Mao Song looked up and down Fang Wenyu with sharp eyes, and then said unhappily:

"This guy doesn't look like someone from our side. Where did you come from?"

Fang Wenyu licked his dry lips. He thought that Ji Feng followed Murong Xiaoxiao to the banquet held by the Chamber of Commerce.

Unexpectedly, Ji Feng still knew someone, and this person was Mao Song.

"Sheep Capital."

Ji Feng looked at Fang Wenyu with a smile, "How about Fang Wenyu, are you going to kick me out of here?"

"It turns out to be Yangdu. People from Yangdu are not very good, especially the high-level executives over there are always arrogant and always dislike us. What are you doing to make money?"

Mao Song was very unhappy, and glared at Fang Wenyu, Fang Wenyu felt a little drum in his heart, not sure what method Monsoon used to befriend the high-level officials here.

When he met Mao Song, Fang Wenyu was also unlucky.

Fang Wenyu rolled his eyes and turned to leave, but at this time, Monsoon did not intend to let him go.

"Fang Wenyu, you just left, didn't I lose my face just now? You let others kick me out, where did you get the power and confidence? Who gave you the ability? Huh?"

Monsoon glanced at Fang Wenyu, Fang Wenyu was a violent temper, coupled with the strong pressure of the monsoon, how could Fang Wenyu swallow this breath?

"Monsoon, don't think it's great that you have a backer, you don't have nothing on your own!"

Fang Wenyu gritted his teeth.

"You teach me how to talk, who gave you the courage to talk like this, do you know whose territory this is, this is the territory of our Devils! You are a sheep and you have a face here! Are you going to kick my guest out? Then I'll ask you if you have an invitation letter on hand!"

Fang Wenyu's father urged thousands of times not to offend the local snakes here, but Fang Wenyu really couldn't watch the monsoon.

"I don't have an invitation letter, but naturally someone invited me to come. I'm a person with status. Don't compare me to **** like Monsoon!"

"I'm going! You are so arrogant, you dare to say such a thing! Don't worry, Brother Ji, I'll clean him up for you now!"

"Oh, who am I supposed to be? It turns out to be Lord Mao, what's the matter? Why are you fighting so much?"

As soon as the voice came over, it sounded like there was a smile in the words.

Ji Feng looked over and saw a man in a Tang suit walking over with walnuts in his hands. The man looked old and his hair was gray.

However, this man was dressed very luxuriously, and it could be seen that he did have some money.

Mao Song narrowed his eyes, he coughed and said, "Hello, Boss Wu."

It seems that this should be the Wu family.

Mao Song and Tang Jingbin still can't shake Kou Tian Wu, precisely because there are people behind Kou Tian Wu, and these people are from the imperial capital.

If they really want to break up with Kou Tian Wu, it will probably hurt their vitality. At present, they are not sure about this, so now the entire Demon City is showing a three-legged situation.

After the Qian family fell, they were quickly divided by several of them, and now the Qian family has completely declined.

This person in Tang suit is none other than Wu Guang, who calls himself Boss Wu.

Boss Wu has come to Modu to develop in his early years, and he took advantage of the trend here to develop the catering industry in one fell swoop. Now it can be said that he has made a lot of money. Many restaurants in Modu are his.

When others look at Boss Wu, they think that he has a kind heart. He donates a lot of money to charities every year, and he is charitable and has a lot of reputation.

Therefore, Boss Wu was also recommended to become the chairman of the Chamber of Commerce in Magic Capital.

But they are the business people who understand the routines between businessmen best. The big guy knows how many things Boss Wu has done behind his back, but there is no way to find these things.

"Today is a banquet held by the Chamber of Commerce, everyone should be harmonious, why are you arguing?"

Boss Wu looked at it, and the group asked.

"It's not that I want to quarrel with him, it's because the surnamed Fang is very impolite and aggressive."

Mao Song pouted, "Although my little brother is young, he and I are good friends. I know that my brother has always been a good person, but he was forced by this surnamed Fang to leave here!"

"I didn't force him. He didn't have an invitation letter to come in, wouldn't he break the rules?"

After Fang Wenyu saw Boss Wu coming, he somehow felt that he had some confidence, so he raised his chin and said dissatisfiedly.

"If you say that, then I'll be excited! You said that it's breaking the rules without an invitation letter. What about you? You don't have an invitation letter yourself, so what are you doing here?"

"I'm a VIP, so it's okay if I don't have an invitation."

Fang Wenyu glanced at Boss Wu, "Boss Wu is the one who brought me in personally, why is there any problem?"

Mao Song squinted his eyes, no wonder this stinky boy was so arrogant, it turned out that the people from Boss Wu did not know when these two guys hooked up.

"Xiao Fang, it's not a big deal. Anyway, since you're in the same chamber of commerce, how can you talk about two things?"

"Whoever belongs to his family is not from the Magic Capital, and he doesn't do business. He doesn't know what An's heart is when he comes to the Chamber of Commerce."

Fang Wenyu snorted coldly.

"Who said I'm not in business anymore?"

Ji Feng grinned, "Do I still want you to watch me when I'm doing business?"

"Okay, then tell me what kind of business you do? Did you do this business in Modu? If not, what are you doing in the Chamber of Commerce in Modu?"

"The business I am doing is really in the magic capital, and the scale is not small now, but I have not joined the chamber of commerce."

"That's it, since you haven't joined the Chamber of Commerce, then you're not qualified to come here!"

Fang Wenyu was not worried at all about offending Monsoon, and besides, Mao Song obviously did not dare to offend Kou Tianwu now, and it was precisely because of this understanding that Fang Wenyu became more arrogant.

"You can go now, or don't blame me for being rude!"

"This dog is fighting against people's power. It's really vivid, Boss Wu."

At this moment, another voice full of energy came over. This person was none other than Tang Jingbin.

Tang Jingbin is much more pompous than Mao Song. He is in the magic capital, who should not call him Tang Ye when he sees him?

"What kind of person are you, you dare to call me a dog!"

Fang Wenyu didn't recognize all these people when he came here, so when he heard Tang Jingbin's words, he was very angry.

"It's not a dog. You, a foreigner, are barking here, and you're barking so happily."

Tang Jingbin smiled coldly, "Boss Wu, it's better to take care of the people under your control, but don't bring it out to shame."

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