The Strongest Son-in-law: God-level Choice

Chapter 910: underhanded means

Ji Feng has a lot of industries at hand, but the most important thing at present is the media.

When An Menglan called him, he knew that the other party had consciously suppressed the media company.

"The stock market is very volatile now, and the other side has been robbing us of our resources..."

"It should be Huayu Media in the imperial capital."

An Menglan has been in the entertainment industry for so long, of course she knows it.

"Are we going to fight?"

Ji Feng couldn't help but smile after hearing An Menglan's call, "It's okay, it's just a little movement, the next movement may be bigger."

"Then what should we do? If the other party keeps targeting us, our resources will be reduced, and they will take all our people away."

An Menglan was very busy in the latest round, because after the acquisition of Huandao Media, it took a lot of time for mergers and personnel rectification.

Although An Menglan wanted to find Ji Feng very much, she couldn't get away. Today, she finally found an opportunity and called Ji Feng, but she didn't expect it to be because of such a thing.

"Let them target and reduce resources, then we will invest ourselves, and let them take away those who can be taken away from them."

Ji Feng narrowed his eyes, "They obviously want to hit me in this way, but unfortunately he picked the wrong target."

"Mr. Ji, you must be careful. Those people in the imperial capital are all lunatics, and I'm worried that they will be detrimental to you."

"It doesn't matter, you just need to take care of yourself. Let's ignore the turmoil these days. They will start with the stock market and keep suppressing us. But all this will not exceed two or three days."

Ji Feng received one after another about his company being suppressed, and not one or two.

It seems that they are quite clear about the investigation, and they know the industry under Ji Feng.

In addition, Su Miaomiao also called, "Brother-in-law and brother-in-law are not good, and I don't know who is behind us. Now our company is facing an unprecedented crisis!"

"What did your sister say?"

"She asked me not to tell you, but I think it's better to tell you about this matter!"

Su Miaomiao was extremely distressed. The company's situation has been bad since yesterday. There was a lot of investment, but now the other party has asked for the withdrawal of capital without a word.

Many of their projects are more than halfway through, and a sudden divestment now is sure to cost them money.

"These people don't know why, they just say they want to withdraw funds, but it's clear that the project has been going well."

Su Miaomiao just doesn't understand this. Su Yu has also held an emergency meeting with people in the company. She has not come back all night. Su Miaomiao is worried that Su Yu's body will not be able to bear it.

"If they want to withdraw, let them withdraw. You tell Su Yu, don't hold back, because someone is indeed controlling the whole thing."

Su Miaomiao was taken aback, "If that's the case, wouldn't it be bad?"

"The current situation is indeed a bit bad. He wants to suppress me and the people around me on a large scale. I know who the other party is."

"This is too hateful! It's too much to come up with such a ridiculous method!"

"I'm really sorry that it affected you this time, but I will make up for all the losses at that time."

"Although the company has suffered losses, it can't be blamed on you. The only blame is that the opponent's strength is indeed strong. Brother-in-law, how are you going to deal with this matter?"

Su Miaomiao was very worried, and felt that she would tell her sister about it later.

"I have my own arrangements for this matter, and I will treat others in the same way. They thought I was someone who was easy to handle, but that's not the case. Well, you don't have to worry about it. You just need to take care of yourself."

"okay then."

After Su Miaomiao hung up the phone, she still felt a little drummed in her heart, but if Su Yu told Su Yu about this in the company now, Su Yu would definitely be thinking nonsense again, and Su Yu was pregnant.

When will my sister and brother-in-law remarry?

Thinking of those wild bees, waves and butterflies rushing forward one after another, Su Miaomiao felt annoyed, this is his brother-in-law, why should he be worried about by those women?

Su Miaomiao felt sour when she thought of this.

Within a day, it directly affected An Menglan and Su Yu's company. It seems that this time they really attach great importance to this matter, otherwise they would not be able to clear it up so quickly with thunder.

Not long after that, Fan Bing's phone came in again, "Brother, I haven't contacted you for a long time, haven't I?"

"You contact me today, if I guess correctly, is there someone in the imperial capital who wants to cooperate with you?"

"You're so smart, who have you offended recently, and they want to punish you with such conditions?"

Fan Bing couldn't help but smiled, "But I didn't agree."

"I know you won't agree, but it doesn't matter if you agree. It's okay to take them a sum of money and not help them."

Fan Bing laughed angrily: "Look at what you said, do I look like the kind of person who takes other people's money and doesn't do anything?"

"It doesn't look like it."

Ji Feng couldn't help but smile, "There may be a lot of things like this recently, but it may only last for a day or two. I won't let the whole thing ferment."

"How did you offend the people in the imperial capital, and they want to bully you in such a way? There are also people in the imperial capital. If you need me, I can help you, but I need to charge interest."

"Oh? Then tell me what interest you want?"

Ji Feng raised his brows and asked Fan Bing.

Fan Bing pondered for a while, "Then use you to pay off the debt."

"Am I worth that much?"

Ji Feng laughed in a low voice. His voice was already very magnetic, but now he is even more fascinated by his smile.

"Of course, you are a priceless treasure with me. Seriously, since you divorced your ex-wife, you should also plan for yourself."

"I'm not going to think about it yet. They are looking for you to cooperate. Whether you are willing or not is your business. I won't blame you."

Fan Bing burst out laughing, "Okay, I won't tease you anymore, the other party may also go to Miss Sun, and now Miss Sun probably wants to call you. I won't occupy your line, Next time we meet, you must pay me back."

"Okay, I'll invite you to dinner next time." After Ji Feng hung up the phone, as expected, Sun Jie called in immediately.

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