But no way, that's the nature of his work.

Clicking on the newly received email, Li Qiang saw a script called "Langya Bang".

After half a month of tempering, he has given up hope for submission.

But if someone submits it, he has to read it.

After saving the compressed package locally, after unlocking it, Li Qiang couldn't help raising his eyebrows when he saw the official directory information and introduction.

It's quite formal, but if you don't know the content, it's easy to see.

With this thought in mind, Li Qiang began to open the script and watch it.

"The tragic battlefield, the bloody shirt, the scarred back of my father, Xiaoshu, live on, for the Red Flame Army, live on"

"Mei Changsu woke up again from the terrible news of the bloody battle in Meiling twelve years ago"

Looking at the content of the story, Liu Qiang's eyes with dark circles brightened instantly.

The setting at the beginning is OK, very eye-catching! With this in mind, Liu Qiang continued to watch.

After half an hour.

Liu Qiang browsed the script thoroughly, and after reading it, the shock in his eyes was hard to add.

Among the manuscripts he has read in the past two weeks, there is only this script, which makes people want to see the finished product after it is made into a TV series.

"It's him!"

Liu Qiang said a little excitedly.

As long as the show can pass the chairman's nod, then his days like this will come to an end, and he doesn't have to sit in front of the computer every day to read the draft.

With this in mind, Liu Qiang printed out the script, sorted it out, and was about to get up and go to the president's office.

"What are these things? Can this thing be made into a TV series? You don't even have the most basic judgment ability."

A screeching sound came from the president's office.

Hearing this voice, Liu Qiang couldn't help swallowing, then sat back at the desk and put the finished script on the table.

In the past half month, there have been constant scolding from the president's office.

Liu Qiang has also been scolded twice, and now he can't believe his judgment.

"Just wait and talk."

Liu Qiang said to himself.

Bang! The door rang, and the trade union president came out of the office, looked at the employees present, and said.

"I don't want to see anything like this anymore."

Holding the script in his hand, the president's face was a little helpless.

In half a month, I couldn't find a decent script. No wonder the historical plot drama is blank! The president thought this way and couldn't help but speak again.

"Bring me some high-quality things in the future, don't give me everything, don't think I don't know your little thoughts!"

"Minister Li will come to the union at any time to check the progress! It's better to set the script before Minister Li comes!"

Hearing the president's words, Liu Qiang strengthened his thoughts even more

Chapter 4 The unicorn genius, you can get the world (5/[-] for subscription)

7pm: 0:[-], TV drama union.

Just because I haven't found a decent historical plot script for half a month, so starting from today, the president decides everyone to work overtime for three hours3.

Overtime will not be cancelled until a suitable script is found.

Hearing this news, Liu Qiang's whole person is not well.

He immediately took the script and walked towards the president's office.

After a while, Liu Qiang came to the president's office, put the script on the table, and said.

"President, I think this script should meet the conditions for this call for papers."

"Well, I see, you can put it there."

After speaking, the president waved to Liu Qiang.

"Aren't you going to look?"

Liu Qiang put the script on the chairman's desk and said.

"I won't watch it for now. Minister Li will be here soon. I don't have time to watch it right now. Well, you can go back to work first."


Hearing the president's words, Liu Qiang responded and exited the president's office.

Unexpectedly, the chairman just said in the afternoon that Minister Li will come to check at any time, and people will come at night.

Hey, it seems that not only will I have to work overtime today, but I will also be scolded.

With this in mind, Li Qiang sat back at his desk and continued to look at the submissions in the mailbox.

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