The Strongest Son-in-law: God-level Choice

Chapter 908: secretly calculating

"That's all they jumped over the wall and made nonsense. How can you believe what these people say?"

Boss Wu waved his hand.

"Is this your explanation? Fang Wenyu has already confessed to you. You said Fang Wenyu has so much money, shouldn't you do something for him?"

Boss Wu didn't expect Ji Feng to go to Fang Wenyu first, and he said something from Fang Wenyu's mouth, but Fang Wenyu's mouth is not very hard, how could he tell Ji Feng about this?

Could it be that Ji Feng is deceiving him?

"I don't know Fang Wenyu very well. I just know Fang Wenyu's father. He came to our Demon City. As the president of the Demon City Chamber of Commerce, of course I want to receive it well. Besides, Fang Wenyu intends to come here. It's impossible for me to drive him away for business, right?"

Boss Wu waved his hand, "I don't know who is trying to harm you, but that person is really hateful. Why don't you give it to me to check, if I find it, I will definitely help you clean him up!"

Ji Feng smiled, "It's not Boss Wu, so I'm really sorry, I think they all said that Boss Wu ordered them to do it, so I believed their nonsense, I thought that Boss Wu was so upright. A person who is not a person should not do it, such a thing is done, and since this is the case, then I will be more offended."

Boss Wu said with a smile: "Hey, how can our family speak two languages! Now that the misunderstanding is resolved, it is the best! Why don't Brother Ji stay and have a sip of tea before leaving?"

"You don't need to drink tea. When you find any clues, remember to tell me."

After Ji Feng finished speaking, he got into the car, and then drove the car out. This car worth more than ten million yuan, if it crashes, it will crash. It is conceivable how arrogant he is.

After Ji Feng left, Boss Wu immediately called Fang Wenyu, but no one answered. Boss Wu threw the phone to the ground in a huff.

"Ji Feng, you dare to bully me on the head, you are so courageous!"

Boss Wu gritted his teeth and was very angry.

It seems that Fang Wenyu's side was cleaned up by Ji Feng first, so he was offered.

I didn't know Ji Feng's identity before, and Boss Wu planned to wait and see, but now that he knew this guy's identity, how could he let Ji Feng grow wildly?

The Ji family's hands and eyes are open to the sky, but I don't know that there are industries in these cities, and the entire provincial capital is full of Ji family's companies.

Although he is the president of the Demon City Chamber of Commerce, it doesn't mean anything.

Now Ji Feng is obviously threatening his development. No matter what, he will kill this sign, and he cannot be allowed to continue to be a blessing!

Boss Wu raised his hand angrily, and called Ma Yuanzhong, "That stinky boy came to the door and gave me a straight attack. I'm afraid the Fang family can't support it anymore. See what you can do."

"He acted so quickly. It seems that you kidnapped Murong Xiaoxiao and angered him! He is extremely protective of his shortcomings. He brought down our business for the sake of a few women!"

Ma Yuanzhong is still angry when he thinks of this incident. If there was no Su Yu incident, they might still be making good money now.

"Don't talk so much nonsense, quickly give me a trick, I will get angry when I see that stinky boy's arrogant face!"

Boss Wu looked at his damaged facade, and was very angry. This guy drove his car and ran in. He didn't care about anything, he didn't care about him, and he couldn't turn his face against him!

"Boss Wu, don't worry, he is on your territory anyway, even though he has bought the Tang family and the Mao family. It is true that there are two backstages who can fight with you in the same family, but this does not mean that his The ability is excellent enough to be equal to you."

"Don't be around here and talk about people!"

"Don't you still have the power of the imperial capital behind you? Besides, you are also very appreciated by the underground industry here. Would you like to borrow a few people from above to clean him up?"

Ma Yuanzhong thought for a while, and then came up with an idea.

"Are you asking me to kill someone with a knife?"

"This is also one of the strategies. Saying that it is to kill people with a knife is indeed a bit of a past. Besides, he is indeed blocking our way to make a fortune. How can we do it if people like this don't solve it?"

Boss Wu thought about it, and indeed, if he was asked to come forward in person, then Ji Feng would be targeting him.

But if he doesn't come forward and let others clean up Ji Feng, even if Ji Feng is not cleaned up, he can't blame himself!

"I'll trust you once. After this is done, remember to give me another account book."

"Don't worry, Boss Wu, this account book is of no use to me. What I really want is that you can save my life when the audit is done. Besides, I want Ji Feng's life, that The stinky boy made me yell like a rat crossing the street, and I can't let him go!"

"He has also angered me now, and I will not let him go. You can rest assured that our common enemy is him, and I will definitely solve him."

Boss Wu hung up the phone and sneered. In addition to borrowing someone from the top, he also wanted to cause an accident in his Senate! Set his backyard on fire and keep him busy!

"Hello? Brother, it's been a long time since we haven't seen you. I'm free to come out for a cup of tea. There's one thing I want to talk to you about. It's about your Ji family, Ji Feng. Okay, you set a time. Well, you must be very interested in this matter."

After Boss Wu finished speaking, he sneered. He wanted to see if Ji Feng had three heads and six arms or something, and wanted to fight against him? Don't weigh yourself a few pounds or a few taels!

This time, Ji Feng just went to warn Boss Wu, telling Boss Wu not to get cheap and sell well. If Boss Wu was smart, he would definitely not make any small moves and be his president safely.

But Ji Feng didn't plan to let them go. After all, he had to find out about the underground industry.

Fang Wenyu was sent back to Yangdu overnight, and was left at the gate of their house in a state of embarrassment. The servant went out to buy vegetables and came back to see Fang Wenyu. However, Fang Wenyu's hands and feet were broken, and he was already powerless.

After Fang Wenyu's father learned about this, he hurried to the hospital and saw that his son had become this poisonous, and immediately shouted angrily, "Who the **** did it!"

Fang Wenyu replied with a pale face, "Dad! It's Ji Feng! He not only robbed Xiaoxiao, but also beat me up like this. I must kill him, otherwise it will be difficult for me to hate!"

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