They thought that as long as Su Yu got married, there would be no way for them to intervene in their company's affairs, but what they never imagined was that instead of marrying off, Su Yu also recruited a son-in-law.

Fortunately, this surnamed Ji has no ability, otherwise the husband and wife will join forces, then they will only suffer from losses, but Su Yu really has a big fate.

"This deficit does exist, and it still looks like it will continue to lose money. I have already investigated all of this, and it seems that there is a problem on your side. Xiaoyu, you also know that our Su Group is just on the right track. , There was such a big incident a few days ago, which led to the withdrawal of all employees. Now I finally have some sound, do you want to watch the Su Group decline. "

Old man Su said this with a heartbroken heart, while Su Yu stood at the bottom and felt cold in his heart when he heard them say this.

After the incident happened in the Su Group, everyone forced her to make a decision, no matter what, she had to make up the money she owed.

And these shares Ji Feng gave her, she has the most shares on hand.

But she finally divorced Ji Feng, and Su Yu felt a little heartache when she thought of this.

Su Yu couldn't help but sighed. Now that the Su Group is on the right track, it is also because she has once again distributed the shares and does not intend to dominate the family. After Xu Lan knew Su Yu's ideas and practices, she Heartbroken, I feel that this guy Su Yu is a prodigal, how could he not discuss with them and return these shares to their hands again?

Look at Su Ankang and others who have now got the shares and run out and jump again. Isn't this adding to the block?

Su Yu originally planned to trust the people in his family again, but he didn't expect that he really made a wrong move in this move.

"All in all, we still need to give an explanation for this matter, otherwise how can we convince the public with reason, and so many people in the Su family are waiting to eat, if you lose again and again, we won't be able to get a penny, Instead, do you want to stick it back?"

"Don't do porcelain work without diamonds. I admit that you did a good job in public relations before, but that was also because the Ma family was down. Now that the Su family is prosperous, it can't be because you are alone that we have no profit. ?"

Su Ankang's family started talking in a row.

"But if you say this, it's too unfair to our Xiaoyu, don't you just enjoy happiness and can't share weal and woe? What a good thing!"

Su Wen really can't stand it anymore. His daughter is so good, but it is too much to be a bull and a horse for them.

They just stand and talk without back pain. Now that they know something is wrong, they should find a way to solve it instead of blindly getting into trouble, but these people have no such idea at all.

"Where are we enjoying the happiness, we are still facing risks now, look at so many losses!"

Zhang Yue's words were harsh and harsh, making others feel uncomfortable when listening to them.

"We can't just watch the Su Group decline again, we have to think of a way."

Xu Lan knew that Su Ankang's group could not be on their side. Those people couldn't wait to see their jokes, and this time they would definitely fall into trouble.

Sure enough, as soon as Xu Lan said these words, Su Ankang immediately dropped the words.

"Of course there is a way. Let Su Yu hand over the equity and the position of general manager, then the other party will not continue to target the Su family. As long as it does not target the Su family, then everything will be fine!"

Everyone looked at Su Yu with bright eyes, as if they were looking at a piece of fat, and Su Yu also noticed that today's meeting is to let him hand over the dominance, because these people are afraid, he makes the company prosper, the more The more you earn, the more shares you hold in your hands.

The husband and wife Xu Lan and Su Wen were extremely angry. Seeing their daughter being bullied, the two of them became even more angry. Xu Lan couldn't care less, and scolded with akimbo:

"You guys are just looking at how good our Xiaoyu is, so you want to pull her down!"

"Okay, don't talk about it!"

At this moment, Mr. Su suddenly raised his hand, "Tomorrow is a good day. Bingqing's boyfriend will come to eat at home. Let's have a good meal and talk about it."

Su Chao and Su Ankang glanced at each other. The boyfriend they found for Bing Qing was not an ordinary person.

As long as this matter is completed, then the dominance of the Su family can only fall into the hands of Su Ankang and his family. As long as they control the dominance, everything will be fine.

"Let's leave here first for this meeting. If you have anything to say, we'll talk about it after the family gathering is over tomorrow."

Mr. Su said and pressed his temples, and it could be seen that he seemed very tired.

Although Su Wen and Xu Lan were dissatisfied, their father said so, and the three of them walked out slowly.

"What Bingxin Yujie, don't think that changing the name can change the nature! Last time, the two sisters deliberately rushed to get close to Ma Qiming and Ma Rulong. What's it like!"

After getting into the car, Xu Lan angrily slammed the co-pilot's window.

"What's so angry about this."

Su Yu shook his head, "This is just some countermeasures for their family."

"Although that's what I said, this time it was indeed because of Ji Feng's incident that our stock fell. If this goes on, we will really have to hand over our dominance. Why is this guy so harmful! "

"This matter has nothing to do with him. Originally, because I cooperated with various forces, it has become a thorn in the eyes of Donghai City. Many companies want to target our Su Group."

"Don't help him talk, don't think I don't know that this guy is a loser! It's just that success is not enough, and failure is more than failure. As long as I think of him, I can't get angry, what kind of thing is he! "

The more Xu Lan spoke, the angrier she became, "And while your belly is not that big, you quickly gave up the child, what would you do with his child? Now that the Ma family has fallen, and no one can control you, you Why do you want to keep this child?"

Su Yu couldn't help frowning, "Mom, this is my child, I have the ability to network."

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