative to bring the topic back.

"Yes, the kind you are satisfied with." Ji Feng said,

"Eh!" Li sighed. "You've all said that... how many times, and there are not many good songs, so I might as well write them myself."

"Want to buy it?" Ji Feng asked.

"Let's take a look first, and then buy it. You have to inspect the goods first. Do you have time now, senior?"

"Yes, I'm here in Block B, Orange Light Building. Where are you?"

"Then... Ruixing Coffee, does the senior know?"


"Okay, let's meet there then."

The two agreed on a meeting place, and after two more words, they hung up.

The phone hangs up.

Sun Jie and Su Yu were puzzled.

This is a good female voice, but this voice sounds young.

However, the two of them did not know each other.

Since Ji Feng said that to settle Fan Bing, it is necessary to contact Fan Bing.

Contact this woman, and what do you mean by selling songs?

The two were very suspicious.

"You are this?" Su Yu asked in confusion.

"Secret." Ji Feng showed a mysterious smile, got up and said, "Just don't forget our two bets."

After that, he left immediately.

It was left to Su Yu and Sun Jie, who were confused.

A few minutes later.

Luckin Cafe.

Ji Feng put one hand in his pocket, pushed the door into the cafe, stopped for a while, looked left and right, and saw a single ponytail girl with a peaked cap and a mask sitting by the window on the right.

Dressed mysteriously. As if afraid of being recognized.

Ji Feng walked over, pulled the chair, sat down directly opposite the girl, and said with a smile, "Classmate Li, are you so afraid of being photographed secretly?"

The mysteriously dressed girl with a single ponytail saw Ji Feng sit down and talk directly to herself. She was stunned before she reacted. She habitually glanced around, and then pulled down the black mask, but did not take it off. Instead, she hung it up. on the chin.

In this way, the top and bottom of her face are still blocked by the cap and mask. Only the main part in the middle is exposed.

This of course allows people to see her beauty, but also because of the occlusion, it is not so shocking.

"Do you recognize this?" the girl asked, in a sweet and soft voice, it was Li Xuan.

"You are the only one in the cafe who is afraid of being seen. Is it difficult to recognize you while drinking coffee and wearing a mask?" Ji Feng said with a smile.

"Wow, you are so smart, senior." Li Xuan smiled half-jokingly. Then she looked at Ji Feng again, and frowned slightly with a smile: "Senior, you... I seem to have seen you: .. ."

She was familiar with Ji Feng.

This is not surprising, Ji Feng is not bad, and his temperament is not bad.

For people who are handsome and have a good temperament, everyone will have an unconscious sense of intimacy.

"Maybe I met in the cafeteria." Ji Feng responded casually with a smile.

In fact, Ji Feng is not a student of Gimhae University.

He didn't graduate from Gimhae University either, he made up all this.

However, it doesn't matter.

The important thing is that he has the information of the girl in front of him.

Gimhae University is a university with a lot of beautiful women, because it has a dance academy, a music academy, and the disciplines of broadcasting and hosting.

The former Jinda University has always been full of controversy on who is the first school flower, and each has its own view. This is all about aesthetics, and no one is right or wrong.

Until Li Xuan enrolls

It directly obliterated all the voices of questioning and arguing, and unified the opinions of all male students and even female students!

Li Xuan is the undisputed school flower of Gimhae University.

And it's the only school flower!

No matter how beautiful other girls are, they are at least one level worse than her. Not long after Li Xuan entered Jinhai Taixue, a strange atmosphere even formed in Jinhai University, that is, "You are prettier than Li Xuan", tantamount to falsehood.

It's a very sarcastic insult!

Li Xuan's beauty is really controversial!

It is also because she is so beautiful that Li Xuan developed the habit of wearing a mask many years ago.

She is not a star, but she will be watched by a group of people wherever she goes. As soon as she sits in the cafe, a man with a girlfriend at the next table will peek at her, and some people even take pictures of her secretly, which caused her some distress. .

"Senior also always go to the second cafeteria to eat"

"Yeah, but before graduation this year, these few didn't go there much, and the cooking aunt was not so delicious."

"Yeah, it's all said, and the student union has reported it to the school. The school said it would change it, but it won't."

The two casually said a word, and it was obvious that the relationship was getting closer.

"Senior, we haven't officially known each other yet, Li Xuan." Li Xuan smiled and extended her hand to Ji Feng. She is a smiling girl who always has a smile on her face.

"Ji Feng." Ji Feng said with a smile, and shook hands with Li Xuan.

"Did the senior bring anything? Is it a USB flash drive or handwritten?" Li Xuan asked Ji Feng again.

"Well..." Ji Feng pondered for a while and smiled, "Did you bring a pen and paper?"

"Bring it, what are you doing?" Li Xuan asked while subconsciously supporting the bag on the chair next to her.

On the chair next to her are her computer bags and luxury bags. Laptops and things that girls often bring, she brings them all.

"What else can I do, write it to you?" Ji Feng said with a smile.

"Write to me? Write to me now?" Li Xuan's expression was wrong.

Ji Feng pointed at his head, indicating that it was all recorded in his mind.

"Senior, aren't you here to play with me? You'll be annoying~" Li Xuan said in a joking tone. While speaking, she picked up her bag and dug it out. pen and paper.

She writes songs herself, and her inspiration is accidental, so she always carries a pen and paper in her bag.

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