The Strongest Son-in-law: God-level Choice

Chapter 860: Meet the richest man in Gimhae

after dinner

Su Qingying shabu-shabu.

Ji Feng sat on the sofa and watched TV. While Su Qingying was in the kitchen, Mu Qianyu played a rogue with Ji Feng again, but it was useless. After Su Zuying came out to wash the dishes, Mu Yuqian stopped making trouble. But she lay on the sofa with Ji Feng's legs on her back and followed Ji Feng. Watching TV together.. and deliberately angry with Su Qingying.

Su Qingying ignored her, sat with Ji Feng for a while, talked for a while, and then went back to the bedroom first.

Before you know it, it's past midnight.

"Husband.. rest early. I have to get up early tomorrow to go to the company:." Su Qingying appeared at the door of the bedroom and said

Ji Feng smiled and said, "Okay."

Mu Qianqian sat up with Ji Feng's legs flipping through her phone, and also looked at the door of the master bedroom.

Ji Feng got up and walked over, L followed Su Qingying into the bedroom and closed the door.

No one cared about Mu Qianqian, Mu Weiyu, who was sitting sideways on the sofa, suddenly looked wrong. First, she was unhappy, then a little uneasy, and then she even showed a trace of excitement. Then she was uneasy and didn't know her little head. Guari is thinking about something very complicated.

For a while.

Mu Yuqian stood up, walked over to turn off the lights in the living room after missing the TV, and finally walked to the door of the master bedroom. Go in and close the door

this night.

Mu Weiqian not only knew Su Qingying's secret, she could also be said to be an eye-opener

Can it still be so?

Can this be done?

Three people can do this?

Through this night, Mu Yuqian deeply understood two or two truths, the so-called three people must have my teacher is really reasonable.

in a few days~

Audi sedans galloping down the road.

Ji Feng drove with one hand and dialed Su Qingying's number. It took more than ten seconds before the call was connected.

\"Hello, Qingying." Ji Feng said.

"Hey husband, I'm in a meeting, why did my husband think of calling me?" \" Su Qingying lowered her voice.

Ji Feng smiled and said, "I'll go to your company now, and I'll be there in about twenty minutes."

\"Husband is coming to the company?\" Su Qingying's voice was a little excited, and there were so many surprises

Although Ji Feng has done a lot for her, helped her seize power on the board of directors and helped her become independent, Ji Feng seems to have never been to Jinfu Group to find her.

Su Qingying didn't mean to be jealous. Her relationship with Ji Feng would not be jealous. She didn't mind Ji Feng's 10,000 women, but Ji Feng suddenly went to see her quietly, and she was really happy.

\"In this way, husband, I have to continue the meeting, and I will let Qianqian go downstairs to wait for you.\" Su Qingying whispered.

\"Good.\" Ji Feng said.

hang up the phone.

Twenty minutes later.

Jinfu Group.

Ji Feng parked the car in the parking lot outside the gate of the building, got out of the car and folded it habitually - got off his suit, and walked in with one hand in his pocket.

Enter the reception hall of Jinfu Group.

Mu Qianqian, dressed in a small suit - a deputy professional elite, is already waiting for Ji Feng, and she is talking to the receptionist.

The elder sister chatted, and the reception lady was extremely polite to her.

The employees who came and went were also extremely polite to her, and it could even be said that they respected her too much.

Mu Qianqian hadn't even gone to university, and was not yet twenty years old.

But she is not only the first assistant of the executive vice president of the group, but also a super rich second generation with a great background.

While talking, Mu Qianqian looked at the door from time to time.

Seeing Ji Feng in a suit and leather shoes walk in, Mu Qianqian stood up straight, waved her hand and was about to shout, but she controlled it all at once.

Whether it was \"husband\" or the big bad guy\", she didn't call it out.

"Mr. Ji, this way.\" Mu Qianqian showed a professional smile and waved to Ji Feng.

Ji Feng also raised his hand in response, and walked towards Mu Qianqian with a smile.

\"Mr. Ji.\"

\"Miss Mu."

"Mr. Mu, please."

As an assistant came down to receive the distinguished guests, Mu Qianqian led Ji Feng the way and entered the expressway that led to the top floor.

The elevator can only be pressed by swiping the employee card.

The elevator goes up.

Mu Qianqian and Ji Feng stood side by side without any closeness.

Afraid of being seen, although there is no one else in the elevator, there is surveillance.

\"Damn, what are you doing here?\" Mu Qianqian suddenly tilted her body and asked in a low voice.

\"I'm here to bully you.\" Ji Feng turned his head and said softly, smiling.

\"Hmph, I don't believe it.\" Mu Qianqian whispered with a blushing face, and then snapped her fingers, "You have Miss Sun, Miss Fan, Miss Zhang and Miss An to bully, hum"

"Little girl will be jealous? Won't you fall in love with me? \" Ji Feng teased softly.

\"Che, although you are amazing, I didn't fall in love with you.\" Mu Qianqian raised her chin and said.

The two quarreled softly.


to the top.

"Mr. Ji, please.\" Mu Qianqian waved her hand very formally, and then got out of the elevator first to guide Ji Feng.

Mu Qianqian brought Ji Feng all the way into the Executive Vice President's Office.

until the office door closes.

Ji Feng looked at the empty office and walked in normally, but Mu Qianqian deliberately fell behind a few steps, and then followed with high heels.

Shoe da da da, rush

\"Hey! Back me! Big bad guy!"

Ji Feng felt his back sink, and Mu Qianqian jumped up and hugged Ji Feng's neck from behind.

\"You, you are still like a child." Ji Feng smiled, but also carried Mu Qianqian on his back.

She carried Mu Qianqian all the way to the front of the reception sofa before putting it down.

