Su Yu actually wanted to go back with Ji Feng, but she was worried that Ji Feng would be treated badly by her uncle and family after returning with her.

But Ji Feng and his sister Su Miaomiao insisted on it like this, and Su Yu couldn't refuse, so she had to nod.

The three got into the car together and came to the old house of the Su family.

Although it was a family gathering, the people who came did seem to be quite rich.

"This car seems to be pretty good!"

Has Su Bingqing really met a sweetheart this time?

Su Miaomiao is usually not the kind of person who likes to tease others, but seeing the two sisters Su Bingqing and Su Yujie doing well, Su Miaomiao is not happy.

why would you said this? This is all because the two sisters usually add to her and her sister's troubles.

When Su Miaomiao thought about the faces of the two of them, she would get angry.

"The price is more than one million."

It's a really good car, and there are already five cars parked outside.

All are more than one million, and the five cars add up to more than five million.

Su Yu felt a little nervous in her heart.

She knew that her grandfather and Su Ankang arranged for her to go back to eat just to give her a shock.

But she had to come.

And I will definitely see my parents in a while. I had a fierce quarrel last night, and now I have to meet again, it really feels very strange.

Su Yu got out of the car and slowly let out a breath.

Although she doesn't use Fendai, the female president's deterrent power is still there.

"go in."

Anyway, sooner or later, we have to face it, it is better to be more straightforward.

The three walked into the Su family's old house together.

As soon as they entered, the three of them heard laughter coming from the room, and when they looked from a distance, they could see a group of people gathered around.

It seems to be quite a feeling of family happiness.

Ji Feng squinted his eyes, and saw this scene and felt sarcastic.

Like the old man of the Su family, he is actually the coolest person. How can he care about family affection?

Although he has come to know the destiny, his hands are still firmly grasping the power and he is not sure to let go.

Ji Feng had already seen it through.

"Grandpa is really old and strong! I didn't expect grandpa to have such an experience before!"

The old man smiled and waved his hand: "It's all about when I was young, and it's hard to talk about it now."

"How can you say that? I love hearing what Grandpa said!"

Su Ankang looked at his future son-in-law with admiration.

This person is none other than the Yang family, one of the three giants in Yangdu.

Although Yang Zhenhua is a little older, he has a good family background!

The more Su Ankang and Zhang Yue looked, the more satisfied they became!

When Su Wen and Xu Lan, who were sitting near the door, saw this future upstart, they only felt their stomachs turned upside down.

They thought that Su Bingqing had found someone this time, but they didn't expect it to be an old guy who was only a few years younger than her father.

To be honest, Yang Zhenhua can be Su Bingqing's father at his age, and the two even hooked up.

When Su Yu, Su Miaomiao and Ji Feng entered the room, they saw Yang Zhenhua, and they were stunned for a moment.

Su Wen smiled when he saw his two daughters coming.

But when he saw Ji Feng standing beside Su Yu, the smile on Su Wen's face faded a lot.

How did this guy get here? Didn't he divorce Su Yu?

Compared with Su Wen's calmness, Xu Lan seemed a little more irritable. When Xu Lan saw that it was Nie Feng, she felt that she was out of breath.

"Do you still have a face?"

Xu Lan couldn't care less about it at the moment, and scolded in a low voice.

Ji Feng raised his brows, he knew that his mother-in-law never liked him.

This is also normal.

After all, everyone thought that Su Yu would marry Fang Shihao, so that their Su family would be able to cling to Gaozhi.

It's just that it's all ruined.

They didn't expect Su Yu to choose a boyfriend by themselves, and they got married very quickly.

This was something they didn't expect.

When Xu Lan ordered Su Yu to divorce, Su Yu said that she was pregnant again, which shocked the family even more.

Now it's hard to get divorced, but Su Yu is obsessed with it and refuses to kill the child and start over.

Xu Lan felt that it was very likely that Ji Feng had bewitched Su Yu, so she made Su Yu refuse to listen to them no matter what.

As long as he thinks of this, Xu Lan feels very angry!

Xu Lan's eyes seemed to be on fire, looking at Ji Feng fiercely.

Ji Feng's eyes towards his mother-in-law can be said to be completely ignorant.

The moment Mr. Su and others saw them, their old faces collapsed immediately.

Zhang Yue said sneeringly: "Oh! Who am I thinking? It turned out to be Su Yu, what's the matter? Why did you bring your ex-husband here?"

"That's right, have you forgotten what day is today? You brought an outsider here? Are you ashamed?"

Su Chao sneered and said unceremoniously.

"I'm not the only outsider here. Isn't this also an outsider?"

Ji Feng was neither humble nor arrogant, but he stretched out his hand and pointed at Yang Zhenhua.

"Nonsense! Zhenhua is my son-in-law. How could my son-in-law be an outsider? What are you kidding?"

Su Ankang reprimanded with a face.

"Are you so sure that he will marry your daughter if the eight characters haven't been written yet? You are an outsider if you haven't obtained the certificate yet. I still have a certificate with Su Yu."

Ji Feng will never show mercy to such a person.

Hearing Ji Feng's words, they became even more angry.

"You bastard! I think you can't spit out ivory from a dog's mouth! Zhenhua, ignore them, they are just savages."

Zhang Yue glared at Ji Feng indignantly, and then said to Yang Zhenhua flatteringly.

Who knew that Yang Zhenhua's eyes were glued to the young and beautiful Su Miaomiao's body and did not move.

Su Miaomiao specially dressed up today in order to **** off the two sisters.

She was originally a star face, good-looking and temperamental.

On weekdays, Su Miaomiao would not dress up.

But today is different. No matter what, Su Miaomiao will suppress the two sisters, so that the two sisters can't stand out!

Su Miaomiao dressed up a little, and her aura was instantly revealed.

Men are visual animals, and Yang Zhenhua is no exception.

Yang Zhenhua was originally a playboy. He has married many wives and divorced many times.

But because the Yang family is a wealthy family, there are still a large number of young and beautiful women who understand and rush to Yang Zhenhua's side.

Yang Zhenhua has never been short of women.

But seeing Su Miaomiao and Su Yu, Yang Zhenhua was still shocked by the teasing.

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