The old man angrily slapped the tabletop with great dissatisfaction.

"Grandpa, if you came to me to talk about this, I'm sorry, I will never break up with Ji Feng."

Su Yu shook his head.

"Since you are so stubborn, then hand over your current position, you are not worthy!"

Su Chao glared at Su Yu fiercely. The old man saw what the Su Group had become because of their family, but now the old man seems to have selective amnesia.

"Is that what Grandpa meant too?"

Su Yu didn't answer Su Chao's words, but turned to ask Mr. Su.

The old man Su nodded, "Yes, that's what I thought. As I said, you can't kill the entire Su family because of you alone."

"You persecuted me like this last time, and now I'm taking the entire Su family as an example. How did the Su family get through this difficult time, I think you should be very clear, without me, there would be no Su Group, and every time something happened You must let me handle the matter. I have done so much, how have you ever understood me? Now that the Ji family is in trouble, we should help out. Ji Feng has helped me a lot, and I should pay back he."

"Don't be naive, do you know what it means that husband and wife are birds of the same forest, and they will fly away when disaster strikes? Their entire family has been brought in, even if you want to help him, you are more than enough! Just leave this man, or you will be implicated by him, you still don't know why!"

Everyone was talking about trying to persuade Su Yu, but Su Yu shook his head very firmly, "Since this is the case, then I shouldn't be the head of the family!"

Doing the most tiring and hard work, but without any freedom. Su Yu was still thinking, after all, everyone came from the same family, so he wanted to help the Su family.

But even if they helped the Su family, they still couldn't get anything, and they were misunderstood by them.

If so, she might as well not help!

Su Chao and Su Ankang were very happy, they just wanted to hear what Su Yu said!

"Grandpa, have you heard? Su Yu said that he will not be the master of the family anymore! Besides, there is no need for such a person who doesn't care about the family like her!"

"But even if this is the case, the debt collectors come to the door, which is also a trouble for us, so you still have to break up with Ji Feng!"

Mr. Su didn't intend to let the two of them speak loudly, and it seemed unquestionable.

"If you are so difficult to touch, then I don't need to stay in this family." Su Yu looked at them very seriously and said this.

"Since this is the case, then you should sever ties with our Su family, and don't communicate in the future!"

The old man thought about it for a while, and then he was ruthless.

"Is this your decision, Grandpa? If it is your decision, then I am willing to follow your wishes."

"I have already written the severance book for you. As long as you sign it, it will have nothing to do with us in the future!"

Su Chao said excitedly and took out a severance book.

Su Yu took a deep breath, thinking that it was still at this point.

She looked at the severance book, lowered her eyes, and finally signed her name.

"Is this okay?"

Su Yu handed the severance book to them, and after Su Chao took the severance book, a hypocritical smile appeared on his face, "Of course, although your surname is Su now, but you and our family will never be friends in the future. No matter what, what will happen to the Su family in the future, you have no way of asking!"

Su Chao happily held the severance book, while Su Yu looked at Mr. Su. Mr. Su put his eyes elsewhere and never looked at Su Yu again.

"Grandpa, I thought you liked me, so I left everything to me to take care of it, but I didn't expect that I was just a **** for you. You just used me to make the Su family better."

Su Yu couldn't help but sighed.

"Su Yu! You are no longer from the Su family. How dare you talk to my dad like this. I think you are really brave!"

Su Ankang reprimanded Su Yu coldly.

"Since I'm no longer from the Su family, then of course I have to make it clear. Grandpa, Su Chao and I competed fairly, Su Chao was not as good as me, but you gave him time and time again. Opportunity, even if he speculates on you, you will not ignore it. You asked me to let Su Chao, but why should I let him? Why should I let him? In the workplace, ability means ability, and incapable means incompetence. Why are you being lenient to him because he is a man? Why are you being so harsh to me?"

Su Yu knows that everyone is not fair and just, and they will all be partial, but Su Yu always feels that he may have family affection for the old man.

It's just that Su Yu felt more and more like a chess piece, like a robot.

"Su Chao is not as good as me in every way. Besides not being a man, what am I better than him?"

Su Yu shook his head, "Forget it, I will no longer be your granddaughter from now on, what happens to your Su family has nothing to do with me, and what happens to me has nothing to do with you, I hope not in the future. See you later."

It took a lot of thought for Su Yu to make such a decision. She has made psychological achievements for herself for a long time. Her experience is very similar to Ji Feng, but she can't be like Ji Feng.

"Since you already know that you have nothing to do with the Su family, then go back to wherever you came from! We don't want to see you again in the future!"

Su Ankang waved his hand like chasing flies, but Su Yu turned around and left without looking back.

As the so-called tree fell, everyone was worried that the close relationship between Su Yu and Ji Feng would harm the entire Su family.

After leaving the big mansion, Su Yu got into the car. At this time, Ji Feng asked amusingly: "This time you chose me and gave up the entire Su family. Would you feel sad?"

Su Yu nodded, "Of course I will feel sad, after all, I have done so many things without being recognized."

Su Yu slowly let out a breath, "It's just that I feel relieved again. I have always paid for this family, but I have not received anything in return, not even a polite word. If I lose my ability, they will kick me away, making me feel pitiful. I have been persuading myself, after all, this is the matter of the entire Su family, but now I don't want to run away anymore, I have to face it , face the consequences."

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