"The content of the audition you want to play is one of the protagonists of this play. The milkman from the background is a milkman. In the process of going to ask for debts, he needs to take a plane, but he took the plane for the first time. Four bottles of milk, all in large bottles, and now the plane is about to take off, you need to drink all the four bottles of milk."

"One minute into the play, let's get started."

After talking about setting the scene, Ye Fan said.

"it is good."

Hearing Ye Fan's words, Wang Zheng closed his eyes, recalled the plot set by Ye Fan just now, and let himself gradually enter the role.

In half a minute, Wang Zheng opened his eyes and made the movement of the milk bottle with his left hand.

This is an unreal performance.

Since Ye Fan just said that it was a large bottle, when Wang was performing, he deliberately held up the bottle with both hands.

Very detailed.

Ye Fan nodded when he saw this.

This person Ye Fan has noticed many times, and he has a humorous and funny cell in him, but it has never been discovered.

Wang Zheng's performance continued, at this time he had finished drinking the second bottle of milk, when he picked up the third bottle of milk, there was a slight pause.


Ye Fan opened his mouth and stopped his performance.

Hearing Ye Fan's words, Wang Zheng hurriedly walked out of the character. Hearing Ye Fan's voice, he was a little flustered and said, "Director Ye, I didn't play well just now, you give me another chance."

"Don't continue acting."

Ye Fan responded.

"All right."

Hearing Ye Fan's response, Wang Zheng was a little discouraged.

It was hard for me to be spotted by a well-known director, but I didn't seize the opportunity! This kind of opportunity is impossible to come by!! Thinking like this, Wang Zhengchong and Ye Fan bowed 4 times and prepared to leave the audition room.

Chapter 3 Startup (5/[-] for subscription)

"You've passed, this is the full script, go home and study your character carefully!"

After speaking, Ye Fan looked at the other three 3.

Zhao Liying three people nodded at the same time, approving Wang Zheng's performance.

It is already the level of a first-line star to be able to achieve this level of non-physical performance.

"Director Ye, this actor can do it!"

"I don't know where you saw it!"

"Director Ye, you are good at digging out talents!"

Three people made their own evaluations.

"Ah! Well, I see."

Hearing Ye Fan's words, Wang Zheng didn't react for a while.

"Okay, let's go, and by the way, ask Xu Qiang to come in for the audition."

After seeing Wang Zheng taking the script off the table, Wang Huahua said.


After speaking, he took the script and walked out of the audition room.

"I'm kind of looking forward to what these actors do next!"

"I really want to see if the actors that Director Ye is looking for have the acting skills of first-line stars."

"I don't think so."

The three of them were talking, and they had different opinions.

At this time, Xu Qiang walked into the audition room and greeted the four of them.

"Hello, Director Ye, everyone."

Hearing Xu Qiang's words, Ye Fan nodded and said, "The content of your audition is one of the protagonists in the play."

The protagonist! It turns out to be one of the protagonists! Come on! Xu Qiang encouraged himself in his heart.

"The background of the character is the owner of a toy factory. He wants to go home for the Chinese New Year. After several twists and turns, he got on the bus and fell asleep. already."

"One minute into the play, let's get started."

"it is good."

Xu Qiang responded with no change in his expression.

After a while.

Xu Qiang sat on a stool that had been prepared a long time ago, which served as the seat of the bus.

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