The Strongest Son-in-law: God-level Choice

Chapter 814: Can't tell?

Su Qingying fully confirmed that Sun Jie and Ji Feng were not masters and slaves.

That's even weirder!

"Then why did you give him a massage?" Su Qingying asked again, saying that she had asked three more questions.

Speaking of this, Sun Jie's expression suddenly became indifferent and serious.

"Can't you tell?" Su Qingying asked again when she saw that Sun Jie was silent.

"I like it." Sun Jie said directly, with a reasonable explanation. It was in line with her style of doing what she said.

"Miss Sun." Su Qingying said again: "Do you like Ji Feng? We are all women, you don't have to lie to me, I can feel that you didn't explain that you were out of anger when I bumped into you giving Ji Feng a massage. me?"

"Miss Su, you have too many questions." Sun Jie turned her head in a serious tone, looked at the road ahead, and said in a relaxed tone, "It's okay to study me, or talk about your business, you have to find out about yourself. Your own situation, you don't want to see Ji Feng again in the future, do you?"

"Oh yes yes yes...let's just get down to business," Su Qingying said immediately.

very subtle.

The two have a **** for tat

And both of them even used their relationship with Ji Feng to stir up each other's emotions!

"Tell me, what's the matter with you and Ji Feng? How did he take you to escape?" Sun Jie asked.

"Actually, we didn't know each other, and we went to meet at the golf course in Gower in Tangsha today. In fact, some of what he said was quite right. My mother, she..." Su Qingying explained the situation.

She hid a lot of important situations and details, and blurred how she knew Ji Feng.

Because she wants to hide herself is a shaking M!

She attributed the fact that she would follow Ji Feng to escape the house entirely due to Ji Feng's persuasion to her, as well as her own awakening, and her mother was really too strict with her. She will resist!

After Sun Jie heard it, she felt wrong. Is it that simple?

Is Su Qingying mentally retarded? Would you be persuaded by a man you haven't known for a long time to go with him? Would you even be his woman? Wash and cook for him?

Of course Su Qingying is not mentally retarded.

There must be something inside. Su Qingying deliberately concealed it.

Sun Jie did not pursue this part of the situation, because it is not important at present, the important thing is to deal with Mrs. Su!

Sun Jie understood the priorities, so Sun Jie asked Su Qingying a lot in the following period about her relationship with her mother.

Twenty minutes later.

Jinfu Tea House, private room on the top floor.

This is the industry of the Su family in Jinhai. Although the Su family is in the jewelry business, there are also some other industries in Jinhai.

The private room is very large and has many decorations. It can not only drink tea and talk about things, but also have a temporary rest, just like a hotel suite.

There were only four people in the room.

Mrs. Su, Su Qingying, Sun Jie, and Ji Feng.

"Miss Sun, I don't know if you can explain to me why you are with my daughter? Don't you think it's rude to let your boyfriend Mr. Ji take my daughter away without saying hello? I don't know if Mr. Ji's behavior violates the law, maybe I should consult my lawyer." Mrs. Su held her teacup gracefully and asked indifferently.

After asking, she also glanced at Ji Feng.

Attack directly!

This is just the beginning, Ji Feng is the point!

What's more, she hasn't asked yet!

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