Su Zunying said nothing. Just looked at her mother, she was waiting for her mother to scold her or make a statement.

Of course Mrs. Su could think of the consequences of doing this today.

She understands, understands very well! In this situation a month ago, if she didn't show Su Qing a movie, there would be huge conflicts within the Su family that could not be reconciled in the short term from today.

Madam Su didn't expect things to get to such a level.",

She was thinking. No one supports her daughter. She let her daughter understand who is in charge of the party. After that, everything will return to normal. But now the biggest answer is = Su Qingying has the strength to compete with her!

So it's not just the family that will have problems if she continues to object. Jinfu Group will have even bigger problems because of this!

It will directly lead to the direct split of the Jinfu Group's board of directors into two factions.


Su Qingying has now controlled nearly half of the votes!

Therefore, if Su Qingying continued to make trouble with her afterward. Then the entire Jinfu Group will have problems, and even the top level will be turbulent!

Important resolutions on the board of directors cannot be passed as long as one-third of the directors disagree, and Su Qingying Brokerage controls more than one-third of the directors!

She even got the support of extremely important people within the two groups.,Tang Deyang and Chen Lei!

Of course Mrs. Su did not want such a huge problem to happen to Jinfu Group!

more importantly!

Su Qingying will still take over in the future, sooner or later it will be her!

But if it really started like this, the rest of the Su family would actually be in the company, Su Qingying, the successor of the female Wei Z who opposed Su Jiawei,

The consequences caused by that will even affect whether L Su Qingying can take over successfully in the future!

Although Su Ruiwen is a shareholder, he does not have absolute control. This is also the reason why Xu Zhenyuan is restless. As long as he can get other shareholders and board members to support him, he can take away the right to run the company.

All kinds of consequences, Mrs. Su thought of

She knew that her daughter dared to pat the table and stand up and shout to herself. It's just that a decision has been made.

But the decision on this matter today. in her mother's hands

It is to tear the Su family apart, to make mother and daughter become enemies, and to divide Jin Fu into two factions.

into turmoil. Give people an opportunity to influence her daughter's future succession

Still take a step back!

The more Madam Su thought about it, the more uncomfortable it became!

A family, what's the point? Maybe it's cheaper for outsiders?

Madam Su, after all, loves her daughter.


The chair rubs against the ground making a screeching sound.

It's Mrs. Su.

Mrs. Su, who was staring at Su Qingying with bloodshot eyes, snapped back and pulled out the chair.

Without saying a word, he turned around and walked out. L walked quickly to the door, pushed open the door of the conference room, and went out without looking back.

She was gone, left the board meeting.

Su Qingying breathed a sigh of relief at this moment, but what followed in her heart was a sense of guilt and guilt. She didn't know if she was too cruel to Ma Yun. She took advantage of her mother's expectations and love for her.

This feeling only appeared for a moment.

At this point, Su Qingying knew that he could not turn back and could not turn back.

Su Ruiwen has not heard his wife cry like this for a long time. What happened to stimulate such a situation?

Madam Su cried last time. Or because Su Ruiwen entered the hospital two years ago.

"Don't cry, what's the matter? Why can't you control your daughter?" Su Ruiwen asked soothingly.

Mrs. Su cried twice, then wiped away her tears, sucked her nose to calm down, and then told Su Ruiwen about the situation.

All said.

Listen to Su Ruiwen - startled.

Because it's incredible!

He couldn't even imagine how his daughter did it.

Yao Honglin betrayed Xu Zhenyuan, and Sun Haomin, as an independent director, turned to her, Chen Lei, the extremely important chief financial officer, and others.

It's impossible alone, and together it's even more "impossible!"

Su Qingying did it

"She just thinks I'm taking too much control of me, she doesn't recognize me as a mother, and she doesn't know what Sun Jie said to her yesterday?"

"It won't be Sun Jie."

Su Ruiwen interrupted his wife on the phone.

Yesterday about Sun Jie and Su Qingying, he knew that it was his wife who called him at night, but Su Ruiwen didn't think it was a bad thing. He understands his daughter better than his wife knows that Su Qingying is stressed and relaxed, and can get to know Sun Jie and make friends. .Not only is it not a bad thing, it is a good thing!

But today such a "world-shaking" event happened."

On the contrary, this shows that it has nothing to do with Sun Jie. Sun Jie is not a nosy character. She has a lot of troubles herself, and her relationship with the family is so poor that it is impossible to interfere too much.

At most, Sun Jie is the last straw that breaks the camel's back.

Those who support Su Qingying cannot fall to Su Zuying at the same time.

Su Ruiwen inferred from this daughter. I am afraid that it has been secretly planned and arranged for a long time, just waiting for an opportunity to launch it, and Sun Jie is likely to be the last "foreign aid" that her daughter pulls, a foreign aid that is enough to prove her network strength!

What Sun Jie said yesterday certainly had an impact on Onagawa.

But! Even without "Sun Jie". There will also be "Wang Jie" and "Zhou Jie", the problem is not others, but the daughter has long wanted to do it!

"Alright, alright, don't be wronged. Your daughter has grown up after all." Su Ruiwen was more open than his wife.

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