It's a super lethal look because she's so pretty.

"One hundred thousand." Ji Feng said with a smile.

"Well, I'll give it to you!" Li Xuan immediately agreed.

"In addition, I want 50% of the net income of the song." Ji Feng said again, more than a lion's mouth, it was a dream, and the world's top lyricists and composers would not dare to ask for such a price.

"Okay! No problem." Li Xuan agreed without hesitation.

She wants to be a singer, but not for money, she doesn't care how much money a song can make, as long as it can become popular!

"Then let's talk, pen and paper..." Ji Feng gestured to Li Xuan.

Li Xuan quickly took out the notebook and pen, and handed it to Ji Feng with a smile on her face.

Ji Feng turned to the blank page at the back, and was about to write, but stopped, looked up and smiled and asked Li Xuan, "What type of song do you want?"

"Ah?" Li Xuan was stunned, blinked with big eyes, and then frowned in confusion, "Can you still choose? Senior, how many songs have you written in total?"

"You can choose, I'll write it to you soon," Ji Feng said with a smile.

"Write now? Soon?" Li Xuan was shocked.

She can pay for the song and give up 50% of the income. She must buy a good one, and it must be of high quality. Even if it can't reach the height of "Little Love Song", at least she has to be a little red. She is mentally prepared for this.

But Ji Feng actually asked her to choose a topic, and she is still writing it now? And soon?

"Senior, don't perfunctory me, are you still angry?" Li Xuan pursed her lips.

"It's not perfunctory, I'm serious, and the songs I write will definitely become popular." Ji

Li Xuan felt that Ji Feng was perfunctory, and did not believe what Ji Feng said.

"If you don't, I'll refund you the money, okay?" Ji Feng said with a smile.

Today! Ji Feng wants Li Xuan to re-understand what it means to be truly talented.

"Then..." Li Xuan looked suspicious, seeing Ji Feng's attitude. She really couldn't say anything, she felt that Ji Feng was a little too confident because of the popularity of "Little Spirit Antidote", but she didn't will say this.

"Then love..." Li Xuan said thoughtfully.

"What about the style?" Ji Feng asked again

"Style, lyricism, chorus words don't matter..." Li Xuan said slowly.

Ji Feng nodded with a smile, with a "good no problem" expression on his face. Of course, the love-themed ballads were no problem for Ji Feng at all. "

"Am I asking too much?"

The more confident Ji Feng showed, the more she felt in her heart: "'s about love, you can write whatever you want, senior..."

"Then I wrote it." Ji Feng didn't say more, and started to write in the notebook.

Still no pause

Ji Feng wrote so fast that he didn't seem to have to think about it!

Li Xuan looked at it, and began to feel that Ji Feng was taking out the songs she wrote before to deal with him, but it felt wrong because Ji Feng only asked her what song to write today.

In ten minutes, Ji Feng wrote the lyrics.

In less than ten minutes, Ji Feng wrote the notation.

Then, in the mixing part, Ji Feng marked the instruments, the harmony, and the singing at different stages.

Ji Feng knows Li Xuan's voice when she sings, as well as her singing habits, so his annotations are targeted.

After Ji Feng has finished writing, Li Xuan can record the demo directly according to the content in the book, and does not need anyone else to guide and correct.

It took half an hour in total.

Ji Feng finished writing, handed the book back to Li Xuan, and smiled, "Look at it."

Li Xuan took it and looked down.

"Because of love?" Li Xuan muttered, she was reading the title of the song, it was called "Because of Love"

Because it's just words. So Li Xuan can't judge what the song will feel in the end.

But just lyrically, it's very well written.

"Thank you, senior." Li Xuan did not comment on the song after reading it, but thanked Ji Feng.

"Sell you, thank you." Ji Feng smiled.

This seemed to remind Li Xuan.

"Oh yes." Li Xuan reacted and took out her mobile phone. "Senior, what is your card number? I will call you 100,000 yuan. If we divide it into a contract, we will make an appointment. I will definitely not be rude..."

Ji Feng opened the QR code for payment on the mobile phone, placed the mobile phone flat on the table, and pushed it over.

Li Xuan always has millions of pocket money in Penguin Pay WeChat alone.

Li Xuan scans the QR code to pay.

Coming soon!

"Okay, that's it for today, I still have something to do..." Ji Feng put away his phone and stood up.

"Okay, senior, let's do this first." Li Xuan also stood up. In fact, she was also in a hurry to leave, she wanted to go back to record the song and didn't want to waste a little time: "Senior, let's make an appointment next time, I'll invite you to dinner, let's do it again. Have a good chat."

"It's done, let's go." Ji Feng stopped talking nonsense, gathered up his suit and smiled at Li Xuan, then turned and left.

When passing by Wu Ya's desk, Ji Feng glanced at Wu Ya who was playing with her mobile phone and sending messages.

Wu Ya didn't seem to pay attention to Ji Feng, until Ji Feng walked over with her back to her, she turned her head and glanced, and then clicked the send button on the mobile phone chat interface.

Li Xuan watched Ji Feng go out.

Sitting down again, she packed up the computer bag and other things she often carried. Before putting away the book, she looked at the songs written by Ji Feng again, pursing her lips and frowning slightly.

She still felt unreliable.

Although Ji Feng's song was written quite well, and the theme style was decided by her only today, it is possible that Ji Feng just wrote it, for Ji Feng's talent. Li Xuan will not question.

But can it be red? Can it work?

How many long-established singers are surrounded by a group of professionals, but they are still out of breath when they say they are angry. If a new song is not popular, no one listens to it. It is difficult to make a popular song. How can Ji Feng just write and write it?

Although she thinks so, Li Xuan will definitely want to record and release songs when she returns.

The money is spent, she is definitely going to try it!

A few minutes later.

On the road, Ji Feng was driving a Ferrari, neither fast nor slow.

He looked at the rearview mirror frequently, because there were cars following him all the time, from the time he left the cafe, it was one car at first, now a few minutes later, two more cars converged, three cars, Follow him together.

Ji Feng was not surprised at all.

Another two minutes passed.

The fourth tracking car finally appeared. The first three were a western sedan, a commercial car, and the fourth car was a black off-road vehicle. When Ji Feng's Ferrari crossed the intersection, he suddenly turned right and followed. of. _

Ji Feng guessed what they might be doing.

Will give them a chance. But not now.

Hit the gas pedal."

Ferrari suddenly accelerates!

But it didn't accelerate too fast, to ensure that the four cars following could follow, but they couldn't catch up further to outflank the stop, unless they wanted to cause a major accident, but obviously they didn't want to.

that's it.

Another twenty minutes passed.

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