"Fan Bing, how long have we known each other??" Su Ruiwen asked Fan Bing.

"It's been more than thirty years." Fan Bing replied.

"It's been more than 30 years." Su Ruiwen sighed a little, full of memories: "I still remember that when we first met, I was nineteen years old and just vacated a small shop. At that time, Fan Ye opened a new factory. I booked a whole floor in the original old Fuhua Hotel and invited guests to dinner, but I was still with friends, and I just wanted to get to know a few more friends.”

"At that time you were with Fan Ye, were you still in elementary school?" Su Ruiwen said and asked again. The Fan Ye in his mouth was Fan Weidong, Fan Bing's father, and the current chairman of Bluestar Technology.

The chairman is just a name.

Fan Weidong has not cared about Bluestar Technology for many years, because Fan Bing is too good. When Bluestar was in crisis, Fan Bing saved it from the tide. From then on, Fan Weidong listened to his daughter.

Compared with Su Ruiwen, Fan Weidong was the first person in the East China Sea to become rich. He started to make a fortune in the early 1980s, while Su Ruiwen made his fortune in the 1990s.

As a business genius who dares to fight and fight, Su Ruiwen was able to sit on an equal footing with Fan Weidong in Jinhai at the beginning of the new century.

"Yes, I was in elementary school. I should have been in the fourth grade of the new factory at that time. Brother Su has a good memory. I still remember it." Fan Bing smiled.

In fact, she didn't even remember when she saw Su Ruiwen for the first time.

When she was young, she followed her father and met too many people. Many unknown people at that time have now become Jin Hai's famous existence.

Su Ruiwen remembers clearly, but the memory is not on Fan Bing, but on Fan Weidong.

At that time, he could say that it was a cheeky banquet with friends, and he just wanted to get to know a few rich people and expand his contacts, so that those people could go to his shop to buy jade and play gambling.

Fan Weidong didn't even know who he was at the time.

Speaking of which, Fan Bing had an impression of Su Ruiwen. It was Su Ruiwen who traveled to Myanmar many times and made a big deal. The brothers who followed Su Ruiwen even died in Myanmar. The East China Sea began to spread about Su Ruiwen, a "young man". All kinds of bizarre stories.

At that time, many wealthy people in Jinhai were discussing Su Ruiwen, saying that he made a fortune in just a few years, what happened?

It is also rumored that Su Ruiwen had a life in his hands and killed someone when he was engaged in jade in Myanmar. Fan Bing listened to the adults talking about it, and the two became close friends in the last ten years, after joining Bluestar Technology.

"It's been so many years, I'm getting old, Fan Bing, you're still so young." Su Ruiwen sighed again.

"You are not old, Brother Su, you are only in your early fifties." Fan Bing smiled and said, "Look at Brother Su, you are so energetic. If you say that you are forty, everyone will believe you."

"You don't have to compliment me. Who doesn't know what my body is like. After another year or two, it will be almost the same."

"Brother Su, don't be disheartened. Maybe, you haven't considered going abroad to see it? Maybe there is another opportunity."

"What else do you look at, it's not that you didn't watch it, it's life, I also saw it. For the most part of my life, I'm luckier than most people. God wants to accept me, I have to accept my fate. , I don't have time to teach her more, I can't let go."

The room was quiet for a while.

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