
Chapter 3: Mother Yang's Thoughts (5/[-] for subscription)

"Tomorrow I will discuss this with my parents."

If it goes on like this, I can't stand it anymore, I can't make up for it like this.

With this in mind, Ye Fan said.

"Do you really have the confidence to make a good drama?"

The main drama is a very challenging drama in the TV drama category.

The main reason is that it involves layers, which is different from other dramas.

I was worried that Ye Fan made such a decision in order to spare his parents.

Hey, but my mom and dad are here now, and it's not a good thing for Ye Fan. Who can bear this kind of eating? Thinking like this, Yang Mi's face is complicated.

"Do not worry."

Ye Fan responded.

Hearing Ye Fan's response, Yang Mi nodded and agreed first.

Then I saw Ye Fan's reaction again.

"Well, let's take care of you first."

Yang Mi said half of her words and pointed her finger at Ye Fan, the meaning is self-evident.

"Go take a shower."


Yang Mi agreed, and the two entered the bathroom one after another.

There was a normal sound of water in the bathroom at first, and then the sound became silent all night, and the next morning.

Just like yesterday, Ye Fan got up early and went out for a morning run. When he got home, he saw Yang's mother sitting on the sofa, watching TV.

The difference is that at this time Yang Mi was already sitting beside Yang's mother.

"came back."

Yang Mi said hello.


Ye Fan responded.

Then the two looked at each other and nodded, Yang Mi said, "Mom, let's discuss something with you."

"What's up"

Mother Yang looked at the TV and subconsciously asked.

While Yang Mi was talking, Ye Fan was already sitting on the sofa.

"We really don't want children now, so in order to find something for you and my dad to do, Ye Fan decided to make a TV series for the two of you, how about it?"

"It's the type of TV show you like."

Hearing Yang Mi's words, Yang's mother was obviously stunned.

I didn't want to give birth to a baby and make a TV series for the two of us. The two of them didn't wake up. Thinking like this, Mother Yang said: "Don't be funny, you have time to think about this, why don't you have a baby as soon as possible, so that I can have a baby? Peace of mind with your dad."

After speaking, Mother Yang continued to watch the TV in front of her.

Seeing this, Yang Mi spoke again.

"Mom, I didn't tell you that Ye Fan is a director. Don't you like to watch anti-corruption and anti-corruption TV series, then let him direct one for you, so you can watch it with my dad"

Hearing Yang Mi's words, Mother Yang shook her head and said, "I know Xiaofan is a director, but Xiaofan is so young now, how much does he know about this kind of drama?"

"There are so many big directors in the family who don't have a good grasp of this kind of TV series, let alone such a child."

Obviously, Mother Yang did not recognize Ye Fan's strength.

At this time, Father Yang came out of the room, sat on the sofa, and listened to Yang Mi.

Hearing Mother Yang's words, Yang Mi spoke again.

"Ye Fan has made three TV series, and each of them has been well received by the audience."

"Old Yang, what do you think?"

Hearing Yang Mi's question, Mother Yang said.

"I don't even know what happened, how can I see it."

Asked by Mother Yang, Father Yang said.

"They said that they don't want children now, so they asked Ye Fan to export an anti-corruption and anti-corruption TV series and show it to us. You will know what happens next."

Mother Yang explained it briefly.

After Father Yang heard it, he pondered and said.

"Well, I think it's ok. You can tell us the start date and the broadcasting station when the time comes."

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