"Director Xiao, Ye Fan's film has been completed, and now we are looking for theaters to prepare it for release."

"It's waiting for you."

While speaking, Xiao Tian's eyes were filled with excitement.

Xiao Tian is not hostile to Ye Fan, he just has a personality, and when he encounters interesting things, he will become a little paranoid.

For example, this time, he wanted to put Ye Fan's partner together with Ye Fan's, just to let Ye Fan know that the film wasn't made by everyone.

"It's been a week since we finished this film, you see."

Xiao Tian's assistant said.

They ended as early as two weeks ago, they should have been released a week ago, but Xiao Tian deliberately delayed a week in order to make his movie and Ye Fan's line up.

"This time you can go to the theater, and our movies must be shown in prime time!"

"At the same time release news online."

At the same time when the film was completed, Xiao Tian did not promote it on the Internet, because he was just waiting for this moment.

"Okay, then I'll get in touch, Director Xiao."

Hearing Xiao Tian's words, the assistant responded.

"Let you see what a movie is!"

After the assistant went out, he first sent a message using their company's official WeChat account.

"Director Xiao's new film is completed and will be released in major theaters soon!"

With the release of this news, relevant information such as the name and genre of Xiao Tianxin's film was released together.

After the news was posted online, it caused an uproar, and viewers responded by commenting on the Weibo.

"Director Xiao Tian has released a new movie"

"Looks like I've seen a movie recently!"


"Great production!!"

"The movie is called "The Age of Technology"? Just hearing the name makes me feel that the special effects are full."

"Looking forward, when will the schedule be set?"


The audience's attention to Xiao Tian's film is very high.

At this time, directors in the film industry all found out why Xiao Tian wanted to release a movie in the near future.

"What do I say, Xiao Tian will definitely be with this TV drama director named Ye Fan."

"Haha, this director named Ye Fan is going to be out of luck. What Xiao Tian is best at is science fiction."

"And the special effects of science fiction films are very attractive. Even if the plot is not good, it can make up a lot."

"It's still Xiao Tian who is amazing. I just heard that it took a week for him to release his voice under the pressure of this movie."

"Xiao Tian is going to give this new director a slap in the face!"

"There's a good show to watch!"


Although there is no specific set date, Xiao Tian's behavior is already very obvious, plus everyone's understanding of Xiao Tian's character, so you can see the clues at a glance.

Although they didn't say much, they all thought that Ye Fan would lose.

Because of the gap between TV drama directors and film directors, it's not a star and a half.

There is no comparison at all between movies derived by TV drama directors and movies derived by movie directors.

It is not only the directors of the film industry who are paying attention to this, but the news media are also paying attention to this matter.

In the first time, they replaced their own news headlines and finished.

"Shocked, director Xiao Tian and director Ye Fan's schedules may collide."

"If the films of director Xiao Tian and director Ye Fan are released at the same time, who will you choose to watch!"

"Director Xiao Tian arranged the movie schedule with that of Director Ye Fan, is it intentional or unintentional?"

"Intense! Seven or eight in the new popular director rankings, the battle between the names!"


In order to attract people's attention, news headlines make news headlines very exaggerated.

Under their description, the simultaneous release of the movie between Ye Fan and Xiao Tian turned into a battle between the two.

But for this kind of headline news, neither of them care how they describe it, they only care about the results.

After a busy day, Wang Huahua returned to the Pearl Tower and reported to Ye Fan.

"Director Ye, a total of 102 movie theaters in China have agreed to show our movie!"

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