Seeing that the fish was hooked, Qian Meimei had a smug smile on her face. As long as he was on his own territory, he would have no chance of winning.

"Tomorrow at seven o'clock, we will see you at the Copper Coin Hotel. I will tell you when the time comes!"

Qian Meimei said, and left with her younger brother. As soon as she arrived at the door, Qian Meimei seemed to think of something again. She glanced at Ji Feng,

"When the time comes, don't dare to come, coward, if you don't come, I will post your photo everywhere, let the whole world know you as a rascal, and I will formally sue you. , you said that my brother has done bad things to you, then you can see whether it is you or the entire Qian family!"

After saying these words, Qian Meimei raised her head arrogantly and left them. After leaving, Monsoon's system gave him another mission. The mission of the system was to make him accept the challenge initiated by Qian Meimei.

If he accepts this challenge, then he will get some clues about the underground business in Modu, and if he does not accept it, he will get 10 million.

Clues worth 10 million are not considered useful, but they can be regarded as providing him with some information.

"Mr. Ji, you shouldn't have promised her. He is the second young lady of the Qian family. This guy Qian Meimei is very clever. She is very calculating. She has already taken charge of a cosmetics export trading company at a young age. And she is very good at it. Play people with applause."

"Isn't this better? I haven't had much to do these days, and I happened to use them for entertainment. Okay, you've been busy enough today, so I'll go back first."

Ji Feng said and yawned slowly. She had just returned to the Magic Capital Hotel, but she didn't expect to meet Murong Xiaoxiao in the elevator. Murong Xiaoxiao's face was pale, and she was wearing pajamas. Before he had time to change, he was a little embarrassed when he saw Ji Feng.

In the past few days, Murong Xiaoxiao has finished inspecting the market and estimates that she will return to Jinghai City soon.

Murong Xiaoxiao's eyes flickered a little, and she planned to pretend she didn't know each other and wanted to bypass Ji Feng, but she didn't expect that as soon as she stepped out of the elevator, her knees went soft and she knelt down. She was already on the ground.

"Are you all right? Your body is a little hot, do you have a fever?"

Because of the recent alternation of autumn and winter, the weather is capricious, and it is very likely that you will catch a cold and fever if you are not careful.

Murong Xiaoxiao finally made a move, she shook her head, denying that she had a fever, but her faltering steps didn't look like she wasn't sick at all, Ji Feng saw Murong Xiaoxiao's appearance, so she stretched out her hand to stick it On Murong Xiaoxiao's forehead.

"It looks like you have a real fever. Come and I will take you to the hospital."

"I said I don't have a fever, and I don't have to go to the hospital. You don't have to worry about me, I can do it myself."

"I know that you don't like shouting and shouting, and I also know that you may be disappointed in me, but as the saying goes, do not do to others what you want to do, how can the framework you imagined be set on a person with a complete personality? "

Ji Feng took a deep look at Murong Xiaoxiao, Murong Xiaoxiao seemed to have been told by someone, she stopped in place as if struck by lightning, Murong Xiaoxiao squeezed her fist, "I didn't think about that. "

"You didn't think about it, but you have shown it. Can you not show everything on your face so simply? You see how naive you are now?"

"How can I be naive, I'm not!" Murong Xiaoxiao quickly retorted, this guy dared to call her naive!

"If you're not naive, why did you avoid me in the same hotel, and I arranged you in. If you're an adult, you should open the skylight and speak up. If you have any doubts, just ask in front of the other party. Now, what's the point of guessing?"

Ji Feng looked at Murong Xiaoxiao's burning red face, and he didn't care about that much at the moment. He even picked up Murong Xiaoxiao. Murong Xiaoxiao was startled, and hurriedly beat Ji Feng's back with his hands.

"What are you doing? Put me down, so many people are watching!"

"These people are all my employees, just read it, what's the point, do they still talk nonsense? Besides, the little aunt, I'm trying to save your life now, you're burning like this, don't you think? Want to be an idiot?"

Murong Xiaoxiao was extremely frightened at the moment. She never thought that she would become an idiot with a fever. She hurriedly shook her head, not wishing she would become stupid at all.

Ji Feng took the person to a nearby hospital and took the temperature. Murong Xiaoxiao did indeed have a high fever. No wonder she felt powerless and groggy. Just now, Murong Xiaoxiao felt dry and a little chilly. She knew that she had a cold. I have a fever, but I didn't expect it to be that serious.

"This symptom requires a hanging bottle."

The doctor pushed his glasses and wrote an order for Ji Feng to pay the money. After Ji Feng paid the money, Murong Xiaoxiao heard the news that he was going to get a bottle. It seems to be very strong, but she has a very fatal weakness, that is, she is afraid of going to the hospital and especially afraid of injections.

Since she was a child, she has been particularly afraid of sharp things, especially injections, which made her feel the pain.

She subconsciously rubbed oil on the soles of her feet and was about to slip away, but she didn't expect to be caught back by Ji Feng.

Ji Feng looked at the small Murong Xiaoxiao and couldn't help rolling his eyes:

"Do you know how serious your condition is now? You already have a high fever. If you don't get injections to reduce the fever, do you really want to burn into a fool?"

"I don't want injections. I drink more water in this situation. Why do I need injections after taking the medicine? Just let me go!"

Murong Xiaoxiao said that she was struggling so hard that she wanted Ji Feng to let her go, but how could she be Ji Feng's opponent, plus she was sick, she had no strength at all.

"Those who are obedient and obedient will get better soon. If you are not obedient, I will let them change the bottle into a **** needle in a while."

Murong Xiaoxiao opened her eyes wide and looked at Ji Feng with an incredible look, as if the monsoon was the terrifying devil.

"What did you say?!" Murong Xiaoxiao's voice changed when she said this.

"Don't say good things a second time, just sit here, if I find you run away, then I will definitely catch you back, you can't escape from my palm."

Murong Xiaoxiao's mind is now full of **** needles. If this needle hits his ass, it's okay, it hurts to death!

Fortunately, in the end, the bottle was successfully hit, and Murong Xiaoxiao cried out in pain.

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