The Strongest Son-in-law: God-level Choice

Chapter 835: That doesn't make much sense

Yao Honglin is the director of Jinfu Group!

This is the value of Yao Honglin. He is still a member of the board of directors of Jinfu Group and an internal director of Jinfu Group.

Although Yao Honglin is not very involved in the operation of Jinfu Group now. Should not be an inside director. But his directorship was not elected this year, but two and a half years ago.

Board members of listed companies are elected every three years.

Two and a half years ago, Yao Honglin has not yet become what he is now. Although he was marginalized at the time, he is still doing Jin Fu's work. Although his shares are small, he can still rank among the top ten individual shareholders of Jin Fu. It's okay to have a seat on the board.

Although Yao Honglin has only the second half of his term left, Jinfu Group will not be elected as a member of the board of directors at the beginning of next year.

But as long as he is still a director, he has the right to speak.

very useful!

Because the board is one-vote!

The voting rights have nothing to do with the number of shares. Without the equity of Jinfu, you can also serve as an independent director of Jinfu Group. When making a decision, one person, one vote.

The most useful thing for Yao Honglin is his vote.

"That's it?" Yao Honglin was really surprised, and he even asked Ji Feng.

"that's it."

Because Ji Feng manipulated his mind!

When we first met, he always thought that Ji Feng was going to blackmail him, and he was extremely greedy. Ji Feng kept saying his dirty things, and he became more and more afraid.

He kept raising the price and killed Ji Feng. He knew that Ji Feng could take everything from him, but Ji Feng could not die!

But after Sun Jie and Su Qingying appeared, he was desperate.

no solution anymore.

Dare not to touch Ji Feng, dare not touch anyone, he has made the most extreme plan!

In such a cautious situation, Ji Feng only made a "small request" to him.

Just let him be on the board of directors and follow Su Qingying's lead.

This is not a trivial matter for him, because he listens to the second shareholder on the board of directors, that is his former boss, the former big boss of Meiyuan Jewelry, and the two always wear a pair of pants.

He needs to betray!

But this betrayal. What a **** compared to the horrible things he just imagined?

The net worth is about to die, everything else is bullshit.

So he really felt that Ji Feng really just made a "small request." A request that hardly hurt him!

Just need him to take the initiative to change - under the will.

He's like a lost gambler with only one dead end left, and whoever wins his money suddenly gives him all the money back and only needs him - a small thing, a small request.

This kind of huge psychological gap between ups and downs would make him feel that he was not being threatened, but that the other party had let him go.

Should also be grateful!

"That's right, that's it." Ji Feng nodded to Yao Honglin, saying with certainty.

Yao Honglin-suddenly stood up, picked up the teapot on the table in one hand, and the clasped cup in the tea tray in the other, and then took out two of them, aligning them neatly and pouring tea for the three of them.

There was already a slight smile on his face, and he really smiled, a relieved smile, a relaxed smile.

He just really felt like he was finished.

Now it's not only endless, but it seems to have a relationship with the granddaughter of the grandparents!

He directly believed that it was Sun Jie who was helping Su Qingying.

It was from the position where the three of them sat and Ji Feng's name for Su Qingying. Sun Jie was sitting in the middle, and she felt that she was the main one, and Ji Feng called Su Qingying Miss Su, indicating that there was no close relationship.

Then it can only be that Sun Jie is helping Su Qingying, that's what she meant.

I don't know when Su Qingying and Sun Jie had friendship.

"Mr. Ji, you use tea."

"Boss Sun, use tea."

"Mr. Su, you use tea."

Yao Honglin would greet him when he poured tea in turn, and after pouring tea for Su Qingying, he said again: "Mr. Su, I thought someone would do something to me, but it really scared me just now, you talk about such a trivial matter. Let's just say it straight, and bother Boss Sun and Mr. Ji to come over, the entire Jinfu Group belongs to your Su family, can I still agree with you if you say something?"

Su Qingying looked at Yao Honglin indifferently and said nothing.

Yao Honglin's expression suddenly went wrong after he finished speaking. His hand holding the teapot paused, and his eyes quickly widened.

He thought of it!

Su Qingying is the chairman of Jinfu Group, and it is estimated that it has only happened in the past few years. Moreover, the Su family can fully control the board of directors of Jinfu Group. Now that Su Ruiwen is still alive and the chairman, then the Su family has control over Jinfu. It's one hundred percent!

In this case, Su Qingying was a little inexplicable.

Jin Fu is the Su family who has the final say, who dares to do anything wrong?

Moreover, no one in Jinfu dared to oppose the Su family, but Su Qingying has attracted people by himself and needs support, so there is only one possibility left!

There is disagreement within the Su family.

Su Qingying will not take over, she will seize power in advance!

She wants to rebel against her father.

It's a big thing all of a sudden! It's not a small request, because supporting Su Qingying is probably against Su Ruili and Su Quren

Yao Honglin thought about it and it was wrong!

Because Su Qingying is Su Ruiwen's only descendant, L is the successor of Su Jiawei-!

Su Ruiwen and Mrs. Su have no choice!

In other words, no matter what happened inside the Su family. In the end, Su Qingying will be the chairman of Jinfu Group!

Then this is equivalent to taking orders from the future chairman in advance, so what's the problem?

Su Qingying's success in the rebellion has great benefits, and the failure of the rebellion only offended the chairman and his wife temporarily, but the benefits will be great in the future.

And it's a bad thing turning into a good thing.

I became the person who helped Miss Su "do big things"!

From being threatened, I suddenly became my own!

Although someone was holding the handle, Yao Honglin knew very well that Su Qingying couldn't look down on his own property, and Sun Jie couldn't look at it either, that is to say. As long as you cooperate well and become your own person, it will not only be safe, but also have great benefits!

"What are you thinking?" Ji Feng's voice suddenly came.

Yao Honglin was a little ecstatic because he thought a lot - he came back to his senses all of a sudden.

After he put down the teapot and sat down, he glanced at Su Qingying before looking at Ji Feng.

"Mr. Ji, don't worry, Mr. Su's business will be mine in the future. In the company, I will always follow Mr. Su's shoes!" Can you..."

"You want to ask that your vote alone is not enough to help Miss Su change the resolution of the board of directors, right?" Ji Feng asked with a smile.

"Yes yes yes. I'm all for it but I'm really alone.."

"Do your own thing well, you only need to vote your vote L for Miss Su, and I will handle the other things, understand?" Ji Feng finished with a smile. Then he shook his head and said, "You can go now."

Yao Honglin hesitated, but stood up.

He wanted to ask more and understand more, and he had some ideas in his mind, but obviously Ji Feng didn't want to tell him more.

"Mr. Ji. As long as I support Miss Su, there is nothing else?" Yao Honglin asked cautiously before leaving.

Yao Honglin left.

When I left, I was not only not irritable but a little excited.

Because he has realized that today's event is an irresistible threat to him, but it is also a big opportunity!

There were only three people left in the Alpine Flowing Water Private Room.

"Then what?" Sun Jie turned her head to look at Ji Feng and asked directly, "That's it? I thought you were here to meet someone, a director, even if he supports Miss Su, what's the use of one person and one vote? Jinfu board of directors There are more than a dozen directors, not all of them will accept your threats, does it make sense for you?"

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