Madam Su has always been very flamboyant, and this time was no exception.

The moment Su Qingying saw the convoy approaching, the anger that was on her body disappeared, a trace of unease appeared in her eyes, and she glanced at Ji Feng subconsciously.

Ji Feng seemed to sense Su Qingying's grace, turned his head and glanced at Su Qingying, blinked, gave Su Qingying a "reassuring" look, and smiled.

Su Qingying was indeed at ease.

But as the convoy approached quickly, she was still a little nervous. Her fear of her mother had been cultivated since she was a child.

She is like the little elephant in a fairy tale. Since she was a child, she was tied by a rope and the little elephant grew up and became an elephant, but the rope was still the same rope. Can't do it.

Su Qingying really has a problem in her heart

And this kind of problem is caused by her mother's hand."

Seeing the Su family's motorcade coming over, they could guess who was in the car. The Su family knew it, but Sun Jie could guess it. Sun Jie took a deep breath and adjusted her emotions.

She knew, confused a few bodyguards. It's easy, but Madam Su is a very difficult woman to deal with.

And Sun Jie had to help Ji Feng and Su Zuiying to completely cover up the real want.

The two went on a date in private. It's good not to be discovered. If she was discovered, Sun Jie would have to jump out and help cover up.

I'm so tired!

Ji Feng suddenly touched Sun Jie, tilted his head and whispered to Sun Jie: "The bag in Su Qingying's hand..."

Sun Jie listened and turned to look at Su Qingying. Only then did she notice that Su Qingying was holding a small white paper bag with the words "Kangmei Pharmacy" on it.

Su Qingying bought the medicine.

I don't know if she was too nervous or something. Not only did she take the medicine out of the pharmacy, but she didn't put it in her bag. She kept it in her hand, as if she didn't feel it.

When a person is too focused on something, they are likely to ignore what they are holding in their hands.

Although Su Qingying bought a "special medicine", the pharmacy was very considerate and gave it a confidential bag.

But when Mrs. Su came over and let her notice it, it would be bad to take it.

Mrs. Su must not be allowed to see what medicine is inside first.

"Give me the Qingying medicine." Sun Jie said to Su Qingying, gesturing with a soft smile, "I'm really bothering you. I also asked you to run errands to buy medicine for me."

Su Qingying - startled, react immediately

"It's okay." She walked to Sun Jie's side in two steps, handed the paper bag containing the medicine to Sun Jie, and said, "Thank you for helping me, so it's not troublesome."

Sun Jie was thoughtful.

Su Qingying mentioned "help her" before. She also mentioned "How about mother. Is mother right?" And Sun Jie heard how powerful Mrs. Su was at home. Also very strict.

As an outsider, of course Sun Jie couldn't know how strict Madam Su's discipline towards Su Qingying was.

But now she seems to understand something through Su Qingying's words, and she also understands why Su Qingying "thanks for helping her".

Ji Feng didn't tell Sun Jie how he took Su Qingying to escape.

Now, Sun Jie guessed something by herself.

Ji Feng felt that he didn't need to be so detailed and didn't have the time. He felt that based on the intelligence quotient of these two women, if they couldn't sing and sing together, then one of them must be mentally handicapped.

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