Originally, Su Miaomiao didn't want to stay here. If it wasn't for her sister, Su Miaomiao wouldn't come.

Unexpectedly, Zhang Yue came out to find fault at this time.

"Second aunt, what do you mean by that?"

Su Miaomiao put down her chopsticks and squinted her eyes. Perhaps it was because she had lived with Ji Feng for too long, so some of Su Miaomiao's small movements gradually synchronized with Ji Feng's.

"I'm just concerned, that's why I'm asking you, but Second Aunt is right, it's not good for you to live with others. Besides, our family is so big, there is no place for you to stand. You have to mix with a man, and this man is your ex-brother-in-law."

Zhang Yue did it on purpose. Zhang Yue knew that her two daughters were not as beautiful as them.

And just now Yang Zhenhua also looked at Su Miaomiao and Su Yu with a strange look.

How could Zhang Yue also be a woman not aware of those blatant eyes?

Zhang Yue cursed secretly in his heart, two fox spirits, deliberately came to ruin their good deeds!

Yesterday, they had no plans to let Su Miaomiao and Su Yu come back for dinner. If it wasn't for the people who Mr. Su arranged to eat at the old house today, they would be the only family.

I just didn't expect that not only Su Miaomiao and Su Yu's family came, but also brought a Ji Feng.

In order to make all the eyes of her prospective son-in-law fall on her daughter, Zhang Yue deliberately stirred up trouble. She wanted to make Su Miaomiao a person who was spontaneous, so that Yang Zhenhua would not look down on her!

Zhang Yue's abacus is pretty good, and it's not difficult to implement.

Xu Lan was also very unhappy when she heard Zhang Yue's words. She glared at Su Miaomiao in disgust.

Last time, Xu Lan had warned Su Miaomiao not to get too close to Ji Feng, but Su Miaomiao, a stinky girl, didn't believe it.

And they had a big quarrel with them and wanted to cut off the mother-daughter relationship. Xu Lan felt a headache when she thought of this.

I don't know what kind of ecstasy soup Ji Feng poured into the two sisters, so that the two sisters actually gave up on him!

Xu Lan glared at Ji Feng with vicious eyes.

Ji Feng, however, picked up the food in front of him as if there was no one else around, and ate it without saying a word. Compared with the food cooked in his restaurant, the food here is not very good.

But he was originally here to eat, so it doesn't matter if he doesn't do well.

"Second aunt, are you the manager of the Pacific Ocean? Are you so lenient?"

Su Miaomiao was originally a petty temperament, and now she has someone to support her, so she is not afraid at all.

"Oh, look at what you said, isn't the second aunt afraid that you will be deceived? That's why I asked out of concern, so you don't have to be so excited!"

Zhang Yue gave a narrow smile, how could she care about Su Miaomiao, she wished that Su Wen's two daughters died violently on the spot.

Zhang Yue gave birth to two daughters herself, and Xu Lan also gave birth to two daughters, but no one cared about her two daughters.

It's like losing money in your own hands.

But other people were fascinated by Su Yu and Su Miaomiao, and even Yang Zhenhua looked at them both with obsessive eyes just now.

Zhang Yue also admitted that Su Miaomiao and Su Yu are indeed beautiful.

It is because of this that Zhang Yue has a sense of crisis.

"Do you care about me? You know it yourself. Besides, I live in my brother-in-law's house, my sister also lives in my sister's house, and our two sisters live in my brother-in-law's house together. Do you have any problems?"

Su Miaomiao cast a glance at Zhang Yue, and said this neither humble nor arrogant.

"No, no, but I heard before that you lived in Ji Feng's house alone, and I felt a little strange. It turned out that you and your sister lived together, but... What kind of house can Ji Feng afford? Are the three of you sharing a bed?"

Zhang Yue's words caused a lot of laughter, and the three brothers and sisters Su Chao laughed especially exaggeratedly.

"That's right, Ji Feng's house is probably not bought, it should be rented! Maybe Su Yu helped rent it? Hey, if you really don't have a place to go, then tell your grandfather, our old house is not Is it a room?"

Su Yu slowly put down his chopsticks, "We live in Ji Feng's villa, is there any problem?"

After hearing this, Su Ankang couldn't help laughing out loud, "I didn't expect Xiaoyu to lie too, I know Ji Feng is your ex-husband, but in order to protect your ex-husband's face, you did it too much, right? ?

"You haven't seen it before! My brother-in-law's financial ability is much better than yours!"

Su Miaomiao was suddenly angry.

"If that's the case, why didn't you give your sister a decent wedding and didn't even see any dowry? What? Did your brother-in-law's financial ability be spent on you?"

Zhang Yue winked and deliberately led the topic to this point.

Su Yu frowned, "This matter has nothing to do with Ji Feng, I asked Ji Feng to marry me."

"Xiaoyu, it's okay, we know you want to give you a manly face, but since you've already divorced your man, there's no need for that! Be frank, and dishonest people are here. There is no place in this world at all, I think you know it!"

Su Ankang smiled and sang along with his wife.

Su Miaomiao knew that when she came back for dinner today, she would definitely be upset by the two of them.

"Then you say that, will Yang Zhenhua give you a lot of dowry?"

Su Miaomiao immediately turned her back to the camera.

Su Ankang and Zhang Yue's faces stiffened. They were just here for dinner. It would be too deliberate to ask about the dowry.

Su Ankang didn't expect this little girl's brain to turn so fast, and she turned them into an army.

"What are you talking about, little girl? Bingqing is just bringing her boyfriend back for dinner. Although we will definitely talk about marriage in the future, everyone is not familiar with it now."

Zhang Yue said dryly immediately.

"I think Second Aunt really wants to ask how much dowry Yang Zhenhua gave?"

Su Miaomiao sneered, "Otherwise, why would you deliberately bring up your brother-in-law and how much betrothal gifts you gave? Isn't this just knocking the mountain and shaking the tiger?"

"Shut up for me, how did you talk to the elders!"

At this time, Mr. Su came forward and stopped Su Miaomiao. After all, in Mr. Su's eyes, Yang Zhenhua was indeed a good son-in-law, not to mention a family business, and he had power and power.

If Su Bingqing can really marry Yang Zhenhua, it is indeed a very good choice for their Su Group.

So he certainly didn't want the meal to be screwed up today.

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