The audience talked a lot. Judging from the data on the bright side, the questionnaire data of "Pacific Rim" is indeed better than that of "Age of Thunder".

But this really doesn't explain anything, it's all the audience's evaluation of the two films, and can't represent the level of box office.

As the audience said, the quality of a movie is judged by the box office.

Only when this film is online can it get a higher box office and get more audiences' love and support.

Industry insiders also agree with this.

Although they just saw it, they were a little surprised when the theater official sent out Weibo.

"I didn't expect 'Pacific Rim' to beat 'Age of Thunder' in the survey results, which is a bit unexpected."

"It's a bit unexpected. To be fair, the film "Age of Thunder" is a real big production. I heard that the various props and post-editing they used during the filming were first-class in the industry. ."

"It's just a questionnaire. It doesn't mean anything. In the end, don't you want to look at the box office earnings of these two dramas?"

"This is, a survey, even if director Ye Fan's film wins in this regard, it does not prove that he can surpass director Sun Wei at the box office."

"That's right, Director Sun Wei's strength is placed there. It's not that ordinary people say that he exceeds it. Otherwise, why would the top six rankings on the new director rankings not change easily."

"The list of new popular directors is not fake, it's a ranking based on real ability."


Although people in the industry were surprised, they woke up after a while.

In their opinion, Ye Fan did have the upper hand in the results of the questionnaire, but this does not mean anything, everything depends on the box office! While the audience was discussing with industry insiders, the news media after seeing the results , successively changed their headlines.

The news media don't care about the ultimate standard for testing a movie, they go step by step.

News headlines are all about catchy headlines.

And in less than half an hour, the two films "Pacific Rim" and "Age of Thunder" will be announced at the first box office, and the headlines of the news media will naturally combine the two things.


Chapter 3 A strong smell of gunpowder! (5/[-] for subscription)

"Shocked, Director Ye Fan overwhelmed Director Sun Wei on the questionnaire results!"

"'Pacific Rim' won by a slight advantage, which clearly reflects the strength of director Ye Fan."

"The Pacific Rim, which was produced at a small cost, turned out to be on the questionnaire, and stabilized "The Age of Thunder"."

"I didn't expect "Age of Thunder" to lose to "Pacific Rim" in the questionnaire results. This result is unexpected."

"The survey results for the two films 'Pacific Rim' and 'Age of Thunder' have just been released, and there is less than half an hour before the box office premiere will emerge."

"Which of the two films is better at the box office at the premiere, and whether "Pacific Rim" can continue to lead"

"Whether the low-cost "Pacific Rim" can be better, or whether the large-scale production "Age of Thunder" can turn defeat into victory, let's wait and see!"

"The most exciting time is coming, let's wait for the last less than half an hour together."

"The two films represent the two directors, and the box office wins and losses of the films also represent the respective strengths of the two directors!"


With the speed at which news headlines spread, the focus of "Pacific Rim" and "Age of Thunder" quickly shifted to the box office debuts.

The audience is very interested in these two films.

"In less than half an hour, the box office results of the premiere will be announced. Let's see how you are still dancing. The film directed by our Sun Wei will definitely win at the box office."

"Only by winning at the box office is the final winner. Of course, a questionnaire can't explain anything."

"Our Director Ye can win even a questionnaire, and still fail at the box office"

"Our Director Ye will win two consecutive victories!"

"Director Ye's film is so wonderful, of course it will win at the box office."

"We'll see the difference soon and see the box office results, what else can you say!"


Audiences who love the two directors have a strong smell of gunpowder in the dialogue in the message area.

The favorite of director Sun Wei believes that he can win the final box office.

That is the final victory, after all, the box office says everything.

And Ye Fan's audience, although they said so, had no idea in their hearts.

They quarreled with Sun Wei's audience in the comment area because they didn't want Ye Fan to lose face on the bright side.

They all know in their hearts that although Ye Fan's film is good-looking, he is [-]% better than Sun Wei in the questionnaire.

But at the box office, Ye Fan is not necessarily better than Sun Wei. Although he knows that Ye Fan may lose at the box office, there is no doubt that the audience loves Ye Fan.

This scene is seen as real in the eyes of industry insiders.

"It seems that Director Ye Fan has many loyal fans.

"Hey, it's a pity that these fans are still there: defending Director Ye Fan, but they say that he will lose in the next box office announcement."

"In terms of production, background, ability, no matter which aspect, Ye Fan is [-]%: The film produced will definitely be better than Sun Wei's [-]%: It will be even better at the box office."

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