Senior Lian thought for a while and said, "I know you are also a poor person. Since you want to be free, I have a way to help you return to your body."

"But your soul body can't resist. If you have a little bit of resistance, you will lose all your efforts."

Hearing this, Lin Huan suddenly became excited, "You really didn't lie to me?"

Lin Huan had only heard of the spirit body leaving the body, and he had never heard of the method that could make the spirit body that had drifted out to return to the body.

Because of this, Lin Huan has already made a plan, and he plans to stay in Ji Feng's body for a long time, otherwise how can he be cheap for this stinky boy.

"That's natural." Senior Lian said calmly.

Ruan Jing hurriedly persuaded, "Senior Lin Huan, don't worry, we pity the predecessors with great powers, since the pity seniors said that they can do it, it must be 100% sure."

Hearing this, Lin Huan's heart began to shake. After all, what Ji Feng thought just now was indeed fine.

Lin Huan also understands that he can't do anything right now, he can only live on others like a parasite, and continue to survive.

"Okay, I'm willing to believe you, but before that, you have to break the seal. If you can break the seal, I'm willing to believe you." Lin Huan said.

Senior Lian nodded, "But before that, you have to do one thing. I have a ring of oath here. As long as people who work under the power violate their oath, they will be punished by annihilation."

"As long as you promise that you will never hurt anyone after you come out, and after you make an oath and then put on this ring of oath, I am willing to lift the seal on it and let your soul body return to your physical body. go."

Lin Huan, who heard this, naturally understood what the other party meant, and he could understand it.

"I swear I will never hurt humans again in this life." Lin Huan put it on without hesitation.

Seeing that Lin Huan put on the ring of oath without hesitation, the other party must really know how to repent.

Now that he has the Ring of Oath, Senior Lian is a little relieved.

Moreover, Senior Lian can also feel that the monster in front of him is not that bad. Maybe he committed the murder before, but his blood was just pouring into his heart.

After thinking of this, Senior Lian also secretly made up his mind to release Lin Huan.

Afterwards, Senior Lian began to prepare the materials. The formation of cracking a seal was still very simple. The most difficult thing to do right now was to return Lin Huan's soul to his physical body.

This is not like the Yuanshen out of the body can advance and retreat!

After Senior Lian drew a spell on the ground, he raised his head and said to Lin Huan, "Okay, Ji Feng, come here and stand here now, Lin Huan, you continue to maintain the status quo."

After everything was ready, Senior Lian began to use his spiritual power to break the formation that sealed Lin Huan.

Soon they saw an eight-tailed red fox lying motionless below.

This should be Lin Huan's real body!

Immediately, a white light appeared in front of Ji Feng's eyes, and soon he felt that the whole person collapsed in an instant, as if something important had been taken away, and fainted the next moment.

Soon the eight-tailed red fox, who was originally dead, began to jump up and down.

The eight-tailed red fox immediately turned into a handsome young man, appeared in front of them, and said to senior pity, "Thank you for pity senior."

"Cultivation after you go back, if your aptitude is not sealed here, maybe you have already been in the spiritual transformation period hundreds of years ago." Senior Lian instructed.

Lin Huan nodded and left here. Before leaving, he turned his head to look at Ji Feng, who had fainted, "Thank you for calling me a senior, I'm very grateful."

Ruan Jing watched Senior Lin Huan leave, and the whole person was relieved. The matter here was finally resolved.

Then the two of them glanced at each other, and after Ji Feng, who was lying on the ground and passed out, couldn't help but smile.

When Ji Feng woke up again, he saw that Ruan Jing was sitting beside his bed at the moment.

When Ruan Jing saw that he woke up, he quickly said, "You finally woke up. You have been sleeping for three or four days, and it is almost time for us to go back when you woke up."

"There is news from Zhenjun Banyue that Senior Lian's cave has been repaired, and he will be able to go back in two days."

"So soon?" Ji Feng was shocked when he heard the news.

Without noticing what Ruan Jing said, Ji Feng had been in a coma for three or four days.

Ruan Jingshang nodded and said, "Yes, I'm going to book a flight back to China now."

After watching Ruan Jing leave, Ji Feng also flipped through his cell phone at this time.

Suddenly, he saw that there were countless missed calls from Su Jue on his mobile phone, but Ji Feng turned it on to mute, and he hadn't heard a single call in the past few days.

Realizing that he must be dead, Ji Feng quickly called Su Jue, and after five or six calls, Su Jue hung up all of them, and he instantly felt like crying without tears.

Seeing this, Su Jue must be angry, anyway, they are going back to China today.

In the end, Ji Feng decided to wait for the senior to settle down and then take the initiative to explain it to Su Jue.

And the senior Lian here is looking at it at the moment, and the information that Zhenjun Banyue collected for him is about Chixiamen.

It seems that few people in this sect know that the information that Zhenjun Banyue can collect is only a few lines of words.

In the end, Senior Lian decided to settle the matter of Chixiamen first, and then go back to the cave, to save the other party from causing a lot of trouble for him.

Senior Lian sent a message to True Monarch Banyue, "True Monarch Banyue, I plan to continue investigating Chixiamen. You also help me pay more attention to it. My intuition tells me that this matter is definitely not as simple as it seems."

True Monarch Banyue replied quickly, "Okay, don't worry about pity senior."

At this moment, Zhenjun Banyue, who was far away in Banyue Mountain, looked at the news sent by Senior Lian and recalled it for a long time.

The intuition of ordinary monks is very accurate, and the intuition of monks with higher cultivation can be called prophecy.

Since Senior Lian felt that the Chixia Gate was not as simple as it seemed, there must be a conspiracy behind it.

Thinking of Zhenjun Banyue here, he hurried to investigate the news about this Chixia Gate.

On the other hand, Ruan Jing had already bought the plane ticket, and quickly asked them to pack up.

When waiting for the flight at the airport, Senior Lian seemed to suddenly think of something and asked Ji Feng, "By the way, in the world, do you have a wife or parent who is very close to you?"

"Of course, my parents are only in their forties, and I also have a wife." Ji Feng was a little unclear about this, but answered truthfully.

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