Looking at the content of the comments on Weibo, Ye Fan thought about it, and replied in the fan's comment: "It's called an idol drama!"

Fans saw Ye Fan's reply, and inexplicably felt that it was very vivid to use this word to describe "Slightly Smile Very Alluring".

Ye Fan just replied, but he didn't expect that the news that night was all about 'idol drama'.

From this moment on, idol drama has become a new genre.

"A Slight Smile is Very Alluring" is still on: during the hit broadcast, the ratings of Qingju TV Station still broke five or five in the evening! Once the ratings broke five or five, it would prove that the show has become a hit with the whole network.

The ratings say it all.

At this time, the voice on the Internet is getting stronger and stronger.

"Look at Director Ye's TV series, it's so good-looking, I'm watching "Swallowing Mountains and Rivers", what the heck!"

"The same TV station, how can it be so big?"

"To be reasonable, "Swallowing Mountains and Rivers" should be played by a tough guy, not a child."

"It's still not good for a director, look at our Director Ye, this is called a director!"

"Director Ye is not only a director, but also a screenwriter and an actor."

"A screenwriter who can't be an actor is not a good director!"

"God Review of the Year"


The praise rate of the drama "A Smile is Very Alluring" has reached 98% so far.

No one could have imagined that such achievements could be achieved.

Xiao Wang, who was responsible for the acquisition of the film by Mango Satellite TV, spent a lot of money in Taiwan for the acquisition of "Swallowing Mountains and Rivers".

But he thinks it's worth spending the money, after all, the cast is very luxurious, and Wang Junkai plays the leading role.

As a result, after the release, the ratings were bleak, and even three did not break through.

After getting this result, Xiao Wang was directly arranged to be retired to the logistics department.

This result, Xiao Wang said nothing.

In fact, if Qingju TV did not broadcast "Smiling, Very Alluring", Xiao Wang would at most be scolded by the leaders.

But just because Qingju TV station broadcast "A Smile is Very Alluring", and it exploded.

The ratings of the two TV stations have risen and fallen, which has made Qingju TV and Mango TV on an equal footing, and the resources of the main station are tilted towards Qingju TV.

This is the main reason that led Xiao Wang to be assigned to the logistics department. Xiao Wang has a hard time in his heart, but he can't tell that some people have been demoted several times because of this drama, and some people are very happy because of this drama.

At this time, Zheng Xun's agent's mobile phone was about to explode.

All kinds of advertising endorsements flocked.

I've been busy with Zheng Xun's agent these days.

Because of Zheng Xun's speech, Bei Weiwei, the female protagonist of "A Smile Is Very Alluring".

When the drama was on fire, Zheng Xun naturally became popular.

For Zheng Xun this time, the explosion of the whole network is different from before.

In the past, no matter how popular Zheng Xun was, she was not happy, because she did not like the TV series she acted in.

But this time is different. After working with Ye Fan this time, she not only felt very happy, but also became popular on the Internet. This kind of life is what she yearns for.

Thinking of this, the image of Zhao Liying saying that she left the company in order to go to Ye Fan's studio appeared in Zheng Xun's mind.

Since Zhao Liying can do it, can I also? My contract is about to expire in a week.

And this time I met Ye Fan, and let me know what it means to be in love with a long time.

Zheng Xun turned his mind.

She is not satisfied with Ye Fan as a couple in the TV series now, she hopes to take a substantial step with Ye Fan in real life, she is attracted by the ability shown by Ye Fan.

"Then the first step is to attend Ye Fan's studio!"

Zheng Xun murmured in a low voice, a firm look appeared in his eyes.

Then he took out his mobile phone and sent a WeChat message to Ye Fan.

"One week later, my contract expires. What conditions do I need to participate in your studio? I want to participate."

After sending it, Zheng Xun felt a little nervous in his heart, staring at the phone all the time: look, waiting for Ye Fan's reply.

After waiting for ten minutes, Zheng Xun didn't get a reply, which made her think that Ye Fan might be in trouble.

Or forget it, thinking about it in my heart, I was about to send Ye Fan another WeChat, and the words were all edited.

"Actually, I was just joking with you."

Just as he was about to click send, the phone buzzed twice, and then saw the message from Ye Fan.

"There are currently no requirements, you are welcome to join."

"Ha ha!"

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