There were many discussions among the station directors present.

"Okay, everyone be quiet."

The head of the station opened his mouth, and the corner of his eye swept over Zhang Honggang.

"I believe everyone knows that "Bright Sword" is now being broadcast on Green Orange TV station under the banner of Mango Satellite TV! The director of this show is Ye Fan, who was the... traffic star some time ago!"

As soon as the chief station chief finished speaking, there was a commotion among the station chiefs present.

"Looks like Zhang Taichang is hanging!"

"The director's intention is very obvious!"

"Deputy Director Li has actually made the Chief Director straight."

"There's a good show to watch."


The headmasters pricked up their ears one after another, with a gloating expression on their faces.

"It is said that the ratings of this drama only reached 1 on the first day, what kind of drama is this?"

The headmaster spoke again.

"The ratings are only 1.

0 "

"This can only be said to be a bottom drama on this subject!"

"Well, the ratings are indeed a bit pitiful."

"It is estimated that 1.

0 ratings, or because the director was pushed to the top of the fishing reel."

"If it's what you said, then this show isn't a bad show."

"That's about it"


Listening to the discussions of the station directors, Zhang Honggang did not open his mouth to refute.

Last night, he really saw Ye Fan's drama, and the reception rate was on the rise.

It's definitely another hilarious TV show.

It's just that what Zhang Honggang got was first-hand data, and the director of the station didn't know it yet.

The data of each station will be reported to the main station in the next morning, so that the main station can collect data and make analysis.

"After all of the above, I now think that you no longer have the ability to be the director."

The commander-in-chief said.

After seeing the aggregated ratings of each station, the head of the station made such a decision.

"Is it that serious?"

"To be dismissed immediately"

"Removal should not be possible, at most demotion."

"If Lao Zhang is demoted at this age, he will never be able to get promoted again in his lifetime."

"This is something that can't be helped. After all, rules are rules."


The station directors present had different opinions. Some people thought that this matter was handled seriously, and some people thought that things should be done according to the rules.

At this time, Zhang Honggang, the party involved, opened his mouth and said, "Director, this is going to remove me from my post."


The old master responded.

Standing beside the old station director, Li Shulin looked at the scene in front of him with indescribable joy in his heart.

The situation in front of him is clear, the old station director is determined to dismiss Zhang Honggang.

With this thought in mind, Li Shulinjing waited for a promotion and a salary increase.

"Why did you dismiss me and I didn't do anything wrong!"

Zhang Honggang did not admit that there was anything wrong with buying the show.

"Old Zhang, calm down and see who you are talking to!"

"You bought that drama, the ratings are so dismal, you haven't done anything wrong"

"I also don't think you're fit to be the director right now."

"You can't keep buying this director just because a drama is popular. Can you guarantee that he will always be popular?"

"Old Zhang calm down."

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