And this auction item is now well preserved. When the auction item was brought up, everyone was in an uproar, because it was an extremely beautiful sapphire ring.

Seeing the sapphire ring, Murong Xiaoxiao couldn't help but grabbed Ji Feng's hand.

"Look! It's that sapphire ring!"

This sapphire ring is in perfect condition and extremely bright, which makes people fascinated by the sapphire blue of the eyes.

"Although this sapphire ring is well preserved, there is a slight scratch on the ring surface, which may be left by the previous owner accidentally. If you want to remove this slight scratch, it will lead to Sapphire is incomplete."

Everyone was a little disappointed after hearing it. They thought it was a very well-preserved sapphire ring, but unexpectedly there were some flaws.

Murong Xiaoxiao couldn't help laughing when she heard this.

"Do you know how that scratch came from?"

"Did you do this?"

Murong Xiaoxiao nodded, "I didn't have any values ​​when I was young, I didn't know that grandmother's ring was so expensive. I was playing around with my grandmother's sapphire ring. As a result, I accidentally rubbed out such a trace. At that time, my dad was furious and wanted to beat me hard, but my grandmother stopped me, and my grandmother said that these were just things outside my body, but I knew that my grandmother liked this ring the most. This ring was given to her by my grandfather. wedding ring."

Therefore, this sapphire ring also carries too much, and Murong Xiaoxiao feels regret whenever she thinks of it.

"So no matter what, I will take this sapphire ring!"

"The starting price of this sapphire ring is 5 million! The price increases from 500,000."

As soon as the master of ceremonies finished speaking, Murong Xiaoxiao raised the card in his hand, "Five and a half million!"

"Six million!"

Everyone competed for the auction, but the price soared to 10 million!

This value has far exceeded this sapphire ring, because the sapphire of this sapphire ring is not very large.

Although it came from the palace, this ring is not worn by any concubine, so the price is only worth this price.

"Twenty million!"

Murong Xiaoxiao gritted her teeth and saw that the price was still soaring, so she also raised the sign in her hand.

It's just that the rate of soaring was so fast that it reached 50 million.

The company that Murong Xiaoxiao just took over still has a lot to do, which is not a small amount.

She squeezed her fist and hesitated, and at this moment Fang Wenyu raised the sign in her hand, "55 million."

"Fang Wenyu?!"

Murong Xiaoxiao was a little unhappy, "Why does this guy keep doing these things!"

Ji Feng looked at Fang Wenyu and looked at them and knew what Fang Wenyu was thinking about. Fang Wenyu probably wanted to take a picture of the ring and give it to Murong Xiaoxiao to give it a favor.

However, Murong Xiaoxiao has never accepted Fang Wenyu's love, so even if Fang Wenyu took this ring, Murong Xiaoxiao would have exchanged it with him for money, but Fang Wenyu would definitely not give up so easily.

"Sixty million."

After Ji Feng finished speaking, he raised the card in his hand, and Murong Xiaoxiao opened her eyes wide and whispered, "Where did you get so much money?!"

"Don't underestimate your man."

These words made Murong Xiaoxiao blush, "Who is your woman, don't talk nonsense!"

When Fang Wenyu heard the familiar voice, she just felt annoyed at the moment, why does this guy rob him of everything, does he really have this money!

"Seventy million!"

Fang Wenyu roared.

"70 million! 70 million! Does anyone still want to increase the price!"

"Eighty million."

Ji Feng raised the sign in his hand again, they are not adding up to 500,000 now.

Now it has added ten million ten million!

"One hundred million!"

Fang Wenyu looked at Ji Feng angrily, but he wanted to see how much money Ji Feng had to compete with him!

A sapphire ring was auctioned for 100 million yuan, which has already exceeded the price of the ring. Everyone present did not follow the auction, only the two of them were bidding.

Everyone else is dumbfounded. You must know where this sapphire ring is worth 100 million yuan. All of this money will be donated to charitable foundations. It is very likely that some of them will be taken away by charities... …

Want to spend 100 million to buy such a sapphire ring?

Everyone looked at each other in dismay.

"It's incredible, brother Ji and that guy are on the hook, and they spend so much money to buy a ring!"

Mao Song couldn't help but shook his head, "This is really an angry face!"

"What are you worrying about? Do you know how much Brother Ji has? This is a drop in the bucket for Brother Ji!"

Tang Jingbin can be considered rich now, but he doesn't dare to say that he is really rich!

"One billion."

Ji Feng broke out in a slow manner, and the audience was in an uproar in an instant, you must know that this is one billion!

"Ji Feng! You are deliberately doing the right thing with me, where did you get so much money!"

Fang Wenyu couldn't take it anymore, "Wow" all his life stood up from his position and pointed at Ji Feng angrily.

"It's none of your business if I have the money? Since I called it, I can definitely afford the money."

Ji Feng smiled coldly, "Fang Wenyu, do you still want to follow me?"

Where can Fang Wenyu get so much money? He only has 100 million at most. He has already invested all this money just now, just to get this ring to please Murong Xiaoxiao!

I just didn't expect that Cheng Yaojin would kill Cheng Yaojin halfway, and Ji Feng would spend one billion to buy such a ring. He must be crazy!

"I'm not going crazy with you!"

Fang Wenyu couldn't stand it, so he said such a cruel sentence, then turned around and left.

Ji Feng couldn't help but smile, "If you don't have the ability, forget it."

"Ji Feng! You're crazy. That's one billion. This ring is worth several million at most. How can it be so expensive! Besides, where do you have the money to buy this sapphire ring?"

Murong Xiaoxiao was also in a hurry, where should she go to find one billion for a while?

"You don't have to worry, I took this photo, and I will pay for it."

"But how can you have so much money? It's not a dozen yuan, it's a billion!"

Even Murong Xiaoxiao couldn't afford so much money!

"If I can take out this money, shouldn't you give me a little reward?"

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