One of them snorted coldly, "Want to leave? Since this ordinary person is your accomplice, it is even more impossible for me to leave the two of you."

After he finished speaking, he raised the weapon in his hand and waved it in the direction of the two of them.

The opponent's movement speed is very fast, Ji Feng has not seen his trajectory clearly, he only sees a sword appearing a few centimeters away from him.

However, at the time of danger, the man in black suddenly appeared in front of him and took the sword abruptly.

Just now Ji Feng saw that in front of the man in black, there seemed to be a barrier that blocked most of the damage of the sword for him.

But the opponent is obviously not a vegetarian. Even if he resists most of the damage, he still cannot avoid the piercing of a part of the sword tip.

After the man in black shook off the man in front of him, he turned his head to Ji Feng and said, "Go away, I don't want to involve ordinary people."

Ji Feng was moved when he saw the uncle in black saying that he was going to send him away.

But this group of people is ferocious, and the weapons they are holding look real no matter how they look.

Ji Feng felt that he had stabbed him a little, then he had to lose too much blood and die immediately.

"Okay." Ji Feng nodded and turned his head without hesitation to escape from here.

But when Ji Feng ran out a few steps, he suddenly heard footsteps behind him, and the wind was pounding.

Ji Feng quickly reacted, that is, someone was chasing him behind him, and he would be stabbed behind him immediately.

Seeing this, he hurried to the side, and when he stopped, he faced the man who was chasing him, and when he raised it, it was a ruthless kick.

The cultivator couldn't dodge in time, and the whole person was smashed heavily on the wall, and a hole was even smashed. The cultivator was confused by Ji Feng's series of operations.

Seeing this scene, Ji Feng breathed a sigh of relief and quickly continued to run forward.

However, at this time, two people suddenly appeared in front of Ji Feng. They both held their swords and approached Ji Feng step by step. Ji Feng could only step back.

It didn't take long for him to bump into the back of the black-clothed uncle. Ji Feng was startled when he saw that several bodies were already lying on the ground.

I don't know if those people died.

"I think they won't let you leave easily, just stand beside you." The uncle in black could only say helplessly.

Immediately, the uncle in black fought with them, and Ji Feng tried to reduce his presence as much as possible, not wanting to attract attention.

After a long time, the uncle in black finally won, and Ji Feng's face was calm when he looked at the corpses all over the floor, but when he looked at the uncle in black, he was full of admiration.

However, at this moment, a man lying on the ground suddenly grabbed the sword next to him and stabbed the man in black.

After Ji Feng saw this scene, he quickly reminded the uncle in black.

But it was still too late. The uncle in black was quickly stabbed by the broken sword, and the uncle in black stabbed the sword in his hand at the man just now.

Immediately, he vomited a large mouthful, and the blood lay on the ground, weak and weak.

Ji Feng quickly walked over and squatted beside the uncle in black.

"Are you all right, uncle? Shall I call you an ambulance?"

The uncle in black shook his head, "Ordinary people's medicine can't save me, you go get all the rings on their fingers now."

Ji Feng hurriedly did as he did, and after taking all the rings, the uncle in black asked him to put them there.

The uncle in black immediately said, "Are you curious about who we are? In fact, in this world, in addition to ordinary people, there are monks who are hidden in the world. The monks rely on the spiritual energy between heaven and earth to survive.

"It's just like in the novel of self-cultivation, a capable person who can escape from the sky, I think your cultivation base is about to build a foundation, otherwise you will not be able to punch a hole in that place."

Ji Feng, who heard these introductions, was stunned for a moment. He didn't expect that there were really cultivators in this world. This simply refreshed Ji Feng's cognition.

"There will definitely be a lot of good things in the space ring of this group of people. I hope it can help you improve your cultivation to foundation building. Can you go to Wuya Mountain and give this thing to my uncle." The uncle in black explained.

"Ding! Options released."

"Option one, promise to go to Wuya Mountain and get a rare practice."

"Option two, refuse to go to Wuya Mountain and get the good things in the space ring."

Of course, Ji Feng will choose option 1. He has now turned into the dispute between the monks, which is also doomed that Ji Feng cannot be alone in the situation of Beizhou Kingdom.

After all, the reward of a rare practice method is too tempting for Ji Feng, and he likes to keep trying more novel things.

"Uncle, I promise you." Ji Feng quickly said to the uncle in black.

Hearing this, the black-clothed uncle was relieved and quickly took out a book from his space ring.

Ji Feng felt very strange when he saw that there was no word in it, but once he accepted the monk's setting, he felt sure that ordinary people couldn't see the words above.

The uncle in black explained, "My space is here, and there are some things to help you cultivate. You must remember to go to Wuya to delete it and help me deliver this book to my uncle."

After saying this, the uncle in black fell on his head, and there was no sign of life at all.

When Ji Feng was imagining what to do with these corpses, the corpses of this group of people suddenly turned into little stars and drifted to the horizon.

Seeing this scene, Ji Feng couldn't help but sigh, even if he became a monk, his life was still as fragile as ever.

Immediately, Ji Feng returned to the room with the ring. He studied it for a long time, but didn't know how to get the contents out.

Can there really be anything in here?

When Ji Feng was wiping the ring, suddenly a white light appeared in front of him, and a lot of things appeared in the room.

Ji Feng was overwhelmed by the pile of things. At this time, he suddenly thought of the system.

"System, I want to exchange some books about self-cultivation knowledge, can I upgrade the Eye of Bole?" Ji Feng asked tentatively.

"Check that your points are sufficient and can be exchanged."

The mechanical sound of the system echoed in his ears.

Then a lot of pictures appeared in Ji Feng's mind. He saw the development of self-cultivation from the ancient times to the present. After he finished reading it, the sky was already bright.

Ji Feng took advantage of the opportunity to pick up the Eye of Bole, and when he looked at these strange things in front of them, there were a lot of text introductions around them.

After a brief surprise, Ji Feng began to concentrate on research.

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