"Since you asked me to cooperate, you have to show some sincerity no matter what. With a tough attitude like yours, I think it's a bit difficult for us to cooperate."

"I think you may have misunderstood."

Wen Wan heard Ji Feng say this, and a slightly mocking smile appeared on her face, but the smile was hidden under the mask, so it was not real.

"Your cooperation with me is cooperation with the country and the country, which means that you have to serve the country wholeheartedly. To put it simply, you have to obey my arrangements, and you have to do whatever I ask you to do. ."

Ji Feng glanced at the contract under his hand, "So the content of this contract is unfair, right?"

"It can be said, but there is nothing particularly fair and just in this world. Since you have chosen to cooperate with us, then serve us wholeheartedly. If you can do this, then we will also provide you with clues. ."

"Didn't you say it? Your goal is also Ma Yuanzhong. Even if you can provide me with clues, but in the end no one is in my hands, how can I cooperate with you wholeheartedly?"

Although the system gives some conditions, the decision is still in Ji Feng's hands.

Do you want to take this mission? It still depends on Ji Feng personally. If he doesn't pick it up, Ji Feng's assets will increase by 80 million. If he picks up, then Ji Feng can get some clues from Wen Wan.

Every time Ji Feng needs a clue, the system will give two options, and every time he gets the clue, this option can get what he wants. In fact, this system is indeed a bit of a shit, but in fact it is also convenient place.

"What we need most is the ledger, followed by personnel. As long as we have finished interrogating that person, then it will be yours."

"If you say that, then there is a possibility for us to cooperate. Well, if that's the case, then I'll agree to it. Are these contracts written in it? Or are you making a verbal promise yourself?"

"You can make up for it."

Wen Wan lifted it up and down, Ji Feng checked it carefully, looked at the contract, and after confirming that the contract was correct, he signed his name.

Wen Wan also signed her name and copper, one for each person.

"Now the two of us are partners, and I need your communicator."

Since Wen Wan has already said that, in the end, he will give Ma Yuanzhong to himself, so Ji Feng has nothing to say. Ji Feng handed over his mobile phone, and Wen Wan quickly set up a tracking device on it. This is a device developed by the special action team, and only their team members know this.

Although the two have collaborated, their cooperation is limited to hunting down the gray group.

"I have installed a monitor on your mobile phone, and now your every move is under our monitoring, but don't worry, we are very principled, and we will not monitor private things."

Ji Feng shook his head, "If it's you listening, it doesn't matter how private it is."

Wen Wan was obviously stunned, and then found that she was being ridiculed. She was slightly angry at the moment, but she stretched out her jade finger and tapped on the table, "Don't be slick, you are now serving our entire country, and I am also a comrade-in-arms relationship, so you still have to show a serious appearance."

"That's really embarrassing. I'm not born with a straight face. I usually talk like this. If you don't like it, I don't think I can change it."

Wen Wan looked at the smile on Ji Feng's face, and immediately clenched her fists, but since she was already a comrade-in-arms, she couldn't be angry with her comrades.

Wen Wan simply ignored Ji Feng and said to herself, "We are going to Fengyue Bar tonight, there is a small underground organization in Fengyue Bar, this small underground organization is related to the gray organization, we have to follow This organization goes to find."

"Are you going or am I going?"

"If it's an ordinary person, I think I can go by myself. After all, it's easier to succeed as a woman, but we found that their organization has some special hobbies..."

Wen Wan felt a little hard to tell when she said this, she slowly let out a breath, "They like to gather together..."

"If you say that, I'll know, okay, don't say it anymore, just say where to meet tonight?"

"I heard them say that the Magic City Hotel is yours. I will pick you up at the Magic City Hotel tonight. We will go to the Fengyue Bar together. You must keep your phone open at all times."

"I see. If you have nothing to do, you can go back first. I think I'm a little tired. I want to rest."

Wen Wan gave her shoulders, and then strode away. When he went out to the door, he saw Sun Jie standing by the door. She glanced at Sun Jie, and then left.

Sun Jie looked at the back of Wen Wan leaving and felt a little indignant, but she swallowed the breath in her stomach. After Sun Jie adjusted her mind, she turned around and said, "Mr. Ji, what did Miss Wen tell you? ?"

"I've signed a contract with them now and they tapped my phone so I can't tell you."

Although Sun Jie was a little frustrated, Ji Feng had already talked to him roughly and explained it, and Sun Jie felt less uncomfortable.

"Since that's the case, then I won't go on and ask, where are you going tonight? If not, let's go have a meal together?"

Sun Jie hadn't seen Ji Feng for a long time, so when she saw Ji Feng, Sun Jie couldn't contain her excitement and wanted to stay with Ji Feng for a while.

"Unfortunately, I have to go somewhere with Wenwan tonight."

Sun Jie was a little disappointed, but since Ji Feng was here, she also had more time, so there should be no problem.

"Mr. Ji, call me again if you have anything!"

Ji Feng nodded and went back to his room to rest for a while.

When night falls, the whole city becomes bizarre, and the night is the most lively and prosperous time.

At about ten o'clock, Wen Wan drove to the Magic Capital Hotel and called Ji Feng: "I'm downstairs now, come down quickly."

When Ji Feng went down, she saw Wen Wan riding a black motorcycle, and Wen Wan was wearing motorcycle clothes, tight black leather clothes, trousers, and black combat boots, which made her seem to be in the darkness, but Those eyes are extraordinarily beautiful, like stars.

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