The Strongest Son-in-law: God-level Choice

Chapter 963: The whereabouts of Ma Qiming

After dealing with everything, Wen Wan looked at Ji Feng who was aside and couldn't help but smile.

"Sure enough, only men understand men, and they easily found the boss behind the scenes." Wen Wan joked.

Ji Feng ignored her with a dark face, "I've solved a big hidden danger for you here. When will you let me find Ma Qiming."

"It will be very fast, don't worry. According to our understanding, Ma Qiming has been involved in many gray industries. You can help us get rid of the gray industries, and at the same time, you can find Ma Qiming's whereabouts."

Wen Wan thought about it for a while, and then told the actual situation she had learned.

Hearing this, Ji Feng nodded, "Okay, I hope you didn't lie to me!"

In the next few days, Ji Feng cooperated with Wen Wan to carry out the task, and solved this group of people with Ji Feng's tricks.

After several consecutive gray dens, Ji Feng also found something wrong at this time.

Every time Ji Feng came back from a mission to rest for a while, Wen Wan would call him up from the hotel and go to arrest the gray organization's den, but he would not talk about Ma Qiming's whereabouts.

After successfully arresting a group of gray organizations again, Ji Feng found Wen Wan.

"You've already caught so many gray organizations. Why haven't you found Ma Qiming yet? Don't you want to use me as a free labor force?"

Wen Wan quickly explained, "Of course not. We just haven't found Ma Qiming's whereabouts. If we get news of him, we will definitely inform you as soon as possible."

"It's just the dens of these gray organizations. We have been squatting for several months, and we just haven't dared to act rashly."

Hearing this, Ji Feng reluctantly believed it, nodded and looked at the silent mountain behind him.

However, at this moment Wen Wan's cell phone rang, Wen Wan picked it up and heard the voice of a schoolgirl.

"Sister Wen Wan, Ma Qiming's whereabouts have been found in the team, and surveillance has been transferred. Sister Wen Wan, do you want to come over with Ji Gongzi?"

Ji Feng's hearing has become very sensitive now, and he naturally heard the content of their conversation.

After seeing Wen Wan hang up the phone, Ji Feng said quickly, "Let's go back and have a look."

Wen Wan nodded, and then the two quickly appeared in front of the Wen Wan junior.

When he saw her, Ji Feng was very stunned.

He didn't expect such a beautiful, sweet-sounding little girl who didn't seem to have any aggression to actually like such a dangerous profession. Ji Feng felt that it was a pity.

Wen Wan introduced to Ji Feng, "She is a junior in my school, Shi Yuxuan, don't look at her weak and weak, but she has learned all kinds of capture and investigation in school, these professional skills. She's full marks."

Hearing the little girl's resume, Ji Feng's gaze towards her became appreciative.

Shi Yuxuan smiled slightly and even said hello, without delaying the time, she took them directly to the computer and released a short surveillance video.

"This car is Ma Qiming's car." Shi Yuxuan quickly clicked a pause monitor screen, and just saw Ma Qiming's face, "Look at this person, is it the person you are looking for?"

Even if Ma Qiming turns into ashes, he can recognize him. Ji Feng doesn't need to distinguish him, he recognizes that person as him!

"It's him! Then do you know where he's going in this direction?" Ji Feng asked with gritted teeth.

Shi Yuxuan immediately said, "This is the surveillance footage of a small country in the north. I have already applied for surveillance footage of other roads from them, and it may take a few days before I can get the others."

"Okay, I'll wait a few more days." Ji Feng nodded.

No matter how small a country is, it is impossible to meet Ma Qiming just in time.

Ji Feng planned to wait until more surveillance images came out and he had a general orientation before going to Ma Qiming in person.

"When the surveillance screen comes out, I will tell Sister Wen Wan as soon as possible," Shi Yuxuan said.

Hearing this, Ji Feng left contentedly, and he went directly back to the Magic Capital Hotel.

As soon as he returned to the room, Su Jue called him, "When are you coming back?"

The familiar voice echoed in his ears, and Ji Feng felt tired these days, and it disappeared in an instant.

"I'll be back soon, do you still feel uncomfortable?" Ji Feng became concerned.

Su Jue said succinctly, "I don't feel any discomfort, I just want to tell you that everything in the company is back on track."

"Miao Miao plans to use the pocket money you gave her to open a media company that belongs to her. She plans to give us half of the shares. Miao Miao asked me to tell you about it."

Ji Feng nodded, "Of course, I will give Su Miaomiao the pocket money, that's her money, she can spend whatever she wants."

"Su Miaomiao rarely has the consciousness to do big things. It will definitely cost a lot of money to open a media company. You can help Su Miaomiao when I'm away. If you have any problems, just wait for me to come back."

After the two casually said a few words, they hung up the phone.

At this time, there was a sound from Ji Feng's stomach, and he realized that he had been busy all day, and he hadn't sat down to eat much.

Ji Feng was going to the restaurant to see what to eat, thinking of Ji Feng here. Putting on his coat and heading out, he completely called the general manager and asked him to arrange everything.

At that time, Ji Feng doesn't have to go out, and there will be a waiter serving all kinds of delicious meals.

After all, the Magic Capital Hotel itself was opened by him. It must be too late for the executive manager of the hotel to curry favor with him.

But Ji Feng didn't want to stay in the empty room and wanted to go out to get some air.

When he came to the restaurant, the waiters obviously did not recognize him, and Ji Feng also took advantage of the situation to hide his identity.

As soon as Ji Feng sat down, a waiter appeared in front of him, "Sir, look at the menu, what would you like to eat?"

He took over the menu and looked at it casually, and ordered a few of Su Jue's usual favorite foods.

Ji Feng didn't see the price when ordering. After he ordered several dishes in a row, the waiter's face changed.

Although their Magic Capital Hotel has just opened, they have always taken the high-end route, so some more expensive dishes abound.

Although the waiter has not been here for a few days, the most expensive consumption he has ever seen is tens of thousands, and rarely more than 100,000.

Ji Feng was just so casual this time, and these dishes already cost more than 100,000.

But Ji Feng didn't mean to stop at all.

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