The Strongest Son-in-law: God-level Choice

Chapter 996: Su Jue has an accident

Ji Feng, on the other hand, told Zhenjun Banyue all of his phone number and address without any precaution.

After True Monarch Banyue received it, a faint smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

However, at this moment, Ruan Jing's cell phone suddenly rang.

But it didn't take long for Ruan Jing's expression to become serious.

Ji Feng and Senior Lian naturally found something wrong and quickly asked, "What's wrong? Did something happen?"

"I just received a call from home saying that something happened at home, so I should go back quickly." Ruan Jing replied worriedly.

"In that case, I'll go with you. If you can't solve it alone, one more person will take care of you." Ji Feng took the initiative to speak.

Ruan Jing was very anxious, "Alright."

Senior Lian stood up and said, "Ruan Jing, don't worry, maybe it's not a big deal, why don't I and Ji Feng accompany you, so you can rest assured?"

"Okay, thank you for your pity senior." Ruan Jing finally let go of his dangling heart.

Ruan Jing's heart warmed, and then she quickly took out her mobile phone to prepare the flight ticket, and hurried home to have a look.

Immediately, Ruan Jing reported the situation, "I have already booked the air tickets. The flight is in three and a half hours. Let's pack up now, and we'll set off immediately."


Then the two of them began to pack up the things.

After Ji Feng packed up his things, he couldn't help but take a look at his mobile phone, and saw that Su Jue had ignored him so far.

But Ji Feng thought that he didn't know how long it would take to go out this time, and Ji Feng was also afraid that Su Jue would be angry.

After careful consideration, Ji Feng finally decided to report to Su Jue first.

After sending the message, they all set off until half an hour later, and they didn't see Su Jue reply to his message.

In the end, Ji Feng could only reluctantly put his mobile phone in his bag and ignored it. Then they hurried to the airport just in time for boarding.

Su Jue, who had just finished her work here, quickly saw the news on her mobile phone. This time Ji Feng had just returned to Jinhai City and left soon after.

Su Jue felt very angry when she thought about it, but she could only passively accept the fact that Ji Feng had already gone out. Who knows if she has already boarded the plane now, even if she complained, it would be useless.

Soon Su Jue began to worry, for fear that Ji Feng would have an accident, she soon became restless.

However, at this moment, Su Jue suddenly felt a sharp pain in her stomach, and her originally rosy face instantly turned pale.

Just when Su Jue felt that she was going to faint in the next second, when she passed by, she quickly took out her mobile phone and called her sister.

"Sister, what's the matter with you?" Su Miaomiao heard that Su Jue's voice on the other end of the phone was very abnormal, and asked quickly, the whole person was very worried.

Su Jue breathed out and said, "I feel my stomach hurts so much, you hurry to come to the company now."

"Okay, don't move, I'll be there right now."

After speaking, Su Jue realized that she couldn't wait like this. After hanging up, she hurriedly called the ambulance.

I hope that this child will never be in trouble, she lays softly on the sofa, she looks at the light, caresses her stomach with one hand lovingly, a trace of determination crossed her face, no matter what, she must keep him.

With a crisp unlocking sound, Su Miaomiao saw Su Jue's fragile figure and ran over immediately.

"I'm much better now." Seeing that Miaomiao was so flustered, Su Jue reluctantly said to her, pulling the corners of her mouth, but her face turned much paler.

"Can you stand up now?" Su Miaomiao felt that her condition was very bad and wanted to help her downstairs.

"Yes." The two of them said slowly going down the stairs, just as the sound of the ambulance sounded from far to near.

Then the two of them got into the ambulance and rushed to the hospital. Su Jue was in a cold sweat all the way.

After they arrived at the hospital, Su Jue was pushed straight into the operating room.

And Su Miaomiao, who was just a little free here, realized that Su Jue's situation was a little serious, and she had to tell Ji Feng the situation here.

But Su Miaomiao made several calls in a row, and the other party was all turned off. At this moment, Ji Feng had been on the plane for half an hour, and the phone was naturally turned off.

Seeing that Ji Feng's phone couldn't get through, Su Miaomiao suddenly felt upset.

After that, she simply stopped calling, but waited anxiously for news from Su Jue at the door of the operating room.

Why is Ji Feng so reliable on weekdays, why does it become like this at a critical moment?

Su Miaomiao suddenly became angry when he thought of it here. When Ji Feng came back, he must question Ji Feng well.

Soon Su Jue was pushed out by the doctors. Su Miaomiao quickly stood up and asked, "Doctor, how is my sister?"

"The patient just moved a little fetal gas, and now it's all right, but remember, you can't let him have any mood swings later, otherwise the patient will suffer some hardships when she gives birth." The doctor quickly instructed write.

After hearing this, Su Miaomiao felt relieved.

And Ji Feng here was shocked when he got off the plane.

However, in this trance, the mobile phone he had just turned on suddenly fell to the ground, and it fell to pieces in an instant.

Seeing this scene, Senior Lian stepped forward and said helplessly, "Why can't you even hold a cell phone? You buy a new cell phone, and I'll upgrade it with a spell. By then, the cell phone will not be broken. body."

"And the mobile phone that has been upgraded by my hand, whether you are in any enchantment or someone else's small secret realm, can also guarantee that your mobile phone also has a signal."

Hearing this, Ji Feng immediately swept away the uneasiness just now, "Okay, thank you Senior Lian, I will buy a mobile phone after I leave the airport later."

Then the first thing the three of them did when they left the airport was to go straight to the mobile phone store and quickly buy a new mobile phone.

When Ji Feng inserted the card into the phone, the call records that Su Miaomiao had made before disappeared instantly.

Because of this, Ji Feng naturally didn't know what just happened on Su Jue's side.

Senior Lian took the initiative to upgrade Ji Feng's mobile phone, and then Senior Lian threw the phone heavily on the ground, but the phone was unscathed, and it still remained in its original state.

Ji Feng, who saw this scene, was shocked.

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