Ye Fan was stunned for a moment when he heard the words of the four of them, and then quickly reacted.

After pondering for a moment, he spoke.


Seeing this, the 4 people present all spoke up and expressed their opinions.

"It's better to call it [Fan], how about this one word."

"Fan film and television is a bit awkward to read."

"Why don't you call it [Yu Fan]"

"This sounds a little more straightforward."

Hearing the opinions of the four of them, Ye Fan couldn't talk, so he could only watch from the side.

To be honest, naming things is really not his forte.

After a while, after a heated discussion, the four of them finally reached a consensus and felt that [Yu Fan] was suitable.

"Okay, then our company is called [Yu Fan] Film and Television."


Chapter 2 Back to the light and back to the light? (5/[-] for subscription)

Now that the company name has been decided, Ye Fan left the account opening and other scattered matters to the other four 4.

For these things, Ye Fan is too lazy to deal with it, he might as well think about the content of the next movie if he has time.

Just when Ye Fan's company was making hot progress, good news came from the theater chain again.

The audience rate of "People Are Embarrassed: The Journey", which has been screened for two weeks, is showing a downward trend, from [-]% to [-]%.

Cinemas around the world are seeing the gradual decline in attendance and are preparing to close additional theaters.

But they suddenly discovered that the attendance rate of "People Are Embarrassed: The Journey" actually began to rise again, and it was rising in a straight line, just like returning to the light.

You know, after a movie is released for two weeks, no matter how popular it is, the attendance rate will show a downward trend, because audiences cannot watch the same movie every day.

When such a situation occurs, the theater owners are naturally very happy.

But while they are happy, they are also looking for the reasons for such incidents.

In the end, after two days of searching, they found the root cause of this situation.

Because now it has entered the summer vacation stage, the students of the school are all at home, and the fundamental reason for the attendance rate is that the students have entered the theater one after another.

Faced with this situation, the news media aimed the microphone at the students this time.

"Excuse me, what do you think after reading "People Are Embarrassed: The Embarrassing Way""

“Beautiful and super funny!”

"Watching a film of "People Are Embarrassed: The Embarrassing Journey" is the right way to start the summer vacation."

"I hope to see this director's work before school starts."

"This director's film is really good!"


The students' evaluation of Ye Fan was very high.

After these interviews were exposed online, directors in the film industry expressed their opinions one after another.

"Director Ye Fan is very lucky, just in time for this."

"Catch up with the summer wave, another wave of box office revenue!"

"Although they have all caught up with the summer vacation, "Technology Times" has no momentum of returning to the light."

"It seems that quality is the most important thing. If the quality is not good, it is useless to catch up with anything."

"Xiao Tian is firmly planted this time!"


Directors in the director's circle once again saw the quality and influence of Ye Fan's play.

At the same time, all the formalities of Yufan Film and Television Company have been completed.

"Director Ye, let's hold a ribbon-cutting ceremony for the company while "People Are Embarrassed: The Journey" is booming."

"This can also improve our film and television company!"

"In addition to the free publicity of the news media, it should be very soon, and the industry will know our existence."

"Yes, this opportunity is rare."

Four people 4 gathered in Ye Fan's room again to discuss whether to hold a ribbon-cutting ceremony.

Hearing the words of the four of them, Ye Fan groaned and said.

"Okay, then do it!"

Since everyone suggested Ye Fan to hold this ribbon-cutting ceremony, Ye Fan was not easy to shirk.

"Then since we have to do it, we have to find someone to join us."

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