Although Ji Zhan's words are so free and easy, he is still a little worried in his heart. Although his feelings for the old man are not so deep, the foundation of the Ji family for so many years is now about to be destroyed. feel pity.

But without him, the Ji family would also fall. After he left the Ji family, it was destined to happen.

After Ji Zhan hung up the phone, his wife Xia Ling left and asked, "Is it a domestic matter? What did our son say?"

Ji Zhan didn't hide it, and told Xia Ling what she and Ji Feng said just now.

After hearing this, Xia Ling was taken aback, "This kid, his hands and feet are quite neat, he does things very ruthlessly and leaves no room, if those guys know that Ji Feng did this, they are very likely It will cause trouble for Ji Feng."

"Now they're all so busy, they don't have time to pay attention to these things. If they want to know who did it, they can't find out for a while. Besides, our son's brain is so smart, do you think he Will there be a handle left?"

Xia Ling heard Ji Zhan's analysis, so she nodded, "That's what you said, although it feels a little pity, but after all, the old man has always been a person who doesn't know well, this time I can also give They learned a lesson."

"However, the foundation of our Ji family is gone, isn't it good?" Ji Zhan was still worried about this.

"What's there to be afraid of? Who said that the foundation of the Ji family is gone, do you think about our son's surname?"

Xia Ling only found it funny, he couldn't help but put a finger on Ji Zhan's forehead.

Ji Zhan suddenly realized, "It's still my wife who is smart, look at my brain, it's like a pig's brain, without your help by my side, I will be nothing!"

"Don't praise me, let your son handle these things, you have to believe our son, his mind is very smart, and he may have inherited the advantages of me and you.

Besides, we are now abroad, they can't find us, and we are still in peace. If we bring the communicator here, the old man may blow it up.

In fact, saying these words may offend you, but I still want to say that you have no status in that family. The old man has always been looking for you when he has something to do, and he will never miss you if he has nothing to do. "

Ji Zhan knew that what Xia Ling said was correct, but Ji Zhan himself would still feel lost no matter what.

"Okay, okay, since you've all said that, if I go on, it'll look like I'm being hypocritical. As I said, I'll accompany you to travel the north and south of the country during this time. Where are you going now? Let's just Don't worry about that, just enjoy our happiness!"

It was very late at this point, the two of them slept together, and they no longer thought about the situation in the country, nor did they want to think about it.

At this moment, the Ji family has become a mess. After the old man was rejected by Ji Feng, it can be said that he was angry and angry. The more he thought about it, the more angry he felt.

Ji Feng, this guy actually scolded him for taking his face in front of so many people, as long as he thinks about it, he will feel extremely angry.

How dare this little **** dare to do this, it is unforgivable!

The old man wondered why he should rely on his father and son?

Could it be that their Ji family is so big that they can't find a reliable one? The old man can't believe it!

So he immediately convened a family meeting, but what he never expected was that those sons, grandsons and wives who had always flattered him on weekdays had already fled with money at this juncture, and they did not intend to share weal and woe with the Ji family at all!

The old man was very angry when he heard about this!

He felt that he had been betrayed. There were only a few people here. These people also lowered their heads. The main reason was that their hands and feet were not fast enough to get any good, so they didn't run so fast.

The old man's wife only gave birth to a son like Ji Zhan, and the rest were born to his concubine. Those concubines always obeyed him, but now they can't find him without answering the phone.

The old man felt the coldness of the world, and his face changed instantly. He took a deep breath, and always felt that his heart was empty, and he didn't know what to do for a while.

"Dad, the rest of the people have almost run away, or let's run too, it's such a big mess, we can't clean it up!"

"I usually raised you for so long. Is this how you treat me? You can't even handle such a trivial thing if you lose the chain at a critical moment. You are a bunch of idiots!"

The one who was scolded also looked very bad. The reason why he stayed was because he didn't have much money on hand, so he deliberately came here to beat the old man from the side to see if the old man had any other money to give. he.

Unexpectedly, the old man scolded him with all his head and face.

For the sake of money, he had to endure it, and nodded quickly and said, "Yes, yes, we are stupid! Dad! Don't talk about it, let's go quickly, look at how much money you can withdraw from your account, and directly put Bring the money up and run away!"

"I can't afford to lose this person. Do you know how many pairs of eyes are staring at me? Everyone wants to see me laughing. The more this happens, the more we have to calm down!"

The old man thought that Ji Zhan was his own son. Since his son has the ability to bring the whole family back to life, doesn't he have the ability? !

"It's better to rely on you than me!"

The old man took out his phone and called his former friend, but who would answer his call at this juncture? Everyone was afraid, so they were worried that they would get angry. The old man made several calls in a row and was rejected. He was already beating.

I finally got through to one, but the person on the other end said, "Brother Ji, don't call me, brother, I'm already half into the loess, I can't help you, I'm just like that. If you have a little family background, I think you should run away with the money when the bank has not liquidated you, otherwise you will only have a dead end, your business has collapsed, whether you admit it or not, this is the truth!"

After the other party said these words, he decisively hung up the phone, and before the old man could react, the old man was very angry and made many calls, but without exception, they all fell into disrepair.

At this time, the few people who were staying at home couldn't hold their breath.

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