Chapter 19 I am not feudal ([-] more for subscription)

Gao Yuanyuan's father walked out of the kitchen and sat down in front of the sofa: "His eyes lit up when he saw so many things on the sofa! Giving gifts is a very particular thing. Generally, it's polite to bring one to your door, but it's not like a gift. Today, Ye Fan is like this, there is only one possibility for taking so many things! That is the boyfriend and girlfriend, the first time they come to the door! Nodding with satisfaction, Father Gao looked at Ye Fan and asked, "Xiao Fan, how has the company been recently? Sample"

"Alright, I made some money!"

Ye Fan replied with a smile.

"That's good, I have a good relationship with Yuanyuan recently"

Father Gao said with some knowledge.

Ye Fan looked at Gao Yuanyuan, then looked at Xian Gao's father, and said, "Do you think I dare to say it?"

Father Gao looked at Gao Yuanyuan and immediately said, "That..., Yuanyuan, go to the kitchen to help your mother, it's very tiring to cook alone, yes!"

"Don't go, wasn't this your job before? Now how can you let me go?"

Kogenhara refused.

"If you want to go, go, I want to chat with Xiaofan, you are here, Xiaofan can't let go!"

Grandfather said.

"If there is something you can't let go of, if you have something to say, just say it directly, it's okay, I just listen and don't say a word!"

Highland said.

"No, you'd better go and help your mother. You're so old that you don't know how to feel sorry for your mother. Go!"

Grandfather said.

Gao Yuanyuan didn't listen to her father, she knew that as long as she left here, the two of them didn't know what to talk about! She had to listen to prevent Ye Fan from chaotic.

"That's your wife, you don't even know how distressed you are, and you still want me not to go!"

Gao Yuanyuan said with a serious face.

Father Gao is helpless, he has nothing to do with himself! He was used to it since he was a child, and now he doesn't listen to anything he says! "Okay, then we won't chat, look!"

Father Gao compromised! "You're not going to help my mother either"

Highland asked.

"Just now your mother disliked me for being clumsy. I don't need my help, I'll just watch TV!"

Grandfather said.

"All right!"

Gao Yuanyuan agreed, and then the three of them sat on the sofa together and watched TV.

An hour later, Gao's mother made the meal, and told the three of them that they could cook.

This time, Gao Yuanyuan took the initiative to help serve the dishes.

Father Gao, who was still sitting on the sofa, said to Ye Fan, "Xiaofan, really took Yuanyuan down"

"What kind of thing are you talking about I didn't do anything out of the ordinary!"

Ye Fan didn't dare to make this joke. Although he was very familiar with Gao Yuanyuan's parents, he still had to pay attention to some things.

"Xiaofan, uncle is not an old feudalist, you can say anything, I'm just looking at the old man in the park holding his grandson and I'm greedy, when will my daughter give me a grandson, I can't wait! "

Grandfather said.

"I'm not alone in this matter. You have to ask your daughter. I can't use force."

Evan said.

"Understood, I know what it means, let's eat first!"

When Father Gao heard what Ye Fan said, he knew that Ye Fan was fine. He knew that it was enough to do a good job in the ideological work of the plateau! Moreover, as his wife said, it was very important to keep Ye Fan at home tonight. It's important, you must leave Ye Fan! Ye Fan nodded and followed Gao's father to the dining table! The dining table was full of dishes, very rich!!,

Chapter One Thousand and Twenty Good Uncle (20 more for subscription)

Moreover, many of them are Ye Fan's favorite dishes! Gao's mother put all the dishes on the table, wiped her hands with a scarf, and said, "Xiao Fan, it's all your favorite food, eat more!"

"Okay, thank you auntie!"

Evan said.

"Such a good dish, if there is no wine, it's a bit of a waste, daughter-in-law, can I drink some tonight?"

Father Gao took a peek at his daughter-in-law.

Seeing the smile on her face, Goff found the moment and said.

Mother Gao pretended to think for a moment, and then said, "Today is New Year's Eve, let's have a drink. Besides, Xiaofan is also here, I will make an exception for you and Xiaofan to have a drink!"

"Okay, I'll go get a drink now!"

Gao's father agreed, then went to the study and went to get the wine! Gaoyuan's parents were willing to let Ye Fan drink, but Gaoyuan was unwilling to come! She and Ye Fan drove over together, drinking and not driving, driving and not drinking She still knows this truth! Hearing that her mother asked Ye Fan to drink with her, she hurriedly refused, "Mom, Ye Fan can't drink, he will go home later, he can't drive after drinking!"

"Then don't go back, it's not that there is no room at home, just stay at home!"

Grandma said.

"Then how can we celebrate the New Year? How can Ye Fan be at our house? No, no, he still has to go home!"

Kogenhara hurriedly waved his hand to reject the proposal.

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