"Audiences watching "Resident Evil" at 8:2, please go to ticket gate No. [-] and check in now."

At this time, in the cinema, two repeated prompts sounded.

When they heard these two beeps, the audience in the waiting hall lit up, got up from their seats one after another, walked to the ticket gate, and began to line up to check in.

"Calling to start the day has been waiting too long!"

"It's finally about to start, let me relive it again, what a high-quality movie looks like."

"I hope Director Ye won't let me down, I hope Director Ye won't let me down, I hope Director Ye won't let me down, and important things will be said three times!"

"I've been waiting for this film for a long time, and I hope the quality of this film is the same as what I expected."

"It's the same sentence, Ye Deguo's products must be excellent!"


In the process of queuing up to enter the venue, Wang Meng heard the audience's discussion, and a touch of disdain was raised in the corner.

This kind of director who deceives the audience can make a high-quality movie if it is not for the purpose of exposing his true face, even if I pay me back, I will not watch this kind of movie.

With this in mind, Wang Meng checked the tickets and entered the theater, walked into the theater, sat in the position corresponding to her movie tickets, and waited for the movie to start.

At the same time, the audience was entering the venue one after another. After entering the theater, they walked to their seats with excitement.

"It seems that this movie has a lot of gimmicks, and the attendance rate is very high."

Looking at the almost full audience in the movie hall, Wang Meng said.

At this time, the audience was still there: entering the venue, five minutes later, the lights in the theater were turned off, and the big screen turned, and a sign of clover appeared.

This clover representing Yufan Company once again appeared in front of the audience, and below it was the seal of Yufan Company, and then the movie began.

At the beginning of the film, it introduces the background of a company called Umbrella, who, on the surface, are involved in various business areas of the market.

But behind the scenes, they are making a secret experiment, the level of secrecy, even the employees inside their company don't know.

After the introduction of the background, the audience did not speak out, but watched the next plot attentively.

At the same time, after reading the background introduction, Wang Meng had a sneer.

I know that naked eye 3 rendering technology is impossible to produce.

It seems that I can take this thing on the Internet again and drive the audience.

With this thought in mind, Wang Meng showed a satisfied look on her face and continued to watch the next plot.

Then the screen turned, and two spiral-shaped medicine bottles appeared in front of the audience and were taken away by a person wearing a radiation protection suit.

Before taking it, he beat and threw a bottle of blue striped glass on the ground.

With the passage of the ventilation ducts in the room, it can be clearly seen that the inside is flowing.

And in the process of this biochemical virus spreading, people don't take it seriously, thinking it's just a fire drill.

A series of incidents followed, and the employees of the umbrella company panicked.

Because at this time they had no way to get out of the company, and wave after wave of people died.

Seeing this scene, the audience in the theater couldn't help holding their breath.

"Who is the person who took the box away? Isn't he the one who broke the biochemical virus?"

"This man is too scary."

"It seems that the zombie virus is about to break out."

"It's kind of interesting, it's more exciting than "Bearing Forward"."


The audience couldn't help but talk in a low voice.

At the same time, they were a little nervous and continued to watch the movie in front of them.

So far, there has not been a naked eye 3 scene. It seems that this movie will not appear in such a scene.

If you have to die, this is what will happen to you.

As soon as the movie ends, I will post a message to scold you for this behavior on Weibo, and see what you do when the time comes.

With this in mind, Wang Meng continued to watch the movie in front of her.

At this time, the heroine had woken up and was wandering in the room, looking like she had lost her memory.

Suddenly a group of people broke in from the window, and led the heroine into the hive.

At this time, the hostess was dumbfounded, followed them into the hive, and looked around.

"It's really boring, I don't even want to watch it."

Seeing this, Wang Meng murmured in a low voice, wanting to get up and leave.

When the audience around him heard his words, they couldn't help but turn their eyes to him, and after taking a look, they also murmured in a low voice.

"Is this person a black fan, such a wonderful film, he actually said that it is not good-looking"

"Eighty percent of the time, this is normal, there are not a few people in Hei Yefan"

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