"I said I didn't watch the show."

"Director Zhang Desheng is absolutely invincible."

"I advise everyone to watch Director Zhang's play."

"Director Ye's drama is really good and worth watching."

"Director Ye's drama is called a real Anti-Japanese War drama!"

"I think you are the sailors who were invited by him to whitewash them."


Looking at the various comments, Wang Xiaoyi posted another Weibo.

"I recommend everyone to watch Director Ye's drama, which perfectly interprets the Anti-Japanese War drama."

"Is the perfect interpretation as good as you say?"

"Why do you look more and more like a navy"

"It must be the navy!"

"Then brothers, do you spray directly or take the form?"



There are still a lot of black fans attacking Ye Fan's Weibo, and Wang Xiaoyi is still posting Weibo to help Ye Fan, more and more people are following Wang Xiaoyi's Weibo.

"I watched Director Ye's new drama today! It's amazing, I didn't expect Director Ye to actually export the Anti-Japanese War drama!"

"This drama made me meet Director Ye again, it's really amazing!"

"It is magnificent, and the portrayal of the mission image in the play is very interesting."

"Director Ye is really talented!"


Under Ye Fan's Weibo, more and more people support Ye Fan.

Although more and more people support Ye Fan, there are still a lot of black fans.

"Stop pretending!"

"This kind of director's play is not worth watching!"

"I'll take a look tomorrow to see if it's what you said!"

"Yes, go see his play tomorrow, and you'll know if they're a navy!"

The black fans didn't believe that Ye Fan could export any good drama, so they decided to wait until "Bright Sword" aired again and personally identify it!

Chapter 3 The ratings are out! (5/[-] for subscription)

After the premiere, Ye Fan and Zhang Desheng's new dramas show a clear contrast.

On the first day, the ratings of Zhang Desheng's new drama reached 2.

9, while Ye Fan's new drama has an audience rating of 1.

0 just broke five, one.

The news spread quickly online the next day.

"Haha, look at Ye Fan's new drama, the ratings are only 1, it's really poor."

"I can't even imagine what the show will be like."

"I decided to go see it tonight, how ugly his drama is!"

"Interesting, I'm going to have a look tonight."

"Who knows which TV station Ye Fan's drama was shown on?"

"Green Orange TV!"


The audience wants to watch Ye Fan's new drama out of the mentality of wanting to see Ye Fan's jokes

"Director Zhang, do you now know how bad the TV series you bought is?"

"Have you seen the ratings?"

Looking at Zhang Honggang, Li Shulin said unceremoniously.

And listening to Li Shulin's words, Zhang Honggang did not respond, after all, the facts were in front of him.

"Last time Ye Fan's drama Nengsheng had such good ratings, it was because of the theme, because it was a youth campus idol drama."

"As a result, the second anti-war drama came out, and you bought it without thinking about it."

"That's how you became the headmaster"

Li Shulin's reasoning is not forgiving. In his opinion, Zhang Honggang is about to step down anyway.

Now he considers himself to be the headmaster.

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