Stopping, turning around, Ye Fan asked.

"That... Director Ye, can I join your company and become an artist under your company's name?"

After speaking, Zhao Jiayu was nervous for a while, and did not dare to look up at Ye Fan, but just lowered his head and stared at the ground, waiting for Ye Fan's response.


Chapter 1: Crisp Yang Mi (5/[-] for subscription)

Chapter 2 Box office and word of mouth are handed over to the audience (5/[-] for subscription)

When he woke up, Ye Fan went straight to the company and started the task of film editing.

This film has taken a long time, and it needs to be edited and released in the shortest possible time.

The films shot by Ye Fan have always only required typesetting. The few special effects shots in the film were completed in one morning by Shangshan Company and handed over to Ye Fan.

And Ye Fan's typesetting speed is getting faster and easier, almost no director in this industry can do this.

In the end, it only took Ye Fan three days to complete the production of the film, and to complete the promotional video.

"Come to my office."


After receiving a call from Ye Fan, Wang Huahua responded.

After a while, Wang Huahua came to Ye Fan's office, stood in front of the desk, asked and said.

"Director Ye, you are looking for me"

"Yes, this film has been completed, and you need to complete the next work in terms of publicity and movie theater release."

Ye Fan sent the produced videos and promotional videos to Wang Huahua's mailbox.

"The finished film has been sent to your mailbox."

"Okay, Director Ye, then I'll go right now."

Hearing Ye Fan's voice, Wang Huahua responded.

"Wait a minute: when you go to talk to the studio this time, remember that this film has less than three screenings per day and will not cooperate."

"The number of broadcasts can be equal to three, but one must be in prime time!"

"The release time will be at the end of this month."

"If you can't meet my requirements, we will not cooperate at all, do you understand?"

Ye Fan knew about the film and was rumored by the audience on the Internet.

This is likely to be the reason for the studio owners to suppress the price and the number of shows.

Ye Fan does not allow this situation to occur, so this time he signs a contract with the studio, and he needs to put forward conditions. If such conditions are not met, Ye Fan chooses to choose not to waste.

In the end, the truth will always tell the truth! Ye Fan thought so in his heart.

Hearing Ye Fan's words, Wang Huahua was stunned for a moment.

Ye Dao took the initiative to ask because of the food intake of this film. Is it true that there are some doubts in the comments on the Internet, but Wang Huahua did not say it.

Because she has a good grasp of the quality of Ye Fan's film.

"Okay, I see, two conditions are indispensable."

Nodding, Wang Huahua said.

"Well, let's go."

Hearing Wang Huahua's voice, Ye Fan waved his hand.

Seeing this, Wang Huahua turned to leave Ye Fan's office and walked towards the door.

And after Wang Huahua went out, Ye Fan logged into Yufan's official Weibo and posted a Weibo, which immediately seemed to detonate a bomb on the Internet, attracting many audiences to watch.

"The filming of the film has been completed and is currently negotiating with the theater. Please stay tuned. The expected time is at the end of this month."

In less than ten minutes after the Weibo was posted, the number of comments already exceeded [-].

In the comment area, you can see all kinds of comments, some support Ye Fan, and some are not optimistic about the film's performance, "Director Ye's film is finally going to be released, I will definitely watch it as soon as possible."

"What to watch, what's so good about such a self-created movie genre, and you also create your own movie genre, to put it bluntly, isn't it a thriller?"

"Thriller movies are my favorite, Director Ye, don't worry, I will definitely find good friends to watch this movie together."

"Boring, thriller, what else is there except for the music to be louder and scarier"

"In my opinion, thrillers are the most boring genres, bar none."

"It's still the same sentence, Ye Dingguo's products must be excellent, so there's no need to run away."


Ye Fan took a glance at these comments and took a look.

"It seems that there are still many viewers who are not optimistic."

After simply reading the comments, Ye Fan couldn't help but comment.

"But it doesn't matter. After the movie is released, you will know that this drama has nothing to do with the thriller genre."

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