Only then did Mu Qianqian turn over and sit on the sofa, Ji Feng sat beside her, then she turned around and sat in Ji Feng's arms again, hugging her

He grabbed Ji Feng's neck and kissed Ji Feng.

She always does.

Do whatever you want, it's pretty skinny.

It's young after all.

However, Ji Feng has always been very optimistic about Mu Qianqian's potential. She has qualities that many of her peers do not have.

Her best friends, smokers who smoked cigarettes, puppy loves, and even those who had beaten their children.

Mu Qianqian has also been playing crazy all the time, not delaying shopping and partying, but she has her own perseverance.

until the season

But it's not her fault, no one can escape Ji Feng's palm.

Mu Qianqian's academic performance has always been good.

According to Su Qingying, Mu Qianqian worked in Jinfu Group during this period of time. He studied very seriously and had too many special features

The quality has been decided, this girl, even if she does not meet Ji Feng, will have great achievements in the future.

Of course, now that she has met Ji Feng, her future will be more than capable of being described.

"Bad man, take Miss Sun home and see her parents so soon." After kissing Ji Feng, Mu Qianqian went back to


"I'll take you back next time.\" Ji Feng smiled at Mu Qianqian.

\"No no no no, don't let Mu Qianqian shake her head wildly.

It doesn't matter what you say.

In fact, the two of them are tired.

Mu Qianqian always thought Ji Feng was super interesting, especially recently, she could hear more and more people talking about \"Mr. Ji\".

"Mr. Ji\" has been passed on.

The more this is the case, the more Mu Qianqian is willing to be with Ji Feng.

There is a sense of pride that \"Mr. Ji is super-loving me\" that everyone else is afraid of, plus a bit of vanity.

Twenty minutes later.

The office door opened.

Su Qingying finally had a meeting, and walked into the office with high heels, every time she saw Su Qingying, Ji Feng

There really is a feeling of \"Little Fairy is here\".

Appearance is only part of it.

Su Qingying's temperament is really immortal.

She is so well-bred, her posture is so pompous, and every movement that has long been accustomed to, can make people feel that she is

Come down to earth.

"Qianqian is naughty again.\" Su Qingying came in and said Mu Qianqian, walked to the small coffee table to entertain guests, and squatted slightly.

He took a napkin and stepped forward again.

She carefully wiped the corner of Ji Feng's mouth.

Mu Qianqian's lipstick was left behind.

Mu Qianqian also stood up and tidied up her clothes.

Su Qingying wiped the corners of Ji Feng's mouth, lowered her head and pecked Ji Feng's mouth again, and looked again to make sure she didn't.

Leave the lipstick mark before throwing the tissue in the trash 0

"Why did my husband come here all of a sudden? I was still thinking, if my husband can come back today, I will go to my husband's house

Looking for a husband. "Su Qingying said while holding the folder and walked to the desk.

\"To do something." Ji Feng smiled.

"What's the matter?\" Su Qingying turned back and smiled, and said that she looked at Mu Qianqian, "By the way, Qianqian, go for a moment.

Design department, urge the packaging design drawing

Give Mu Qianqian a life.

\"Okay boss!\" Mu Qianqian said formally, calling Boss Su Qingying in front of Ji Feng, of course it was a bit of a joke


Mu Qianqian also expressed some thoughts.

Let Ji Feng see his work status.

The more she gets into business, the more Mu Yuqian has her own mind. She hopes that everything can be super interesting.

Mr. Ji, who likes himself more, can also help himself more in his career in the future.

Mu Qianqian hurried away.

Ji Feng watched her go out, the office door closed again, and then got up.

"Qingying, why did you deliberately take Qianqian away?\" Ji Feng walked to the desk with a smile and asked jokingly.


Su Qingying's face blushed slightly after being pierced.

"Okay. Su Qingying, who hasn't sat down yet, took a step forward, grabbed Ji Feng's hand, and pressed it on himself.

Face, breathing a little heavier.

"I miss you.\" Su Qingying murmured again like a mosquito.

Looking at Ji Feng's eyes watery.

Only Ji Feng knew her best.

Su Qingying is usually very busy with work, especially recently, her father Su Ruiwen brought her to meet a lot of people.

many people.

He was handing over his contacts to Su Qingying as quickly as possible.

Su Ruiwen really can't say how long he can live. Although he can still go to work now, if he gets sick again, it is very likely that

Couldn't leave the hospital alive.

This made Su Qingying very stressed, very busy and tired.

She is relaxed only when she is with Ji Feng.

\"During the day, in the company's 0.0 company, at night\" Ji Feng smiled, raised his hand and squeezed Su Qingying's face lightly.

Su Qingying smiled, put her arms on Ji Feng's shoulders, and the two faced each other face to face.

\"Husband hasn't said it yet, what are you doing here?\"

"Come to do a big event." Ji Feng said.


The office door suddenly opened.

\"Qingying, you said at the meeting just now that a thin middle-aged man with a knife-striped face walked into the office and spoke.

Su Qingying reacted very quickly and took away her arms.

Ji Feng reacted faster and took a step back naturally, with one hand in his pocket.

The one who came in was Su Ruiwen, the richest man in Gimhae!

Su Ruiwen spoke before the door was fully opened, so when he entered the door, he did not see Su Qingying's arms on Ji Feng's shoulders, but the two were still standing relatively close.

More importantly, Su Qingying's face was very wrong.

His face was a little red, and the look in his eyes even reminded Su Ruiwen of his young wife.

It was the attitude of a very young daughter, and a little panic.

Not right!

The daughter is not right with this young man!

\"Qingying, this Su Ruiwen looked at Ji Feng and asked Su Qingying again.

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