"Well, it's beautiful, it's so beautiful."

Hearing his girlfriend's words, Zhao Xiaoqing responded subconsciously.

"Look, let me just say it, Director Ye's film will definitely not disappoint!"

Hearing his girlfriend's words, Zhao Xiaoqing reacted and found himself caught in the law of true fragrance, which was a bit embarrassing!

Chapter 4 Let's go to open a room (5/[-] for subscription)

At this moment, the lights in the theater came on, and the audience walked out of the theater one after another.

Although Zhao Xiaoqing felt a little embarrassed, but soon, there was no such thought in his heart.

This movie is really good, I just admit it.

Not only did I admit it, but I also wanted to promote the show among our movie friends! Thinking like this, Zhao Xiaoqing took his girlfriend's hand and the two walked out together.

While the two were walking out, they could also hear the voices of the surrounding audience.

"How good is this film to see the explosion!"

"The shock is more than shock, this film is so handsome, really!"

"This film is full of high energy, and there are no special effects for fifty cents, conscience!!"

"So handsome, the homeless in this film is so handsome."

"I think the mechanical monsters in this film are very handsome, but of course the most handsome is the wanderer!"

"I didn't watch this movie in vain, it's so cool, I haven't reacted to it yet!"


The audience walked towards the ticket gate amid the chatter.

But all the audience who came out of the movie hall were full of satisfaction.

"Dear audience, everyone, after the decision of our boss, would you like everyone to help us fill out a questionnaire?"

"The content of this questionnaire is about your comments after watching this film."

Walking in the corridor, the audience heard the staff's words and nodded in agreement one after another.

"You can evaluate it after reading it, and I really want to evaluate it!"

"Not much to say, the praise is over!"

"Come on, send out the questionnaire."

"Such a wonderful film, must be praised!"


Hearing the audience's response, the staff spoke up.

"Please line up and go out one by one. There are many questionnaires, and everyone can participate."

After speaking, he distributed the questionnaire in his hand to the first audience who came out.

The questionnaire consisted of three 3 questions.

First, are you satisfied after watching this movie? Second, how do you feel about the quality of this movie? Third, below the question, there are ways to judge.

Very satisfied, satisfied, qualified, dissatisfied, very dissatisfied.

A simple questionnaire, the audience filled out one by one in an orderly manner.

In a moment, the audience in the corridor was all done.

The same thing happened in the corridor of the "Age of Thunder" theater, and the questionnaire was filled out for the second time.

I am very impressed with this kind of activity organized by the movie theater. The participation rate is as high as [-]%.

When cooperating with the questionnaire, many viewers also expressed their own questions.

"What's the use of filling in this stuff?"

"Yeah, will we see the statistics?"

"Isn't this event just for you to entertain yourself?"

"Wouldn't it be a waste of time to fill in this?"


A sound of doubt floated into the ears of the theater staff, and after hearing it, the theater staff quickly explained.

"This time, our questionnaire activity will be carried out for one day, and the statistical results will be published on the official website together with the box office at the end, and then everyone can see the statistical results."

The questionnaire activity is a cooperation between Qianhe Media and the cinema, and Liu Chunyu specially discussed it with the cinema.

Not only does he want to beat Ye Fan at the box office, but he also wants to outperform Ye Fan in the audience's factual evaluation on the day of the premiere.

So that he can't look up in the film circle! And the audience doesn't know this.

Hearing the explanation from the staff, the audience nodded in satisfaction and continued to fill in the questionnaires in their hands.

On the other side, Zhao Xiaoqing and his girlfriend completed the questionnaire and walked to the waiting area for watching movies.

"My dear, let me watch "The Age of Thunder" with you."

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